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How will the campus be involved in providing input into the establishment of the initiatives?

This effort will only be successful with the involvement of the entire University. Each initiative will have a committee with representatives from across the campus including students, staff, faculty and administration. These committees may have subcommittees or working groups with even broader representation. Open forums, surveys and other approaches will be employed to provide opportunities for every member of the campus community to participate.

How is this committee different from the Strategic Plan Steering Committee?

The Strategic Plan Steering Committee was established for the purpose of creating the current University Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan Steering Committee ended its work when the strategic plan was adopted. The strategic plan helps set the general direction for the campus, but this effort will assist in identifying specific ways the strategic plan will be implemented.

How is this committee different from the Strategic Resources Planning Task Force Committee?

The Strategic Resources Planning Committee (SRPC) is focused on the campus budget process and the campus budget. The Strategic Initiatives effort will identify longer term initiatives and priorities for the University.

Will resource allocation be discussed or decided on by this committee or its process?

This process will not make budget decisions. Rather, it will identify areas of highest priority for the campus. The initiatives that result out of this process will be the basis for future resource allocation decisions.

Why is the 2025 Graduation Initiative already underway as a campus initiative?

Each campus in the CSU is charged with developing a student success plan before the end of the spring 2017 semester as part of the 2025 Graduation Initiative (https://www2.calstate.edu/graduation-initiative-2025). This initial campus initiative is underway with four subcommittees. Additional information is available at Graduation Initiative 2025.

How does this process relate to the University Strategic Plan (2015-2020)?

The University Strategic Plan provides a high level guide for the direction of the campus. This effort will take the general direction of the strategic plan and identify specific areas or initiatives where the campus will focus resources and seek to accomplish specific objectives over the next several years.

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