
91视频 Campus & University Glen Evacuation Plan (, 2.54MB)

91视频 Evacuation Planning Analysis (, 3.10MB)

91视频 Campus and University Glen Evacuation Plan Maps (, 11.88MB)

Executive Summary

An emergency can occur at any time without warning requiring a campus wide evacuation. Proper planning is essential to minimize the impact of any emergency on or near the main campus, including University Glen.

In the event of an emergency on or near the CSU Channel Islands campus, the evacuation of a building, area or the entire campus may be necessary. An evacuation may also be precautionary in response to credible information of an imminent threat or emergency.

With the assistance of consultants from Fehr and Peers an evacuation analysis was conducted to provide recommendations on a campus wide evacuation including University Glen.

The CSU Channel Islands Evacuation Plan is a tool to help facilitate a timely, effective, efficient, safe and coordinated emergency response to significant events affecting the campus or its population. The information in this plan is intended to cover most emergencies in which an evacuation might be required but is not all-inclusive. Common sense should be utilized when instructions are not given.


The purpose of this document is to describe the high-level plan for moving people and traffic safely away from the campus during an emergency or other critical situation.


To facilitate the safe evacuation of the main campus and University Glen during an emergency. University police will coordinate the evacuation in a planned, systematic, controlled manner with the guidance and assistance of essential campus personnel and other emergency response agencies.

Evacuation Procedures

Most days on campus go smoothly without interruption, but on occasion, an emergency situation can occur on or near campus which necessitates the evacuation of the campus鈥 buildings and grounds. This can include incidents such as fire, flood, earthquake or other man-made or natural disaster which might pose an imminent threat to the campus and University Glen.

Prior to any emergency, campus community members and residents should build an emergency kit and develop a plan for how they will respond in the event of an emergency. The plan should address each of the following questions:

  1. How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?
  2. What is my shelter plan?
  3. What is my evacuation route?
  4. What is my family/household/coworker communication plan?

Additional information and resources on planning for emergencies can be found on the website.

Public safety personnel will assess an emergency situation and determine whether a campus-wide evacuation order is necessary and appropriate. Upon ordering an evacuation, the CSU Channel Islands Police Department (CIPD), in collaboration with Communication & Marketing, will issue an emergency notification with instructions to the main campus and University Glen communities. Methods of notification may include, among others, the main campus loudspeaker system, 91视频 global email, and 91视频 Alert, as well as 91视频鈥檚 and CIPD鈥檚 various social medial channels. Regional emergency information may also be communicated via VC Alert ().

Depending upon the nature of the emergency and if feasible, non-essential 91视频 staff may be released early to reduce the number of people attempting to evacuate the campus at the same time. To improve operational efficiency, emergency personnel will be assigned to the following locations to conduct traffic control:

  • Lewis Road and Camarillo Street;
  • Lewis Road and University Drive;
  • Lewis Road and Potrero Road;
  • The three roundabouts along Channel Islands Drive;
  • Camarillo Street and Channel Islands Drive;
  • University Drive and Santa Barbara Avenue;
  • University Drive and Lot A3 entrance/exit;
  • Ventura Street and Oxnard Street;
  • Oxnard Street and Potrero Road

Traffic control operators can help facilitate merges, prevent roundabouts from blocking up, or identify gaps for turning vehicles. Emergency personnel will also consider the appropriateness of utilizing both inbound and outbound traffic lanes for egress.

Evacuation Routes

The following information contains recommended evacuation routes on both the main campus and the University Glen community. A community member鈥檚 location on campus at the time of an evacuation should determine the most appropriate evacuation route.

Main Campus

On the main campus, determine if you are on the NORTH side or the SOUTH side of campus. The divide between the two is the Central Mall.

NORTH side landmarks includes:

  • University Hall, Placer Hall, Sage Hall, Madera Hall, Del Norte Hall, Napa Hall, El Dorado Hall, Grand/Petite Salons, Lot A3.

SOUTH side landmarks includes:

  • Bell Tower, Arroyo Hall, Islands Caf茅, Lindero Hall, Malibu Hall, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Anacapa Villages, Lot A10.

If you are on the NORTH side of campus, exit via University Drive north to Lewis Road. Turn either right or left onto Lewis Road. See attached map.

If you are on the SOUTH side of campus, exit via Oxnard Street to Potrero Road. Turn either right or left onto Potrero Road. See attached map.

University Glen

In University Glen, determine if you are on the NORTH side or the SOUTH side of the community. The divide between the two is Long Grade Creek.

NORTH side landmarks include Santa Cruz Island Drive, Cuyler Harbor Drive, Fry鈥檚 Harbor Drive, Platts Harbor Drive, Twin Harbor Drive. Landmarks for exit in Anacapa Canyon include Santa Rosa Island Dr., and San Miguel Islands Dr.

SOUTH side landmarks include Town Center, Anacapa Island Drive, Smuggler鈥檚 Cove, Elephant Seal Cove, Frenchy鈥檚 Cove, South Pool, University Glen Park.

If you are on the NORTH side of University Glen, exit via Channel Islands Drive north to Camarillo Street and then north towards Lewis Road. Turn either right or left onto Lewis Road. See attached map.

If you are on the SOUTH side of University Glen, go onto the main campus, and then follow the appropriate main campus evacuation route. See attached map.

Return to Campus

After an evacuation, please do not return to the campus until CIPD or other emergency responders have given an 鈥渁ll clear鈥 notification. Once the threat to the campus has been resolved, CIPD will determine when it is safe to return. This message will be communicated by means of the emergency notification methods listed above.

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