Programs Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
  • Minor in Sociology

Sociology is the systematic study of the organization, dynamics and consequences of social life. The scope of the discipline is as broad and diverse as social life itself. The subject matter of sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob, from crime to cults, from the divisions of inequities of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, and class to the beliefs of a common culture, and from work to leisure and sport. The Sociology major at 91ÊÓƵ is designed to give students the ability to analyze the world around them, its people and institutions, from local and particular issues that affect people in Ventura County and the region to national and international questions. The program stresses the mission of 91ÊÓƵ: we value interdisciplinarity and we emphasize the multicultural, global perspective which is the hallmark of Channel Islands programs. Graduates of the Sociology Program will be well-trained in the empirical methodology of the discipline to engage in the systematic study of human social interaction and institutions. The Sociology major will prepare students for further study and for entry into a variety of professional paths.

Careers [top]

A B.A. degree in sociology can lead to career opportunities in law, management, marketing, public relations, journalism, social work, urban and environmental planning, public services, teaching, corrections, counseling, human resources, state and federal employment, and other professions. Sociology graduates are employed in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. Many business, political science, prelaw and other students take sociology as a minor or a second major because of the applicability of sociology to their chosen professions. Graduate study can also lead to careers within the academy doing teaching and research, as well as careers in applied research in social service, public planning, education, mental health, business, and various governmental settings.

Program Learning Outcomes [top]

The Sociology Program at 91ÊÓƵ has stated goals and learning objectives (see http://sociology.csuci.edu/redisign/learningobjectives.htm). The core set of skills that students acquire can be expressed as follows:

  1. Students graduating with a B.A. shall be able to articulate the sociological perspective on human behavior. Students shall be able to describe how sociology is different from and similar to other, related social sciences; apply sociological concepts and principles to a variety of problems; and express the contributions of sociology to understanding social reality.
  2. Students shall be able to articulate the role of theory in building knowledge. They shall be able to understand the major theories, both classical and contemporary, and competing current orientations in the discipline. They shall demonstrate knowledge of the history of their own discipline.
  3. Students will demonstrate solid training in understanding the role of evidence in the social sciences, and the use of both quantitative and qualitative research strategies. This will include demonstrated ability to independently carry out a research project. Students will be able to compare and contrast basic approaches for data collection, and be able to critically assess published studies.
  4. Students shall be able to define, give examples, and demonstrate knowledge of core concepts in sociology and their theoretical relationships.
  5. Through the sociology program, students should clearly understand issues of inequality and difference in the field, especially as manifested by class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, age.
  6. Students will demonstrate study in depth in at least one area of sociology, so that they will be able to summarize basic questions and issues in the area, compare theoretical orientations, summarize current research in the area, and be able to demonstrate understanding of policy implications.
  7. Sociologists demonstrate good critical thinking skills, being able to identify assumptions that underlie theoretical and methodological approaches and orientation.
  8. Students of sociology are global citizens, such that they can articulate the role of sociology in understanding how social facts can differ across cultures, demonstrate how social developments in one part of the globe affect developments in other parts, and so on. Students of sociology are local citizens as well, demonstrating how social facts manifest in their own communities and regions through sociological research and practice.
  9. Finally, students will demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively what they know about sociology, through clear written and oral communication. They should demonstrate preparedness to embark upon a profession related to the field of sociology or to continue study at the graduate level.

Faculty [top]

Elizabeth Hartung
Professor and Chair, Sociology Program
Sage Hall, Room 245

Requirements for the Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Sociology (120 units) [top]

The Sociology Major is a 39 Unit major. Students are encouraged to declare a second major or minor in a related discipline, depending on their interests. em />

Lower Division Requirements (6 units)

SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOC 201 Social Problems in a Service Learning Context (3)

Upper Division Requirements (24 units)

SOC/POLS/PSY 303 Statistical Applications In The Social Sciences (3)
SOC 310 Research Methods In Sociology (3)
SOC/POLS 330 Political Sociology (3)
SOC 350 Stratification And Social Class (3)
SOC 360 Race & Ethnicity (3)
SOC 410 Sociology Of Gender And Sexuality (3)
SOC 420 Sociological Theory (3)
SOC 499 Capstone (3) 

Upper Division Electives (9)

Choose from the following list:

SOC 490 Topics In Sociology (3)
SOC 492 Field Experience In Sociology (1-3)
SOC 494 Independent Study In Sociology (1-3)
ANTH 332 Human Ecology (3)
BIOL 333 Emerging Public Health Issues (3)
ESRM 328 Introduction To Geographic Information Systems (3)
POLS 325 American Public Policy (3)
PSY 312 Social Psychology (3)
PSY 445 Adolescent Development (3)
PSY 457 Criminal Behavior (3) 

Required Supporting, GE Elective Courses (81 units)

American Institutions Requirement (6)
Other GE Courses (45)
Electives (30)

Requirements for the Minor in Sociology (18 units) [top]

Lower-Division Requirements

(including pre-/co-requisites)

SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOC 201 Social Problems in a Service Learning Context (3)

Upper-Division Requirements

(including pre-/co-requisites)

12 Units chosen from among the following (all of these are core requirements for the major):

SOC 310 Research Methods in Sociology (3)
SOC/ 330 Political Sociology (Same as POLS) (3)
SOC 350 Stratification and Social Class (3)
SOC 360 Race, Ethnicity and Power (3)
SOC 410 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality (3)
SOC 420 Sociological Theory (3)
SOC 490 Topics in Sociology (3)

(Repeatable once to count for the minor)

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