Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

The responsibility for a University emergency management program as required by California State University ("California State University Emergency Management") has been delegated to the 91ÊÓƵ Police Department (UPD). The 91ÊÓƵ Police Department is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of an emergency management program on campus and the development and implementation of programs and projects in emergency planning, training, response, and recovery.

Emergency Operations Plan

The University has developed an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) which addresses the planned response to emergency/disaster situations associated with natural disaster, technological incidents and national security emergencies. The EOP is designed to meet State (SEMS) and Federal (NIMS) requirements. Incorporating the principles of the Incident Command System (ICS), the EOP provides emergency responders with procedures, guidelines such as shelter-in-place and evacuation and methods of documentation to effectively manage emergencies.

University departments are responsible for developing Emergency Action Plans as well as Business Continuity Plans for their staff and areas of responsibility. The University conducts exercises each year, which have included table top exercises, functional, and full-scale exercises, and tests of the emergency notification systems on campus. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency response plans and capabilities of the University. Evaluations, after action, and corrective action reports which are designed for assessment and evaluation of emergency plans and capabilities are completed after each drill. The University will publish a summary of its emergency response and evacuation procedures in conjunction with at least one drill or exercise each calendar year.

Emergency Operations Plan - 2023 Update

Response & Training

The 91ÊÓƵ Police Department supervisors and officers have received training in ICS and responding to critical incidents on campus. When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campus, the first responders to the scene are usually the police, and if determined necessary by the Chief of Police or his designee, mutual aid will be provided by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol, and/or the Ventura County Fire Department. These agencies will work together to respond to and manage the incident. Depending on the nature of the emergency, other CI departments and other city, state or federal agencies could also be involved in response to the incident.

Multi-Hazard Response Plan

As part of the University’s response planning, an emergency procedure poster was developed and posted in all classrooms and employee work areas. This poster provides specific directions in response to specific disasters and internal and external threats to the University. A Building Marshal program, patterned after highly successful programs at other CSU facilities has also been developed. These individuals receive special training to assist the police in evacuation of buildings, testing the fire alarm systems, and conducting drills to test our response plans.

Building Evacuation Procedure

When a signal to evacuate the building is activated or when notified by a 91ÊÓƵ Police Officer or by a building or floor marshal, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same. Proceed to the closest stairwell for prompt evacuation to the designated assembly point outside. Building and floor marshals will be required to report on whether any staff are missing or are known to have remained in the building due to disability or injury. Assist disabled persons in exiting the building.

When safely outside the building, move to the designated assembly point. Stay at least 100 feet away from any affected buildings or structures, and keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by a 91ÊÓƵ Police Officer or by a building or floor marshal.


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