Police Department - Important Telephone Numbers
- Emergency: Dial 911
- Police Department: 805-437-8444
- On-Campus Safety Escort: 805-437-8444
Transportation & Parking Services (TPS)
- Office: 805-437-8430
- Fax: 805-427-8430
- Off-Campus: 805-437-8430
Hours of Business Operation
- Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Fridays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Police Services
The Police Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The department encourages prompt reporting of all crimes, potential criminal actions, and other emergencies on campus, either in person or by calling 911 or 805-437-8444 from any telephone.
CSU Channel Islands police officers are commissioned, sworn peace officers with full enforcement authority throughout the state. Officers are responsible for reporting and investigating crimes and traffic accidents, responding to medical emergencies, enforcing laws and local ordinances, and all other incidents requiring police assistance. Criminal cases are forwarded to the Ventura County District Attorney's Office for prosecution. Police officers provide 24-hour patrol of the campus and surrounding neighborhood on foot, in vehicles, and on bicycles. Most police officers are also certified emergency medical technicians (EMT-1) and are the first responders to all medical emergencies.
The on-campus Safety Escort Service is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. During the academic year, the Community Services Officers are available to provide on-campus Safety Escorts Monday-Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
More programs available include:
- Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)
- Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention
- Alcohol/Drug Awareness/Anti-Drunk Driving Workshops
- Personal Safety Awareness
Department personnel work closely with other departments on campus such as Housing & Residential Education, Student Health Services, and Counseling & Psychological Services in a collaborative approach to educating the campus community on such issues as alcohol and drug abuse, drinking and driving, sexual assault, domestic violence, and cyber safety.
Transportation & Parking Services Parking Enforcement
Parking Enforcement
All permit and parking regulations are enforced seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Vehicles parked on campus are required to have a parking permit.
Off-Campus Bus Service
The VISTA bus service is available Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 10:20 p.m., and Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:20 p.m. The cost of a transit shuttle card is $25 per semester for students, faculty, and staff or $1.25 each way for a single ride. The bus operates from the following sites:
- Oxnard
- "C" Street & Channel Islands Blvd. (By Centerpoint Mall)
- Oxnard College (S.W. Bard Road & Simpson Drive)
- Camarillo
- Camarillo Metrolink Station (Lewis Road & Ventura Blvd.)
To utilize this service and purchase a transit shuttle card, students should stop by TPS to complete an application and have a photo taken. Please allow 10-15 minutes to process the card. The transit shuttle card is a countywide bus pass that can be used with other area transit providers that transfer to the CI buses. Commuters are also encouraged to park at one of the sites and ride the bus to campus. Parking at the off-campus bus sites is free.
Parking Permits
Semester and daily parking permits are valid in all "A" parking lots and "general permit" designated parking areas, with the exception of student housing parking permits, which are valid only in the Student Housing (SH) and Student Housing University Glen Town Center (SHUG).
Semester Parking Permits
All semester parking permits are available for sale at TPS. The purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee availability of space in a particular parking lot. Parking permits are available on a semester basis. The cost of a parking permit is $185.00. Parking permits purchased after the start of the semester are prorated accordingly:
- 31-60 days, 75 percent;
- Within 61-90 days, 50Â percent; and
- 91+ days, 25 percent.
Student Housing (SH) Parking Permits
The SH parking permit is only issued to student housing residents, and is only valid in the SH parking lots.
Student Housing University Glen Town Center Parking Permits
The SHUG parking permit is only issued to student housing University Glen Town Center residents; and is only valid in the designated Town Center SHUG parking stalls or SH parking lots.
Daily Parking Permits
Daily parking permits can be purchased from permit dispensers located in parking lots A1, A2, A3, A4, or the lobby of the TPS and are valid only on the date of purchase. The cost of a daily parking permit is $6.00. The permit dispensers will accept credit cards, coins; and $1, $5, and $10 bills; and give change in one dollar coins. There are no refunds for daily parking permits.
Semester Parking Permit Refunds
Parking permit refunds after the start of the semester are prorated accordingly:
- Within 30 days, 75 percent;
- Within 60 days, 50 percent;
- Within 90 days, 25 percent;
...and none thereafter. Refunds will be made within 30 days of receipt of request. There are no parking permit refunds for daily parking permits or for any amount less than $10.00. Transit shuttle card refunds after the start of the semester are prorated accordingly:
- Within 30 days, 67 percent;
- Within 60 days, 33 percent;
...and none thereafter.
If you have additional questions or would like to receive a brochure of the parking regulations, contact TPS at 805-437-8430, e-mail parking@csuci.edu, or visit the website at http://www.csuci.edu/parking. For more information about alternative transportation, contact Transportation and Parking Services at (805)437-8430, or email parking@csuci.edu, or go to http://www.csuci.edu/parking/alternativetransportationresources.htm.