2024-2025 Cohort 6
- Kevin Amaya - Senior Student Systems Analyst
- Alexandria Calderon - Advancement Administrative Specialist
- Monica Carrillo - Student Experience and Success Counselor
- Meagan Chiaramonte - SASEI Operations Lead
- Jennifer Conkwright - Accountant II
- Grace Durst - Director of Planned & Major Gifts
- Brenda Estrada - Career Counselor
- Tanya Yancheson Gonzalez - Director of Basic Needs
- Courtney Gross - Study Abroad Coordinator
- Britnay Haddox - Student Outreach, Marketing, and Admissions Counselor
- Michelle Hasendonckx - Assistant Vice President for Student Academic Success & Equity
- Colleen Haws - Public Safety Analyst and Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police
- Beyrin Hernandez - Admissions Specialist
- Elena Jaloma - SOAR at CI Project Director
- Rohit Kulkarni - Project Manager - Information Technology
- Jayni Martinez - Academic Evaluations Specialist
- Carlos Miranda - Chief Information Security Officer
- Jasmine Moreno - Extended University Specialist
- Chris Murphy - Manager of User Services
- Catherine Paolillo - Senior Assistant Librarian - Outreach & Engagement Librarian
- Paul Peterson - Senior Data and Research Analyst
- Veronica Ramos - Project SOAR at CI Grant Analyst
- Patricia Sainz - Accountant II
- Shaina Salin - OLLI Program Coordinator
- Aaron Sandoval - Senior Assistant Librarian - Electronic Resources Management Librarian
- Angie Stamos - Administrative Analyst, Learning Communities
- Georgia Van Tyne - Learning Designer
2023-2024 Cohort 5
- Diana Cruz Alvarado - Document Management Coordinator
- Karl Atkins – Data Manger & Research Analyst
- Stacey Ayer – DASS Analyst
- Neomi Basquez – Student Finance Specialist
- Sandra Birmingham – Project AYUDAS Director
- Aura Bryan – Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations
- Tia Clarke - Prospect Management and Research Specialist
- Stacie Dee - Budget Analyst
- Jeannette Edwards - Mission Centers Coordinator
- Alex Garza - Confidential Administrative Specialist
- Lance Grange - Director of User Services
- Emma Battles Guetter - Admissions, Records, and Student Services Coordinator
- Megan Hickernell - Budget Analyst
- Linda Jordan - Donor Relations and Stewardship Specialist
- Reha Kadakal - Associate Professor of Sociology
- Kathleen J. Klompien - Faculty Director, (Living) Learning Communities
- Andrew Lorenzana - Community Relations and Strategic Projects Specialist
- Laura Lugo - Academic Program Analyst
- MyVan McLay - Director of Advancement Budget & planning
- Heather Molloy - Faculty Lecturer
- Lori Myers - Dean's Administrative Analyst (Arts & Sciences)
- Alex Padilla - Executive Assistant for the Office of the President
- Maria Perez - HR Coordinator
- Lisa Racine - Director, University Events
- Asha Ramachandra - Director of IT Strategy
- Ashley Segovia - Human Resources Coordinator
- Melissa Silva - Associate Registrar
- Greg Stoup - Director of Procurement and Contract Services
- Michael Trainor - OLLI Program Coordinator
- Kristopher Yeager - Assistant Professor in the School of Education
2022-23 Cohort 4
Back row (left to right): Jessica Dalton, HyeSun Lee, Tiina Itkonen, Daniel Banyai, Carrick DeHart. Middle rows (left to right): Kristen Dobson, Amber Sanchez, Jessica Parker, Heather Castillo, Jackie Connell, Rachel Danielson. Front row (left to right): Michael Reyes, Kara Waycasy, President Rich Yao, Jennifer Raymond, Stephany Rodriguez, Geri-Lyn Himbaugh, Melissa Bergem. Missing: Michele Naveau.
- Daniel Banyai - Director of Enrollment Management, Outreach, and Student Affairs
- Melissa Bergem - Project Manager
- Heather Castillo - Associate Professor of Performing Arts
- Jacky Connell - Director of Finance for EUIP
- Jessica Dalton - Instructional Support Technician III
- Rachel Danielson - Assistant Registrar
- Carrick DeHart - Director of Major Gifts
- Kristen Dobson - Assistant Articulation Officer & Curriculum Analyst
- Geri-Lyn Himebaugh - Budget Analyst
- Tiina Itkonen - Faculty/DASS liaison, Professor of Education & Political Science
- HyeSun Lee - Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Michele Naveau - Confidential Payroll Specialist
- Jessica Parker - Manager of HR Operations, Classification & Compensation
- Jennifer Raymond - Community Partner Coordinator
- Michael Reyes - Custodial Manager
- Stephany Rodriguez - Academic Personnel Specialist
- Amber Sanchez - Senior Data and Research Analyst
- Kara Waycasy - Administrative Analyst/Specialist
2021 Cohort 3
After being interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, Cohort 3 was restarted in 2021. Back row (left to right): Pilar Pacheco, Interim President Richard Yao, Kristen Linton and Roxane Beigel-Coryell. Front row (left to right): Colleen Forest, Lydia Dixon, Angela Portillo, Bethany Bañuelos and Mark Patterson. Missing from the photo: Colleen Harris, Michelle Resnick and Monica Rivas.
- Bethany Bañuelos - Interim ASI Assistant Director for Student Union & Events
- Roxane Beigel-Coryell - Sustainability & Energy Manager
- Lydia Dixon - Assistant Professor of Health Science
- Colleen Forest - Associate Registrar
- Colleen Harris - Head of Instruction, Engagement & Assessment
- Kristen Linton - Associate Professor of Health Sciences
- Pilar Pacheco - Director, Center for Community Engagement
- Mark Patterson - University Ombuds Officer
- Angela Portillo - HR and Employee Relations Manager
- Michelle Resnick - Director, Disability Accommodations & Support Services (DASS)
- Monica Rivas - Associate Director of Academic Advising
2020 Cohort 3
- Bethany Bañuelos - Associated Students Inc. (ASI) Facility Specialist
- Roxane Beigel-Coryell - Sustainability & Energy Manager
- Lydia Dixon - Assistant Professor of Health Science
- Cynthia Flores - Assistant Professor of Mathematics
- Colleen Forest - Associate Registrar
- Colleen Harris - Associate Librarian, Information Literacy Coordinator
- Kristen Linton - Assistant Professor of Health Sciences
- Pilar Pacheco - Director, Center for Community Engagement
- Mark Patterson - University Ombuds Officer
- Angela Portillo - HR and Employee Relations Manager
- Michelle Resnick - Director, Disability Accommodations & Support Services (DASS)
- Monica Rivas - Associate Director of Advising
2019 Cohort 2
- Leslie Abell - Lecturer in Sociology
- Blake Büller - Assistant Articulation Officer
- Crista Fisher - Administrative Assistant for the VPSA
- Jaime Hannans - Associate Professor - Nursing
- Catherine Hutchinson - Associate Senior Biology Technician
- Robert Inglis - Public Safety Officer
- Jacob Jenkins - Associate Professor - Communication
- Honey Kruger - Wellness Promotion Health Educator
- Dan Reineman - Assistant Professor - ESRM
- Joyce Spencer - Health & Safety Manager
- Kristin Steiner - Communication Specialist
2018 Inaugural Cohort
- Dana Lee Baker - Associate Professor - Political Science
- Raquel Baker - Assistant Professor - English
- Anna Benscoter - Manager, Student Business Services
- Rosario Cuevas - Operations Support Analyst
- Pam Dean - Communications Specialist
- Ernesto Guerrero - Director of Academic Advising
- Ritchie LeRoy - Senior Director of University Development
- Mary McDonnell - Support Analyst to the Chief of Staff
- Michael McGarry - Instructional Technology Lead
- Robin Mitchell - Assistant Professor - History
- Wendy Olson - HR Manager, Talent Management
- Dianne Wei - Budget and Operations Analyst