
Programs Offered

  • Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential
  • Special Education Teaching Credential Level I
  • Special Education Teaching Credential Level II
  • Master of Arts in Education: Specialization in Principals Leadership
  • Administrative Services Credential
  • Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD Certificate)

The Education Program is devoted to the advancement of teaching and learning. Our image for teacher education begins with a vision for K-12 schools in the 21st century. The transformation from an industrial economy to an information society in the U.S., combined with an increasing emphasis on global issues and technology, demands more highly skilled adults to function effectively in the workforce. Young people who complete their schooling are the most educationally, socially and economically advantaged. They become adults who are lifelong learners and have the basic skills necessary for leading a full and rewarding life in an interdependent society and an information and service driven economy. The power of educators to make the fundamental difference in students' lives makes education the most important social service.

The Education Program builds from the foundation of the undergraduate Liberal Studies option in Teaching and Learning and academic majors in biology, English and mathematics (subject matter programs) and extends to Masters of Arts in Education. Our Education Programs contribute to the teaching profession by producing teachers and school administrators who believe that all students have the ability to achieve high standards, who adapt their teaching to reach all students, and who respect the diversity of all students. Our graduates are reflective about their teaching, their attitudes, and their ability to work in collaborative analytical teams. The Master of Arts in Education program focuses on Principals Leadership and also leads to the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.

All credential programs have been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Students who are hired by local public schools on emergency credentials may be eligible for an internship program. Contact the credential advisor or program chair for an internship application.

Program Learning Outcomes [top]

  • Students can teach all subjects in their area of specialty.
  • Students are able to teach children with English as first or second language.
  • Students understand and relate to diversity of languages and cultures in and among children and families.
  • Students can meet the diverse needs of all students including those with special needs.
  • Students are reflective and deliberative practitioners.
  • Students link content and pedagogy.
  • Students actively engage children in their learning.
  • Students integrate research, theory, and best educational practice into their teaching.

Credential Office [top]

Patricia Pulido
Bell Tower, Room1595

Faculty [top]

Joan Karp, Ph.D.
Professor of Special Education
Chair, Education Program
Bell Tower West, Room 2125

Lillian Vega-Castaneda, Ed.D.
Professor of Education
Curriculum Coordinator
Bell Tower West, Room 2205

Robert E. Bleicher, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Science Education
Bell Tower West, Room 1112
805-437- 8508

Merilyn Buchanan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Bell Tower West, Room 2235

Manual Correia, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Bell Tower West, Room 2105

Maria Denney, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Special Education
Bell Tower West, Room 2295

Jeanne Grier, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Secondary Education
Single Subject Program Coordinator
Bell Tower West, Room 2245

Tiina Itkonen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Special Education
Bell Tower West, Room 2105

Jill Leafstedt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Special Education
Bell Tower West, Room 1178

Contact Information [top]


Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Program [top]

This program specifically prepares teachers for the diversity of languages and cultures often encountered in California's public school classrooms. It prepares candidates to address the needs of students who speak English as a native language and/or as a second language in the elementary school setting. An underlying principle of the program is the belief that all children (regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, ability or economic status) are capable of learning. Emphasis is placed on the K-8 student as actively engaged in his/her learning.


The Multiple Subject Credential Program prepares teachers to work with students in grades K-8 with responsibility for all subject areas in a self-contained classroom. Multiple Subject Credential Teachers most often teach in elementary, middle school, or self-contained classrooms.

Requirements for Admission to the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Program

  1. Application. Apply to both the University and the Education Program. Applications to the Program are available in the Credential Office.
  2. CBEST Examination. Students must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to admission to the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Program. Students are urged to take this examination at the earliest possible time after deciding to pursue a teaching credential.
  3. Subject Matter Preparation. The CSU Channel Islands Liberal Studies in Teaching and Learning option best prepares students for the subject matter knowledge and skills required for the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Program. All students must pass the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET) Multiple Subjects Examination or Multiple Subjects Assessment for Teachers (MSAT) prior to admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program. The CSET or MSAT examination results are valid for five years from the date of passing and must be valid upon final completion of the program.
  4. Prerequisite Courses in Education (16 units). If taken at CSU Channel Islands, the course must be completed within seven (7) years prior to beginning the program with a grade of “C” or better. If an equivalent course at another college or university has been taken, it must have been completed within five (5) years prior to beginning the program.

    ENGL 475 Language and Social Context (3)
    EDUC 510 Learning Theory and Development Applied in Multicultural Education Contexts (3)
    EDUC 512 Equity, Diversity and Foundations of Schooling (3)
    SPED 345 Individuals with Disabilities in Society (3)
    EDUC 520 Observing and Guiding Behavior in Multilingual/Multicultural and Inclusive Classrooms (3)
    EDUC 521 Field Experience (1)

  5. American Institutions Requirement: Knowledge of the U.S. Constitution demonstrated by completion of two units (semester) of a college level course or college level examination.
  6. Grade Point Average. A student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.67 or 2.75 in the last 60 semester units completed to be accepted. If a student does not have the required GPA, conditional admission may be available on a limited basis.
  7. Health Clearance. Evidence of a negative tuberculin test is required. The tuberculin test is valid for four (4) years and must be valid through student teaching. The tuberculin test may be completed at a private physician's office, the County Health Department, or the CSU Channel Islands Student Health Center.
  8. Certificate of Clearance. Students must possess or apply for a valid Certificate of Clearance as part of admission. A copy of an emergency permit satisfies the clearance requirement. The Certificate of Clearance is a background check and clearance conducted by the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  9. Two Sets of Official Transcripts. One official set of transcripts from each of the colleges or universities attended must be mailed directly to the CSU Channel Islands Admissions and Records office, and one official set of transcripts must be submitted to the Credential Office with the program application.
  10. Two Letters of Recommendation. Two letters of recommendation from faculty, employers, and/or others who are knowledgeable about the student's personal qualities and potential to work with children must be submitted with the program application.
  11. Experience. At least 45 hours of documented field experience in a K-8 classroom or an equivalent documented field experience must be completed.
  12. Bachelor's Degree. A bachelor's degree or all undergraduate academic subjects must be satisfied toward a bachelor's degree before entering a teacher education program. A bachelor's degree is a requirement for teacher certification.
  13. Writing Sample. Writing samples are required as part of the application process. The writing sample includes a 500-600 word essay describing the applicant's interest in teaching children with the diversity of languages and cultures represented in California schools.
  14. Interview. An Education Program Admissions Committee will interview candidates once all other portions of the admissions requirements are complete.

Please Note: The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires passing the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) for the initial issuance of a Multiple Subject Credential. It is recommended that the Assessment be taken after completion of the Literacy I and Literacy II courses in the credential program. Certification in adult, infant and child CPR competency is required by the CCTC for an initial issuance of a teaching credential.

Program Maintenance Requirements: As a condition of remaining in the program, students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better, with no course grades lower than a C+.

Requirements for the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

Full-time Multiple Subject Credential Program (34 Units)

First Semester

EDMS 522 Literacy 1: Multicultural/Multilingual (3)
EDMS 526 Modern Methods in Mathematics Teaching (3)
EDMS 527 History, Social Studies and Integrated Arts (4)
EDMS 565 Initial Student Teaching (7)
EDMS 566 Initial Student Teaching Seminar (1)

Second Semester

EDMS 523 Literacy 2: Multicultural/Multilingual (4)
EDMS 529 Science, Health and PE (4)
EDMS 575 Advanced Student Teaching (7)
EDMS 576 Advanced Student Teaching Seminar (1)

Part-time Multiple Subject Credential Program (38 Units)

Students interested in a part-time or internship program must consult with the Multiple Subject program advisor to plan their course of study.

First Semester

EDMS 522 Literacy 1: Multicultural/Multilingual (3)
EDMS 526 Modern Methods in Mathematics Teaching (3)
EDMS 562 Field Experience Multiple Subject (Part-time program) (2)

Second Semester

EDMS 523 Literacy 2: Multicultural/Multilingual (4)
EDMS 527 History, Social Studies and Integrated Arts (4)
EDMS 562 Field Experience: Multiple Subject (Part-time program) (2)

Third Semester

EDMS 529 Science, Health and PE (4)
EDMS 565 Initial Student Teaching (7)
EDMS 566 Initial Student Teaching Seminar (1)

Fourth Semester

EDMS 575 Advanced Student Teaching (7)
EDMS 576 Advanced Student Teaching Seminar (1)

Single Subject Teaching Credential Program [top]

This program specifically prepares teachers for the diversity of languages and cultures often encountered in California Public Schools. The program prepares candidates to address the needs of students who speak English as a native language and/or as a second language in the secondary school setting. An underlying principle of the program is that all students (regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, ability or economic status) are capable learners. Currently, Single Subject Credentials are offered in mathematics, English and the sciences.


The Single Subject Teaching Credential Program prepares teachers to work with students in subject specific content areas in departmentalized schools. Single Subject Credential Teachers most often teach in departmentalized middle, junior high and high schools.

Requirements for Admission to the Single Subject Teaching Credential Program

  1. Application. Apply to both the University and the Education Program. Applications for the Program are available in the Credential Office.
  2. CBEST Examination. Students must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to admission. Students are urged to take this examination at the earliest possible time after deciding to pursue a teaching credential.
  3. Subject Matter Preparation. Prior to admission to the Single Subject Teaching Credential Program, students may complete a state approved subject matter program in the specific content area from other colleges or universities.Students who have not completed a state-approved subject matter program must pass the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET) in the subject matter area of the single subject credential prior to admission to the Credential Program. The CSET examination results are valid for five years from the date of passing and must be valid upon final completion of the program.
  4. Prerequisite Courses in Education (13 units). If taken at CSU Channel Islands, the courses must be completed within seven (7) years prior to beginning the program with a grade of “C” or better. If an equivalent course at another college or university has been taken, it must have been completed within five (5) years prior to beginning the program.

    EDUC 512 Equity, Diversity and Foundations of Schooling (3)
    EDUC 520 Observing and Guiding Behavior in Multicultural/Multilingual and Inclusive Classrooms (3)
    EDUC 521 Field Experience (1)
    ENGL 475 Language and Social Context (3)
    SPED 345 Individuals with Disabilities in Society (3)

  5. American Institutions Requirement: Knowledge of the U.S. Constitution demonstrated by completion of two units (from a semester program) of a college level course or college level examination.
  6. Grade Point Average. A student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.67 or 2.75 in the last 60 semester units completed to be admitted. If a student does not have the required GPA, conditional admission may be available on a limited basis.
  7. Health Clearance. Evidence of a negative tuberculin test is required. The tuberculin clearance is valid for four (4) years and must be valid through student teaching. The tuberculin test may be completed at a private physician's office, the County Health Department, or the CSU Channel Islands Student Health Center.
  8. Certificate of Clearance. Students must possess or apply for a valid Certificate of Clearance as part of admission. A copy of an emergency permit satisfies the clearance requirement. The Certificate of Clearance is a background check and clearance conducted by the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  9. Two Sets of Official Transcripts. One official set of transcripts from each of the colleges or universities attended must be mailed directly to the CSU Channel Islands Admissions and Records, and one official set of transcripts must be submitted to the Credential office with the program application.
  10. Two Letters of Recommendation. Two letters of recommendation from faculty, employers, and/or others who are knowledgeable about the student's personal qualities and potential to work with children must be submitted with the program application.
  11. Field Experience. At least 45 hours of documented field experience in a 7-12 classroom or an equivalent documented field experience must be completed and submitted with the application to the program.
  12. Bachelor's Degree. A bachelor's degree or, for the student still in his/her last term, all undergraduate academic subjects for a bachelor's degree must be completed or in progress before entering the Single Subject Teaching Credential Program. A bachelor's degree is a requirement for teacher certification.
  13. Writing Sample. Writing samples are required as part of the application process. The writing sample includes a 500-600 word essay describing the applicant's interest in teaching children with the diversity of languages and cultures represented in California schools.
  14. Interview. An Education Program Admissions Committee will interview candidates once all other portions of the admissions requirements are complete.

Please Note: Certification in adult, infant and child CPR competency is required by the CCTC for an initial issuance of a teaching credential.

Program Maintenance Requirements
As a condition of remaining in the program, students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better, with no course grades lower than a C+.

Requirements for the Single Subject Teaching Credential (30 units)

EDSS 530 General Secondary School Methods (3)
EDSS 540 Literacy in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2)
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 570 Field Experience Middle School (Part- Time Program) (1)
EDSS 571 Student Teaching Seminar Middle School (1)
EDSS 575 Student Teaching Middle School (6)
EDSS 580 Field Experience High School (Part- Time Program) (1)
EDSS 581 Student Teaching Seminar High School (1)
EDSS 585 Student Teaching High School (6)

Students take two courses from one of the following subject matter areas: mathematics, science or English:

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take the following courses:
EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Student seeking a single subject credential in English take the following courses:
EDSS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Students completing the program in two semesters should enroll in the full-time program. Students planning to take three to six semesters to complete the program should enroll in the part-time program. Students who are teaching interns enroll in the part-time program and may choose option a, b, or c to complete the program.

Placements for the first semester will be in local middle schools. Second semester placements will be in local high schools.

Students must be enrolled in either field placement or student teaching each semester.

Full-time Single Subject Program (30 Units)

First Semester (15 Units)

EDSS 530 General Secondary School Methods (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2) or
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 571 Student Teaching Seminar Middle School (1)
EDSS 575 Student Teaching Middle School (6)

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take one of the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses:
EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in English take one of the following courses:
EDSS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Second Semester (15 Units)

EDSS 540 Literacy in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2) or
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 581 Student Teaching Seminar High School (1)
EDSS 585 Student Teaching High School (6)

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take one of the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses:
EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in English take one of the following courses:
EDSS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Intern and Part-time Single Subject Program (31-34 Units)


First Semester (6 Units)

EDSS 530 General Secondary School Methods (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2) or
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 570 Field Experience Middle School (1)

Second Semester (6 Units)

EDSS 540 Literacy in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2) or
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 580 Field Experience High School (1)

Third Semester (4 Units)

EDSS 570 Field Experience Middle School (1)

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take one of the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3) or
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses:

EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in English take one of the following courses:
EDSS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3) or
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Fourth Semester (4 Units)

EDSS 580 Field Experience High School (1)

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take one of the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses:
EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in English take one of the following courses:
EDSS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Fifth Semester (7 Units)

EDSS 571 Student Teaching Seminar Middle School (1)
EDSS 575 Student Teaching Middle School (6)

Sixth Semester (7 Units)

EDSS 581 Student Teaching Seminar High School (1)
EDSS 585 Student Teaching High School (6)


First Semester (6 Units)

EDSS 530 General Secondary School Methods (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2)
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 570 Field Experience Middle School (1)

Second Semester (6 Units)

EDSS 540 Literacy in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2)
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 580 Field Experience High School (1)

Third Semester (10 Units)

EDSS 571 Student Teaching Seminar Middle School (1)
EDSS 575 Student Teaching Middle School (6)

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take one of the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses:
EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in English take one of the following courses:
EDSS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3) OR
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Fourth Semester (10 Units)

EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses: EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 581 Student Teaching Seminar High School (1)
EDSS 585 Student Teaching High School (6)


First Semester (6 Units)

EDSS 530 General Secondary School Methods (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2)
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 570 Field Experience Middle School (1)

Second Semester (15 Units)

EDSS 540 Literacy in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 550 Access to Learning: English Language Learners (2)
EDSS 560 Access to Learning: Special Needs Learners (2)
EDSS 571 Student Teaching Seminar Middle School (1)
EDSS 575 Student Teaching Middle School (6)

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take one of the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses:
EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in English take one of the following courses:
EDS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3)
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Third Semester (10 Units)

EDSS 581 Student Teaching Seminar High School (1)
EDSS 585 Student Teaching High School (6)

Students seeking a single subject credential in mathematics take one of the following courses:
EDSS 531 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 541 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in science take one of the following courses:
EDSS 532 Teaching Science in Middle Schools (3)
EDSS 542 Teaching Life/Physical/Geo- Science in Secondary Schools (3)

Students seeking a single subject credential in English take one of the following courses:
EDSS 533 Teaching Writing and Literature in Secondary Schools (3) OR
EDSS 543 Teaching Language Skills in Secondary Schools (3)

Students interested in a part-time or an internship program must consult with the Single Subject Program Advisor to plan their course of study.

Special Education Teaching Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Level I [top]

The program prepares candidates to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities in self-contained special education and general education classrooms. The program specifically prepares candidates for the diversity of languages and cultures often encountered in California's public school classrooms. The program prepares candidates to address the needs of students who speak English as a native language and/or as a second language in the elementary or secondary school setting. An underlying principle of the program is the belief that all children (regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, ability or economic status) are capable of learning. Emphasis is placed on the K-22 student actively engaged in his/her learning.

This is a post baccalaureate program that has two levels. Level I prepares candidates for a preliminary certificate. After Level I is successfully accomplished, Level II is completed while working in a special education setting and requires the collaboration of the university preparation program and the candidate's employing school department. Successful completion of the Level II program will result in the candidate's eligibility for a professional certificate. The Level II program must be completed within five years of completion of Level I.


The Education Specialist Program prepares candidates to complete the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing standards for the preparation of teachers of children with mild and moderate disabilities from kindergarten to grade 12.

Requirements for Admission to The Education Specialist Level I Teaching Credential Program

  1. Application. Apply to both the University and the Education Program Area. Applications to the Program are available in the Credential Office.
  2. CBEST Examination. Students must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to admission. Students are urged to take this examination at the earliest possible time after deciding to pursue a teaching credential.
  3. Subject Matter Preparation. The CSU Channel Islands Liberal Studies Option - Teaching and Learning best prepares students for the subject matter knowledge and skills required for the Education Specialist Teaching Credential Program. Students may also complete a state-approved multiple subjects subject matter program from other California colleges or universities. Students who have not completed a state-approved subject matter program must pass a California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET) in any content area or Multiple Subjects Assessment for Teachers (MSAT) prior to admission to the Education Specialist Credential Program. The CSET or MSAT examination results are valid for five years from the date of passing and must be valid upon final completion of the program Subject matter requirements are currently being revised by the CCTC. Please consult with the Credential Advisor for the latest regulations.
  4. Prerequisite Courses in Education (12 units). If taken at CSU Channel Islands, the course must be completed within seven (7) years prior to beginning the program with a grade of “C” or better. If an equivalent course at another college or university has been taken, it must have been completed within five (5) years prior to beginning the program.

    ENGL 475 Language and Social Context (3)
    EDUC 510 Learning theory and development applied in multicultural education contexts (3)
    EDUC 512 Equity, Diversity and Foundations of Schooling (3)
    SPED 345 Individuals with Disabilities in Society (3)

  5. U.S. Constitution. Knowledge of the U.S. Constitution demonstrated by completion of two units (semester) of a college level course or college level examination.
  6. Grade Point Average. A student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.67 or 2.75 in the last 60 semester units completed. If a student does not have the required GPA, conditional admission may be available on a limited basis.
  7. Health Clearance. Evidence of a negative tuberculin test is required. The tuberculin test is valid for four (4) years and must be valid through student teaching. The tuberculin test may be completed at a private physician's office, the County Health Department, or the 91Ƶ Student Health Center.
  8. Certificate of Clearance. Students must possess or apply for a valid Certificate of Clearance as part of admission to the Teaching Credential Program. A copy of an emergency permit satisfies the clearance requirement. The Certificate of Clearance is a background check and clearance conducted by the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  9. Two Sets of Official Transcripts. One official set of transcripts from each of the colleges or universities attended must be mailed directly to the CSU Channel Islands Admissions and Records, and one official set of transcripts must be submitted to the Credential office with the program application.
  10. Two Letters of Recommendation. Two letters of recommendation from faculty, employers, and/or others who are knowledgeable about the student's personal qualities and potential to work with children must be submitted with the program application.
  11. Experience. At least 45 hours of documented field experience in a K-12 or special education classroom or an equivalent documented field experience must be completed.
  12. Bachelor's Degree. A bachelor's degree or all undergraduate academic subjects must be satisfied toward a bachelor's degree before entering a teacher education program. A bachelor's degree is a requirement for teacher certification.
  13. Writing Sample. Writing samples are required as part of the application process. The writing sample includes a 500-600 word essay describing the applicant's interest in teaching children with disabilities and with the diversity of languages and cultures represented in California schools.
  14. Interview. An interview is conducted by an Education Program Admissions Committee once all other portions of the admissions requirements are complete.

Please Note: The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires passing the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) for the initial issuance of an Education Specialist Credential. It is recommended that the Assessment be taken after completion of Literacy I.

Program Maintenance Requirements
As a condition of remaining in the program, students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better, with no course grades lower than a C+.

Requirements for the Education Specialist Level I Teaching Credential

Full-time Education Specialist Level I Credential Program (35 Units)

First Semester

EDMS 522*+Literacy I: Multicultural/ Multilingual (3)
EDMS 526*+Modern Methods in Mathematics Teaching (3)
SPED 541 Foundations of Special Education (2)
SPED 544++Inclusionary Teaching Methods (2)
SPED 546+ Consultation and Communication with Families and Professionals (3)
SPED 570 Field Experience in General Education (3)

Second Semester

EDSS 540**+Literacy in Secondary Schools (3)
SPED 542+ Managing Learning Environments (3)
SPED 543++Educating Diverse Learners with Mild to Moderate Disabilities (3)
SPED 545+ Assessment of Students with Disabilities (3)
SPED 580 Student Teaching in Special Education (8)

* Not required of individuals holding a valid Multiple Subject Credential
** Not required of individuals holding a valid Single Subject Credential
+ Coursework requires field experience (SPED 562, EDMS 562) and/or observation time at a school site.
++ Course must be taken with SPED 562, 570, 580 or full time teaching.
Note: Students must demonstrate competence teaching students in elementary and secondary settings. This may occur through field experience, student teaching and prior teaching experiences.

Students interested in a part-time or an internship program must consult with the Education Specialist Advisor to plan their course of study.

Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Level II Credential [top]

(Pending approval from the Chancellor's Office and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing)

The Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Level II Credential Program at 91Ƶ is an advanced professional training program for Special Education Teachers. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that candidates complete the Level II Credential within five years of completion of a Level I Education Specialist Credential. 91Ƶ's Level II Program builds on the goals and objectives of our Level I Program. This program focuses on the diversity of students, collaboration between professionals and families, and effective instructional practices for students with disabilities. In alignment with the California state standards, the Level II Program has formed a partnership with local school districts. Candidates for the Level II Credential are employed teachers who, in collaboration with their employing school district and the University, develop an induction plan. The induction plan describes the coursework and non-university related professional development activities in which the candidate will participate. Up to 25% of the students induction plan may be completed through approved non-University activities. During the induction planning stage, the candidate will identify an area of specialization that will be his/her area of focus. University and non-university activities guide the candidate in developing the expertise in the following areas: data-based decision making; behavioral, emotional and environmental supports; current perspectives in special education; transitions from school to work; advanced assessment techniques; curriculum and instruction; and advanced collaboration and consultation with families and professionals.

Requirements for Admission to Education Specialist Level II

  1. CBEST verification
  2. Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Level I Credential
  3. Evidence of employment as a special education teacher. The Educational Specialist: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Credential Level II requires the student to be employed as a Special Education Teacher.
  4. Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in post baccalaureate or graduate work
  5. Two letters of recommendation from professionals who are knowledgeable about the candidate's professional work, at least one of whom is the candidate's current supervisor or administrator. Letters from university faculty describing the candidate's ability to successfully complete graduate work are also recommended.
  6. Interview with the Education Programs Admissions Committee
  7. Writing Sample. A written statement of purpose in a 400-600 word essay. This essay includes reflections on personal and professional goals, and how the candidate plans to acquire the knowledge and skills in order to achieve these goals.

Note: Candidates are required to complete courses in health education and technology and have certification in adult, infant and child CPR for CCTC to issue the Level II credential.

Program Maintenance Requirements
As a condition of remaining in the program, students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better with no course grades lower than a C+. The progress of students in meeting this requirement and in progressing toward completion in a timely manner will be monitored at the conclusion of each term as part of the Induction Planning and Evaluation courses SPED 640 & 641.

Option 1: Four semester plan (17 units)

First Semester

SPED 640 Induction Planning and Support (repeatable) (1)
SPED 641 Advanced Perspectives in Special Education (3)

Second Semester

SPED 640 Induction Planning and Support (repeatable) (1)
SPED 642 Advanced Behavior and Environmental Support (3)

Third Semester

SPED 640 Induction Planning and Support (repeatable) (1)
SPED 643 Advanced Assessment and Instructional Practices for Diverse Learners (3)

Fourth Semester

SPED 646 Advanced Collaborative Partnerships and Effective Communication in School Settings (3)
SPED 649 Induction Evaluation (1)
SPED 647 Transition and Career Education (1)

Option 2: Two semester plan (15 units)

First Semester

SPED 640 Induction Planning and Support (1)
SPED 641 Advanced Perspectives in Special Education (3)
SPED 643 Advanced Assessment and Instructional ? Practices for Diverse Learners (3)

Second Semester

SPED 642 Advanced Behavior and Environmental Support (3)
SPED 646 Advanced Collaborative Partnerships and Effective Communication in School Settings (3)
SPED 649 Induction Evaluation (1)
SPED 647 Transition and Career Education (1)

Master of Arts in Education [top]

(Pending approval from the Chancellor's Office and offered through 91Ƶ Extended Education Program)

The Master of Arts in Education provides advance preparation for educational professionals and leaders. The first specialization to be offered at CSU Channel Islands prepares principals for schools and educational programs.

Principals' Leadership Specialization

The Principals' Leadership Specialization prepares candidates to complete the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Completion of this entry level administrative program prepares students to serve in positions of educational leadership in the California Public Schools. Through integration of course work and field experiences students are provided multiple opportunities to learn and practice the California Professional Standards for School Leaders. The program offers students understanding and application of leadership skills related to relationship building, communication, and the ability to apply, model, and analyze curriculum, instructional strategies, assessment, standards-based accountability systems, and data-based school improvement. The program also develops each student's understanding of basic school administrative responsibilities including resource management, personnel supervision, and daily operational issues related to safety, law, and public policy.

Prior to recommendation for certification, University faculty determine eligibility, based on fully documented evidence, that each student has demonstrated satisfactory performance on the full range of standards set forth by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. A Masters degree is required for CSU Channel Islands to recommend a candidate Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Candidates already possessing a Masters degree who successfully complete the required 30 units successfully will be recommended for the Level I credential without completing a research project.


The Master of Arts in Education: Principals Leadership Specialization prepares candidates for leadership positions as school principals. It prepares educational leaders who can develop, coordinate, and assess instructional programs; evaluate and supervise certificated and classified personnel, provide students' with discipline, manage school site, district, or county level fiscal services; and develop, coordinate and supervise student support services.

Requirements for Admission to the Master of Arts in Education and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential

  1. Application to the Extended Education Office.
  2. One Set of Official Transcripts: One official set of transcripts from each of the colleges or universities attended must be mailed directly to the CSU Channel Islands Extended Education Office. Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required to be accepted into the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program.
  3. CBEST Examination-Copy of card indicating passage of the CBEST or verification that you have taken the test prior to admission to the program. Passage of CBEST is required for certification.
  4. Copy of a valid California teaching credential requiring a baccalaureate degree and a program of professional preparation, including student teaching; or a valid California Designated Subjects teaching credential provided the applicant also possesses a baccalaureate degree; or a valid California services credential in Pupil Personnel Services, Health Services, Library Media Teacher Services, or Clinical or Rehabilitative Services requiring a baccalaureate degree and a profession preparation program including field practice or the equivalent submitted to the Extended Education Office.
  5. Documentation of at least three years of full-time successful teaching experience (substitute or part-time service does not apply).
  6. Two letters of recommendation from professionals who are knowledgeable of the candidate's professional work at least one of whom is the candidate's current school administrator.
  7. Interview with Education Program Admissions Committee.
  8. Writing Sample. A written statement of purpose (500- 600 word essay) describing why the candidate desires to be a school administrator serving the children and families of the diverse communities of California. This essay will include personal and professional reflection on personal goals and developing the knowledge and skills to achieve these goals.

Course Requirements for Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (34 units) [top]


  • Advanced coursework or a component of an induction program focusing on the integration of technology into education
  • Advanced coursework or a component of an induction program focusing in Special Education

Masters Core Courses

EDUC 605 Education in a Diverse Society (3)
EDUC 615 Principles of Educational Research (3)
EDUC 616 Masters Research Thesis/Project (continuing registration required) (1)

Required Courses for Specialization in Principals Leadership

EDPL 610 Foundations of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (3)
EDPL 620 Instructional Leadership of the Collaborative Inclusive School (3)
EDPL 621 Law and School Management (3)
EDPL 622 School Finance and Principles of Applied Leadership (3)
EDPL 623 Understanding and Influencing Organizations in Diverse Communities (3)
EDPL 624 Human Resource Management in Education Settings (3)
EDPL 625 Building Collaborative, Inclusive Learning Communities (3)
EDPL 631 Professional Development and Field Experience I (2)
EDPL 632 Professional Development and Field Experience II (4)

Program Maintenance Requirements
As a condition of remaining in the program, students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better with no course grades lower than a C+. The progress of students in meeting this requirement and in progressing toward completion in a timely manner will be monitored at the conclusion of each term as part of the Professional Development and Field Experience Courses (EDPL 630- 633.)

Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate [top]

The CLAD certificate prepares future and practicing teachers to teach students from diverse language and cultural backgrounds in the K-12 public school setting. Students who complete this program will receive training (theory and methods) in working with English Learners in K-12 school settings. Students will receive authorization in the areas of language, culture, and methods, as reflected in the CLAD competencies of the state of California. Students will complete the following courses:

EDMS 522 Literacy I Multicultural/Multilingual (3)
EDUC 512 Equity, Diversity and Foundations of Schooling (3)
ENGL 475 Language and Social Context (3)
EDMC 550 Theory and Methods of Bilingual Education (2)
EDMC 560 Application of Mainstream and English Language Development (ELD) (2)

Requirements for the Degree Program
Students must be enrolled in the Special Education Credential Program or have a valid teaching credential.

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