Programs Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and
  • Resource Management
  • Emphasis in Environmental Science
  • Emphasis in Resource Management
  • Minor in Environmental Science and Resource
  • Management

Today's environmental problems call for individuals who are educated in more than one discipline, highly trained in technical skills, and aware of the political, economic, and social dimensions of environmental decisions. The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Resource Management provides solid training in basic physical, biological, and social sciences, and application of management science to reduce adverse impacts of human activity on the environment and to maximize the benefits that accrue from environmental resources.

In the narrowest sense, environmental science is the study of the impact of human systems on physical and biological systems, and the dependence on natural resources by human systems. In a broader sense, environmental science is the study of the interaction and co-evolution of human, physical, and biological systems. Natural science is the study of physical and biological systems. Social science is the study of human systems - economic systems, political systems, human perceptions, and human interactions. Environmental science requires integral knowledge of both natural and social science. Resource management is concerned with the most effective means of avoiding damage to environmental assets and extracting beneficial uses of environmental resources, within the context of social institutions. Effective resource management considers benefits and costs, uncertainties and risks, limits of knowledge, institutional constraints, and social and political forces.

The B.S. program has two emphases: environmental science and resource management. This program prepares graduates specializing in environmental science who understand basic principles of resource management, and graduates specializing in resource management who understand basic principles of environmental science. Most required courses are those offered in related disciplines. The curriculum fosters cross-disciplinary communication in the several required courses common to both degree programs and particularly in the Environmental Science and Resource Management courses.Ìý

Careers [top]

This curriculum prepares students for professional careers in Environmental Science and Resource Management and for subsequent graduate study. For graduates completing the program of study required for the BS degree in Environmental Science and Resource Management, there are ample career opportunities working on environmental problems in industry, government, and non-profit organizations. The degree will also prepare students for graduate programs in either Environmental Science or Resource Management. For example, students might pursue a Ph.D. in Environmental Science at UCLA or in Environmental Science and Policy at UC Santa Barbara.

Program Learning Outcomes [top]

Students graduating from the ESRM program will be able to:

  • identify the scientific, social scientific and humanistic aspects of environmental issues;
  • identify, locate, evaluate, synthesize and present current research and information on environmental issues;
  • define environmental problems from the perspectives of both environmental science and resource management;
  • identify possible causes and propose solutions to environmental problems from the perspectives of both environmental science and resource management;
  • evaluate proposed solutions to environmental problems from the perspectives of both environmental science and resource management;
  • use the methodologies of the natural and social sciences to formulate testable hypotheses concerning environmental problems and issues;
  • collect, organize, analyze, interpret and present quantitative and qualitative data; and
  • make use of current, technological tools in the collection, organization, analysis and interpretation of data.

Faculty [top]

Donald Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor
Environmental Science and Resource Management
Academic Advisor
Bell Tower Building West, Room 1176

Sean Anderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Environmental Science and Resource Management
Academic Advisor
Bell Tower West Room, 1265

Cooperating Faculty

William Hampton Adams, Ph.D.
Associate Professor or Anthropology
Sage Hall, Room 204

Simone Aloisio, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Aliso Hall, Room 207

Amy Denton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Aliso Hall Room 201

Philip Hampton, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Sciences Building

Brad Monsma, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Bell Tower Building West Room 1185

Dennis Muraoka, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Sage Hall, Room 240

Paul Rivera, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Economics
Sage Hall, Room 214

Contact Information [top]

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science and Resource Managment (120 units) [top]

Lower Division Requirements(34-36 units)

BIOL 200 Principles of Organismal and Population Biology (4)
BIOL 201 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology (4)
CHEM 121 General Chemistry I and Laboratory (4)
CHEM 122 General Chemistry II and Laboratory (4)
ECON 110 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECON 111 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ESRM 100 Introduction to Environmental
Science and Resource Management (3)
MATH 140 Calculus for Business Applications (3)

MATH 150 Calculus I (4)
MATH 151 Calculus II is also recommended)
GEOL 121 Physical Geology (4)

GEOL 122 Historical Geology (3)
One of the following:

MATH 202 Biostatistics (3)
MATH 329 Statistics for Business and Economics (3)
MATH 352 Probability and Statistics (3)

Upper Division Requirements (28 units)

BIOL 433 Ecology and the Environment (4)
ECON 362 Environmental Economics (3)
ENGL 337 Literature of the Environment (3)
ESRM 313 Conservation Biology (3)
ESRM 328 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (3)
ESRM 329 Environmental Law and Policy (3)
ESRM 499 Capstone (3)
GEOL 321 Environmental Geology (3)
ECON 310 Intermediate Microeconomics (3)
ECON 329 Managerial Economics (3)All students must select either an emphasis in em>Environmental Science or Resource Management and em>take the associated coursework.

Requirements for an Emphasis in Environmental Science (16 units)

BIOL 432 Principles of Epidemiology and Environmental Health (3)
CHEM 250 Quantitative Analysis (2)
CHEM 251 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory (2)
A total of nine units from the following courses:

BIOL 301 Microbiology (4)
BIOL 310 Animal Biology and Ecology (4)
BIOL 311 Plant Biology and Ecology (4)
BIOL 312 Marine Biology (4)
BIOL 331 Biotechnology in the 21st Century (2)
BIOL 333 Emerging Public Health Issues (2)
BIOL 402 Toxicology (3)
BIOL 427 Developmental Biology (3)
BIOL 428 Biology of Cancer (2)
CHEM 311 Organic Chemistry I (3)
CHEM 312 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
CHEM 314 Organic Chemistry II (3)
CHEM 315 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (1)
CHEM 318 Biological Chemistry (3)
CHEM 333 Energy and Society (3)
ENGL 330 Writing in the Disciplines (3)
ESRM 481 Topics in Environmental Pollution (3)
MATH 430 Research Design and Data Analysis (3)
PHYS 201 General Physics II (4)

Requirements for an Emphasis in Resource Managment (16 units)

ECON 488 Applied Managerial Econometrics (4)
Two of the following courses:

ESRM 462 Coastal and Marine Resource Management (3)
ESRM 463 Water Resources Management (3)
ESRM 464 Land Use Planning and Agricultural Management (3)

ÌýA total of six units from the following courses:
ECON 343 Capital Theory (3)
ECON 464 Natural Resource Economics (3)
ECON 480 Topics in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3)
ENGL 330 Writing in the Disciplines (3)
ESRM 332 Human Ecology (3)
ESRM 410 Environmental Impact Analysis (3)
ESRM 482 Topics in Environmental Planning and Resource Management (3)
ESRM 483 Topics in Global Resource Management (3)
MGT 307 Management of Organizations (3)
MGT 428 Management for Science/ Technology

Required Supporting and other GE Courses (40 units)

University Electives (16)
American Institutions Requirement (6 units)
Other GE Courses (18)Ìý

Proposed Course of Study

Freshman Year (31 units)

BIOL 200 Principles of Organismal and Population Biology (4)
BIOL 201 Principles of Cell & Molecular Biology (4)
CHEM 121 General Chemistry I (4)
CHEM 122 General Chemistry II (4)
ECON 110 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECON 111 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ENGL 103 Stretch Composition (3)
ENGL 105 Composition and Rhetoric I (3)
ESRM 100 Introduction to Environmental Science and Resource Management (3)
American Institutions Requirement (3)

Sophomore Year (27-29 units)

GEOL 121 or 122 (3-4)
MATH 140 or MATH 150 (3-4)
MATH 202, 329, 352 (3)
American Institutions Requirement (3)
Elective Courses (9)
GE courses (6)Ìý

Junior Year (31 units)

BIOL 433 Ecology and the Environment (4)
ECON 310 or ECON 329 (3)
ECON 362 Environmental Economics (3)
ENGL 337 Literature of the Environment (3)
ESRM 313 Conservation Biology (3)
ESRM 328 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (3)
ESRM 329 Environmental Law and Policy (3)
Elective in the Emphasis (3)
GE courses (6)Ìý

Senior Year (29 units)

ESRM 499 Capstone (3)
GEOL 321 Environmental Geology (3)
Required Course in the Emphasis (3)
Required Course in the Emphasis (4 or 2+2)
Electives in the Emphasis (16)

Requirements for the Minor in Environmental Science and Resource Management (23 units) [top]

The Environmental Science and Resource Management minor provides non-majors with the opportunity to explore environmental issues and examine human impacts on natural systems. It provides students with an understanding of how their personal choices affect the environment around them. In addition, it equips students for further study in environmental science, law, policy, or management.

Lower Division Requirements (7 units)

ESRM 100 Introduction to Environmental Science and Resource Management (3)
BIOL 200 Principles of Organismal and Population Biology (4)

Upper Division Requirements (13 units)

BIOL 433 Ecology and the Environment (4)
ECON 300* Fundamentals of Economics (3)
ECON 362 Introduction to Environmental Economics (3),

ENGL 337 Literature of the Environment (3)
ESRM 329 Environmental Law and Policy (3)Ìý

Upper Division Electives (3 units)

Any other 300-400 level ESRM course (3)
ECON 110* Principles of Microeconomics (3) and
ECON 111 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) may be substituted for ECON 300.


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