Program Offered

  • Minor in Asian-Pacific Studies

The minor in Asian-Pacific Studies gives students exposure to the cultures, histories, literatures, philosophies, politics and psychologies related to the study of the Asian-Pacific region. The minor in Asian- Pacific Studies is appropriate for students interested in understanding the diverse perspectives and influences, traditional and modern, emanating from this part of the world.

Faculty Coordinator [top]

Kevin Volkan, Ed.D., Ph.D., MPH,
Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 206


Requirements for the Minor in Asian-Pacific Studies (18 units) [top]

Lower-Division Requirements (0 units)


Upper-Division Requirements (18 units)

Eighteen units from the following list (also includes Lower Division courses):

ART 112 Arts of the Eastern World (3)
ENGL 452 Asian/Asian American Literature (3)
HIST 380 History of the Pacific Islands (3)
HIST 391 Traditional China (3)
HIST 392 Modern China (3)
HIST 393 Contemporary China (3)
HIST 394 Traditional Japan (3)
HIST 395 Modern Japan (3)
HIST 396 East Asia: Then and Now (3)
PHED 102 Traditional Asian Martial Arts: Tai Ji (repeatable) (1)
PSY 344 Psychology and Traditional Asian Thought (3)
PSY/ 436 Psychology and History of Asian Warrior Cultures (3)

(Other courses may be used to satisfy the requirements on approval of the Faculty Coordinator.)



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