General Advisement

Advising Center

Location: Bell Tower, Room 1595
Telephone: 805-437-8571

Office Hours:

  • Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m - 5:00 p.m.


Advising Center Staff:

  • Dr. Ernesto Guerrero, Director of Academic Advising
  • Advisors:
    • Todd Oberson, Asst. Director of Academic Advising, Technology Services Coordination
    • Monica Rivas, Asst. Director of Academic Advising, Special Populations Coordination
    • Sarah Johnson, Peer Advising Coordinator
    • Hannah Smit, Academic Advisor
    • Claudia Sitlington, Academic Advisor
    • Kristen Dobson, Academic Advisor

At CI, the role of advising is shared by faculty advisors and professional academic advisors. Academic advising is a continuous process that supports students throughout their academic journey at the University. Students are ultimately responsible for their educational planning and meeting all graduation requirements. Students need to be familiar with the University Catalog policies, as well as major and degree policies. In order to ensure academic success and remain on course, students are encouraged to maintain regular contact with academic and faculty advisors.

Students may stop by the Advising Center check-in counter to schedule an appointment with one of our professional academic advisors. Academic advisors are busiest during registration periods and the first few weeks of the semester. Students are encouraged to schedule advising sessions during the non-peak times. Major faculty advisors are available on a walk-in basis or by appointment. Each semester, office locations, hours and phone numbers of major faculty advisors are posted in the display case outside the Advising Center.

Link to faculty advisors

New Transfer Students

Students will receive information about advising and registration procedures by invitation after officially being admitted to the University. At CI, a student's first experience with academic advisors will take place at orientation. All newly admitted transfer students are required to attend Island View Orientation (IVO) during the week of:

  • Friday July 20, 2018 - Friday, July 27, 2018

Orientation is required for all new transfer students and costs $50 to participate.  Participants at IVO will receive academic course information to assist with registering for classes, meet with faculty and fellow classmates, and learn about programs, services, and timely campus information.  For additional information regarding orientation, visit: /nso/transfer-ivo/ or call (805) 437-3160.  For information regarding advising, visit: http://www.csuci.edu/academics/advising/csuci_info.htm or call 805-437-8571.

Transfer Student Registration

Only students who participate in Island View Orientation will be eligible to register. All new students for the fall term will register online on the following date:

  • TBA

Course Scheduling and Technology Assistance

After attending an advising workshop, students experiencing difficulty with course scheduling or course selection may contact the Advising Center at 805-437-8571 for assistance. Students experiencing technical difficulties with the online registration process may contact Academic & Information Technology at 805-437-8552.

New Freshman Students

Advising will take place for freshman students at Island View Orientation. During Orientation, students will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about academic requirements and policies
  • Develop a class schedule with our professional academic advisors

Island View Orientation (Freshman Students)

Freshman students for fall 2018 are required to attend one of the following Island View Orientation dates:

June 14-15     June 19-20     June 22-23     June 26-27ÌýÌý

At Island View Orientation students will:

  • Discover ways in which to effectively transition into curricular and co-curricular environments of CI;
  • Receive information regarding a variety of student support services (counseling, career, disability accommodations, etc) and campus life (recreation, student life, clubs and organizations, etc);
  • Tour the campus and learn necessary information about the library;
  • Learn about opportunities on campus such as academic advising, service learning, study abroad, and other academic support services;

Freshman Student Registration

All freshman students will register online on TBA. Information about the registration process will be covered during Island View Orientation.

Systemwide Placement Test Requirements

The California State University requires each entering undergraduate, except those who qualify for an exemption, to take the CSU Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) examination and the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) prior to enrollment. These placement tests are not a condition for admission to the CSU, but they are a condition of enrollment. They are designed to identify entering students who may need additional support in acquiring the basic English and mathematics skills necessary to succeed in CSU baccalaureate-level courses.

Undergraduate students who do not demonstrate college-level skills in mathematics will be placed in appropriate remedial programs and activities during the first term of their enrollment. Students placed in such programs in mathematics must complete all remediation in their first year of enrollment. Failure to complete remediation by the end of the first year may result in denial of enrollment for future terms. Students register for the EPT and/or ELM at their local CSU campus. Questions about test dates and registration materials may be addressed to Admissions & Recruitment, Sage Hall 1st floor, 805-437-8520.

University Writing and Multiliteracy Center and Learning Resource Center

The University Writing and Multiliteracy Center and the Learning Resource Center is located on the second floor of the John Spoor Broome Library.

University Writing and Multiliteracy Center

At the University Writing & Multiliteracy Center, specialized writing tutors are available to assist students with composing a first draft, organizing their ideas, and polishing their completed work.

The University Writing & Multiliteracy Center is open to work with any student on their writing—whether it’s a research paper, lab report, or application letter. The Center provides individual and group tutoring, writing workshops, and other services to meet the needs of undergraduate and graduate students working on writing, speaking, and visual projects. Appointments are at least 30 minutes, and can be as long as an hour. For more information, visit the Writing Center website at . The cost of the Writing & Multiliteracy Center's services is included in your student fees—so come in and get what you've already paid for! The Center is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00–2:00 p.m.. For an appointment or more information please call 805-437-8934.

Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center provides walk-in, one-on-one and small-group peer-tutoring in a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Social Sciences, Biostatistics, Physics, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Computer Science, Psychology, and Nursing. Students should contact the Learning Resource Administrative Assistant to obtain information regarding discipline tutoring available each semester. Tutors help students to develop quantitative analysis skills by addressing fundamental concepts, comprehension, homework, test preparation, study skills, and much more. The Learning Resource Center is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. For more information please call 805-437-8409.

Academic Planning

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