Business Continuity is defined as the capability of the organization to continue delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following a disruptive incident.

Business Continuity Management is defined as a holistic management process that identifies potential threats to an organization and the impacts to business operations those threats, if realized, might cause, and which provides a framework for building organizational resilience with the capability of an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value-creating activities. (Source: ISO 22301:2012)

On campus, business continuity is the phase of recovery from a disruptive event that generally overlaps or follows the emergency or acute response. In preparation for this phase of recovery, we have asked ourselves these questions: “What do we do after the fire department leaves? How do we carry on, with limited space, resources and personnel? How do we continue to teach, purchase commodities, process payroll, assign course work, manage grades, advise students? How will we communicate with each other, and with students? How do we carry on during a prolonged remediation period lasting weeks or months? What functions are critical to our mission, and what functions are not?


  • Critical functions – Can it wait? If not, it’s critical and requires continuity planning.

  • Critical Personnel – those highly trained for specific job functions

  • Is your plan written in such a way that someone outside your department, or your division, could understand and follow your instructions?

  • Is your plan current, and tested, in part, annually?

  • Following your annual test, did you upload your After Action Report to your plan in CI Ready?

  • Does the appropriate staff have access to edit your plan?

  • In short, Business Continuity is the platform on which the organization stays calm and carries on.

  • What is your plan after the fire department leaves?

Business Impact Analysis Worksheet (, 626KB)

Risk Assessment TemplateÌý(, 55.8KB)

Business Continuity Plan SampleÌý(, 72.2KB)

Need Help?

Request or change access to CI Ready or assistance with your Business Continuity Plan or annual testing - contact:

Maggie Tougas, BCP Committee Chair - margaret.federico@csuci.edu  ph: 805/437-3765

Laurie Nichols, Interim Assistant VP Administration - laurie.nichols@csuci.edu  ph: 805/437-8425

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