The President's Planning and Policy Council develops, reviews and recommends administrative policy to the President. The contains current administrative policies and the contains superseded and withdrawn policies.
Prior to November 2009, the President's Planning and Policy Council existed as two separate councils. The first was the President’s Council, which was responsible for the policy administration. The second was the University Planning and Coordinating Council, which was responsible for the oversight of the University’s Strategic Plan.
Council Meeting Archive Files
2024 | 2023| 2022 | 2021 |2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015| 2014| 2013| 2012| 2011| 2010| 2009| 2008| 2007| 2006| 2005| 2004| 2003
- May 5
- April 14
- March 10
- Agenda (, 100 KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 152 KB)
- February 17
- Agenda (, 104 KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 149 KB)
- January 27
- Agenda (, 128 KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 172 KB)
2024 [top]
- November 4
- Agenda(, 106 KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 249 KB)
- October 14
- Agenda(, 144 KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 133 KB)
- September 9
- Agenda(, 153 KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 170 KB)
- April 29
- Agenda(, 131 KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 16.9 KB)
- February 19
- Agenda(, 281 KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 251 KB)
- February 5
- Agenda(, 128KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 166KB)
2023 [top]
- October 2
- Agenda(, 128KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 153KB)
- September 18
- March 27
- Agenda (, 127KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 178KB)
- February 27
- Agenda (, 140 KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 192 KB)
- January 30
- Agenda(, 130KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 141KB)
2022 [top]
- October 31
- Agenda(, 127KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 106KB)
- May 26
- Agenda(, 130KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 146KB)
- April 25
- Agenda (, 130K)
- Meeting Notes ( 218K)
- March 28
- Agenda (, 134KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 191KB)
- February 28
- Agenda (, 131KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 178KB)
- January 31
- Agenda(, 102KB)
- Meeting Notes (, 193KB)
2021 [top]
- December 13
- Agenda(, 145KB)
- Meeting Notes(, 187KB)
- October 18
- Agenda(, 168KB)
- 10.18.21 Meeting Notes (, 181KB)
- April 26
- Agenda (, 126KB)
- 4.26.21 Meeting Notes (, 113KB)
- March 8
- Agenda (, 125KB)
- 3.8.21 Meeting Notes (, 148KB)
- February 8
- Agenda(, KB)
- Budget Presentation(, 1000KB)
- 2.8.21 Meeting Notes(, KB)
2020 [top]
- November 16
- 11.16.20 Agenda(, 176KB)
- 11.16.20 Meeting Notes(, 190KB)
- September 14
- 9.14.20 Agenda(, 177KB)
- Budget Presentation(, 687KB)
- 9.14.20 Meeting Notes
- March 9
- 3.9.20 Agenda(, 319KB)
- Presentation
- Strategic Resources Planning Committee (, 1M)
- COVID-19 Update
- 3.9.20 Meeting Notes(, 150KB)
2019 [top]
- August 30
- March 29
- 3.29.19 Agenda (,92KB)
- Presentations
- 3.29.19 Strategic Initiatives Implementation Team
- Strategic Resources Planning Committee
- 3.29.19 Meeting Notes (, 131KB)
- February 4
- 2.4.19 Agenda (, 92KB)
- 2.4.19 Meeting Notes (, 139KB)
2018 [top]
- October 29
- 10.29.18 Agenda (, 91KB)
- 10.29.18 Meeting Notes (, 132KB)
- September 17
- 9.17.18 Agenda (, 91KB)
- 9.17.18 Meeting Notes (, 131KB)
- April 27
- 4.27.18 Agenda (, 90KB)
- 4.27.18 Meeting Notes (, 118 KB)
- February 26
- 2.26.18 Agenda (, 100KB)
- 2.26.18 Meeting Notes (, 106KB)
- 2.26.18 Budget Presentation (, 183KB)
2017 [top]
- October 16, 2017
- 10.16.17 Agenda(, 62KB)
- 10.16.17 Meeting Notes (, 70KB)
- September 12, 2017
- 9.12.17 Agenda (, 66KB)
- 9.12.17 Meeting Notes (, 72KB)
- March 27, 2017
- 3.27.17 Agenda (, 63KB)
- 3.27.17 Meeting Notes (, 66KB)
2016 [top]
- November 28, 2016
- 11.28.16 Agenda (, 60KB)
- 11.28.16 Meeting Notes (, 68KB)
- October 17, 2016
- 10.17.16 Agenda (, 65KB)
- 10.17.16 Meeting Notes (, 71KB)
- May 3, 2016
- 5.3.16 Agenda (, 64KB)
- Presentations
- Budget
- CI 2025
- 5.3.16 Meeting Notes (, 55KB)
- April 5, 2016
- 4.5.16 Agenda (, 61KB)
- Presentations
- Budget Update
- CI 2025 Update
- 4.5.16 Meeting Notes (, 51KB)
- February 22, 2016
- 2.22.16 Agenda (, 32KB)
- Presentation
- 2016/17 Budget Update (, 397KB)
- 2.22.16 Meeting Notes (, 151KB)
2015 [top]
- November 30, 2015
- 11.30.15 Agenda (, 30KB)
- Presentation
- CI 2025 Update
- 11.30.15 Meeting Notes (, 44KB)
- November 2, 2015
- 11.2.15 Agenda (, 30KB)
- Presentations
- CI 2025 Update (, 5MB)
- FY17 Budget Development Planning Schedule (, 113KB)
- 11.2.15 Meeting Notes (, 44KB)
- September 28, 2015
- 9.25.15 Agenda (, 37KB)
- Presentations
- CI Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020 (, 2MB)
- 2015-2016 Budget and Capital Improvements (, 283KB)
- Student Success and Completion Initiatives (, 78KB)
- 9.25.15 Meeting Notes (, 55KB)
- April 27, 2015
- 4.27.15 Agenda (, 19KB)
- 4.27.15 Meeting Notes (, 29KB)
- March 30, 2015
- 3.30.15 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 3.30.15 Meeting Notes (, 25KB)
- February 16, 2015
- 2.16.15 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 2.16.15 Meeting Notes (, 25KB)
2014 [top]
- December 15, 2014
- 12.15.14 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 12.15.14 Meeting Notes (, 25KB)
- November 3, 2014
- 11.3.14 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 11.3.14 Meeting Notes (, 24KB)
- April 21, 2014
- 4.21.14 Agenda (, 18.5KB)
- 4.21.14 Meeting Notes (, 26.5KB)
- March 17, 2014
- 3.17.14 Agenda (, 18.5KB)
- 3.17.14 Meeting Notes (, 33.8KB)
- February 10, 2014
- 2.10.14 Agenda (, 18.3KB)
- 2.10.14 Meeting Notes (, 40.9KB)
2013 [top]
- Fiscal Year 2013 (FY13) Operating Budget and Capital Budget Overview (, 618KB)
- December 2, 2013
- 12.2.13 Agenda (, 17.8KB)
- 12.2.13 Meeting Notes (, 23.3KB)
- November 4, 2013
- 11.4.13 Agenda (, 18.3KB)
- 11.4.13 Meeting Notes (, 32.2KB)
- September 16, 2013
- 9.16.13 Agenda (, 18.2KB)
- 9.16.13 Meeting Notes (, 27.4KB)
- Strategic Planning Status and Direction
- May 1, 2013
- 5.1.13 Agenda (, 18.2KB)
- 5.1.13 Meeting Notes (, 28.6KB)
- March 25, 2013
- 3.25.13 Agenda (, 20.4KB)
- 3.25.13 Meeting Notes (, 31KB)
- February 25, 2013
- 2.25.13 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 2.25.13 Meeting Notes (, 22.5KB)
- February 4, 2013
- 2.4.13 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 2.4.13 Meeting Notes (, 33KB)
2012 [top]
- December 3, 2012
- 12.3.12 Agenda (, 17.6KB)
- 12.3.12 Meeting Notes (, 42KB)
- Divisional Strategic Plan Presentation: Information Technology Services
- May 14, 2012
- 5.14.12 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 5.14.12 Meeting Notes (, 60KB)
- Divisional Strategic Plan Presentation: Finance & Administration
- Finance & Administration SumMarchy (, 254KB)
- Divisional Strategic Plan Presentation: Student Affairs
- Student Affairs SumMarchy (, 316KB)
- April 23, 2012
- 4.23.12 Agenda (, 20.5KB)
- 4.23.12 Meeting Notes (, 43KB)
- Divisional Strategic Plan Presentation: Academic Affairs
- 2012 Academic Affairs Presentation (, 2.9MB)
- February 20, 2012
- 2.20.12 Agenda (, 18.3KB)
- 2.20.12 Meeting Notes (, 35KB)
- 2012 HSI Title V Grant Presentation (, 158KB)
- Physical Master Plan Committee Presentation
- 2012 PMPC Presentation (, 6.7MB)
- January 23, 2012
- 1.23.12 Agenda (, 18.3KB)
- 1.23.12 Meeting Notes (, 50KB)
- Strategic Initiative Presentation: Access, Retention & Success
2011 [top]
- November 21, 2011
- 11.21.11 Agenda (, 20.5KB)
- 11.21.11 Meeting Notes (, 47.5KB)
- Strategic Initiative Presentation: Sustainability
- 2011 Sustainability SumMarchy (, 50KB)
- 2011 Sustainability Presentation ((, 795KB)
- Strategic Initiative Presentation: STEM
- 2011 STEM SumMarchy (, 111KB)
- 2011 STEM Presentation (, 164KB)
- October 12, 2011
- 10.12.11 Agenda (, 18KB)
- 10.12.11 Meeting Notes (, 43.7KB)
- PPPC Changes for AY 2011-2012 (, 59.2KB)
- Park Committee Presentation
- Park SumMarchy (, 33KB)
- Park Presentation (, 22MB)
- May 16, 2011
- 5.16.11 Agenda (, 14KB)
- 5.16.11 Meeting Notes (, 34.6KB)
- April 25, 2011
- 4.25.11 Agenda (, 13.9KB)
- 4.25.11 Meeting Notes (, 106KB)
- March 28, 2011
- 3.28.11 Agenda (, 52KB)
- 3.28.11 Meeting Notes (, 45.2KB)
2010 [top]
- December 6, 2010
- 12.6.10 Agenda (, 45KB)
- 12.6.10 Meeting Notes (, 46.2KB)
- October 25, 2010
- 10.25.10 Agenda (, 45KB)
- 10.25.10 Meeting Notes (, 34.3KB)
- September 27, 2010
- 9.27.10 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 9.27.10 Meeting Notes (, 40KB)
- May 10, 2010
- 5.10.10 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 5.10.10 Meeting Notes (, 32KB)
- March 29, 2010
- 3.29.10 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 3.29.10 Meeting Notes (, 32KB)
2009 [top]
- November 16, 2009
- 11.16.09 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 11.16.09 Meeting Notes (, 40KB)
- May 11, 2009
- 5.11.09 Agenda (, 17KB)
- 5.11.09 Meeting Notes (, 17KB)
- April 6, 2009
- 4.6.09 Agenda (, 17KB)
- 4.6.09 Meeting Notes (, 17KB)
- February 23, 2009
- 2.23.09 Agenda (, 17KB)
- 2.23.09 Meeting Notes (, 17KB)
2008 [top]
- December 8, 2008
- 12.8.08 Agenda (, 20KB)
- 12.8.08 Meeting Notes (, 22KB)
- October 27, 2008
- 10.27.08 Agenda (, 20KB)
- 10.27.08 Meeting Notes (, 12KB)
- September 22, 2008
- 9.22.08 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 9.22.08 Meeting Notes (, 12KB)
- May 12, 2008
- 5.12.08 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 5.12.08 Meeting Notes (, 12KB)
- February 25, 2008
- 2.25.08 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 2.25.08 Meeting Notes (, 12KB)
- January 28, 2008
- 1.28.08 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 1.28.08 Meeting Notes (, 12KB)
2007 [top]
- November 26, 2007
- 11.26.07 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 11.26.07 Meeting Notes (, 12KB)
- September 24, 2007
- 9.24.07 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 9.24.07 Meeting Notes (, 12KB)
- April 9, 2007
- 4.9.07 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 4.9.07 Meeting Notes (, 19KB)
- February 26, 2007
- 2.26.07 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 2.26.07 Meeting Notes (, 19KB)
- January 22, 2007
- 1.22.07 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 1.22.07 Meeting Notes (, 19KB)
2006 [top]
- November 27, 2006
- 11.27.06 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 11.27.06 Meeting Notes (, 13KB)
- October 23, 2006
- 10.23.06 Agenda (, 10KB)
- 10.23.06 Meeting Notes (, 13KB)
- September 25, 2006
- 9.25.06 Agenda (, 10KB)
- 9.25.06 Meeting Notes (, 10KB)
- April 24, 2006
- 4.24.06 Agenda (, 10KB)
- 4.26.06Meeting Notes (, 10KB)
- February 27, 2006
- 2.27.06 Agenda (, 10KB)
- 2.27.06 Meeting Notes (, 10KB)
- January 30, 2006
- 1.30.06 Agenda (, 10KB)
- 1.30.06 Meeting Notes (, 10KB)
2005 [top]
- December 5, 2005
- 12.5.05 Agenda (, 10KB)
- 12.5.05 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
- November 7, 2005
- 11.7.05 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 11.7.05 Meeting Notes (, 20KB)
- September 26, 2005
- 9.26.05 Agenda (, 13KB)
- 9.26.05 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
- April 25, 2005
- 4.25.05 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 4.25.05 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
- March 28, 2005
- 3.28.05 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 3.28.05 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
- February 28, 2005
- 2.28.05 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 2.28.05 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
- January 24, 2005
- 1.24.05 Agenda (, 12KB)
- 1.24.05 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
2004 [top]
- November 29, 2004
- 11.29.04 Agenda (, 86KB)
- 11.29.04 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
- October 25, 2004
- 10.25.04 Agenda (, 86KB)
- 10.25.04 Meeting Notes (, 87KB)
- September 30, 2004
- 9.30.04 Agenda (, 86KB)
- 9.30.04 Meeting Notes (, 18KB)
- August 23, 2004
- 8.23.04 Agenda (, 86KB)
- 8.23.04 Meeting Notes (, 76KB)
- May 10, 2004
- 5.10.04 Agenda (, 86KB)
- 5.10.04 Meeting Notes (, 79KB)
- April 12, 2004
- 4.12.04 Agenda (, 86KB)
- 4.12.04 Meeting Notes (, 79KB)
- March 8, 2004
- 3.8.04 Agenda (, 86KB)
- 3.8.04 Meeting Notes (, 80KB)
- February 9, 2004
- 2.9.04 Agenda (, 82KB)
- 2.9.04 Meeting Notes (, 61KB)
- January 12, 2004
- 1.12.04 Agenda (, 78KB)
- 1.12.04 Meeting Notes (, 93KB)
2003 [top]
- December 8, 2003
- 12.8.03 Agenda (, 78KB)
- 12.8.03 Meeting Notes (, 86KB)
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