Santa Rosa Island Research Station

Robyn Shea
Director, Santa Rosa Island Research Station 
CSU Channel Islands
2753 Lindero Hall
Phone: (805) 437-1653
Email: °ù´Ç²ú²â²Ô.²õ³ó±ð²¹°ª³¦²õ³Ü³¦¾±.±ð»å³Ü 

Jenowa Larson
Coordinator, Santa Rosa Island Research Station 
CSU Channel Islands
2752 Lindero Hall
Phone: (805) 437-8542
Email:  jenowa.larson427@csuci.edu

Stacey Ayer
Administrative Analyst, Santa Rosa Island Research Station 
CSU Channel Islands
2752 Lindero Hall
Phone: (805) 437-8542
Email:  stacey.ayer@csuci.edu

If inquiring for press/news purposes, research availability or permits, or any general island related concerns please refer to the National Park Service who own the island and control all related activities.

*Please see the Channel Islands National Park for details about the park and other islands. *

Please submit all general station related inquiries to  SRI@csuci.edu


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