Advancement & Community/Government Relations

IEAT 3 Logo

IEAT 3 is continuously inventorying accomplishments and identifying opportunities to do better toward the goal of achieving racial and social justice across all divisions in recruiting, hiring, and retaining a diverse workforce in our faculty, staff, and administrator ranks. The Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) was originally created by a team of staff, faculty, and students from across the University, with IEAT 3 calling for specific and ongoing work toward ensuring that policies and practices in recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and evaluating employees are equity-minded, IE-intentional, and consistent with current research on best practices.

Institutionally Funded Initiatives:

Post-Graduate Outcomes Alumni Survey (1- and 5-year) (IEAT 3.2)


Responsible divisions: DUA with OTP

    • Primary contacts: Amanda Carpenter and Matt Zivot
    • Funded: $20K
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: This involves a multi-pronged approach using multiple sources of data examining a number of different outcomes, including graduate school completion, longitudinal employment data at time of graduation, and 1- and 5-years post-graduation, salary data through the Employment Development Department, and other additional data points. This will give us the opportunity to do Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) analysis and see how responsive we are to workforce and industry needs, as well as how we are doing with our graduates related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We feel that getting this started is a short-term activity but the Student Learning Outcomes analysis applying lessons learned will be more long term. This needs to be active ongoing annual activity that will have broad implications and follow up.
  • Status Report Spring 2024 - Post-Graduate Outcomes Alumni Survey (, 195KB)

    Status Report Fall 2023 - Post-Graduate Outcomes Alumni Survey ()

    Status Report May 2023 - Post-Graduate Outcomes Alumni Survey (, 181KB)

    Status Report November 2022 - Post-Graduate Outcomes Alumni Survey (, 270KB)

    Through the IEAT/IEAP process, we are working to create a culture of DEIA praxis -- that is, the ongoing cycle of reflection and action -- with IEATs serving as the reflection arm and IEAPs serving as the action arm of this work. Toward that end, status reports are submitted by IEAP Initiative Leads and read by members of Inclusive Excellence Action Teams (IEATs) and by the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence (PACIE) who will support the IEAP Initiative Leads by responding to formative assessment questions posed in their status report. 

Divisionally Funded Initiatives

Perception Survey and Analysis and Implemented Integrated Marketing Communication Plan (IMCP) (IEAT 3.1)


Responsible division: OTP

    • Primary contact: Nancy Gill
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: The goal of this activity is to assess the perception and impact of 91ÊÓƵ’s contribution to economic vitality, social mobility and engaged citizenship. In the short term this will involve hiring consultants to assist us in implementing a perception survey to different campus stakeholders, run focus groups, and then analyze those results. The survey will reflect DEIA questions. Later, after the surveys have been conducted and results have been analyzed, we would hire consultants to continue this work to help us build and implement an Integrated Marketing Communication Plan and continue to assess perceptions of the university as it relates to value and brand equity with a focus on DEIA.
  • Status Report Spring 2024 - Perception Survey, Analysis, and Integrated Marketing Communication Plan (, 218KB)

    Status Report Spring 2023 - Perception Survey and Analysis and Implemented Integrated Marketing (, 274KB)

    Status Report Fall 2022 - Perception Survey and Analysis and Implemented Integrated Marketing Communication Plan (IMCP) (, 233KB)

    Through the IEAT/IEAP process, we are working to create a culture of DEIA praxis -- that is, the ongoing cycle of reflection and action -- with IEATs serving as the reflection arm and IEAPs serving as the action arm of this work. Toward that end, status reports are submitted by IEAP Initiative Leads and read by members of Inclusive Excellence Action Teams (IEATs) and by the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence (PACIE) who will support the IEAP Initiative Leads by responding to formative assessment questions posed in their status report. 

    • In Fall 2022:
      • ADV Market Research & Consulting provides a draft Brand Foundation (promise, assets, character) based on the market research collected. Strategic envisioning sessions are proposed to be held with internal and external constituents to solicit feedback for advancing and finalizing the brand foundation.
      • Website research reports from Beacon Technologies are informing the development of a Web Redesign Steering Committee and guiding that work, which includes: (1) web strategy and development, (2) website segmentation (i.e., internet, intranet), (3) Spanish translation for top-level pages, (4) a temporary, one-year, full-time Website Content Marketing hire, and (5) software and equipment.
    • In Spring 2022:
      • A competitive proposal from ADV Market Research & Consulting was accepted and implemented. Analyses of survey and interview data were provided and reviewed by ADV consultants, Grant DeRoo and Chuck Reed with campus leadership in early Summer 2022.
        The Office of the President budget development process included a funding request for a comprehensive visual rebranding including a website audit and redesign project, awarded with one-time funding in the amount of $1,051,370.

Scholarship Data Review and Longitudinal Scholarship Data Review (IEAT 3.3)


Responsible divisions: DUA with OTP

    • Primary contacts: Richard Yao and Ritchie LeRoy 
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: This initiative will continue the work begun in Summer 2020 in a joint effort by DSA and DUA, analyzing the impact of scholarships and size of scholarships on student success, specifically through a DEIA lens. 91ÊÓƵ was the first campus in the CSU system to conduct this type of analysis. Anticipated outcomes include improved student success metrics (e.g., GI 2025 metrics: decreased equity gaps, increased retention/persistence rates, decrease in DWFs, etc.).
    • TBD

Provide Physical Space to Build Community (IEAT 3.4)


Responsible divisions: BFA with DAA, DSA, DUA, OTP

    • Primary contacts: Eboni Ford Turnbow
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Begin dialogue around providing physical space to build community on campus for populations historically under-represented and underserved in higher education. In collaboration with the University’s Space Allocation Committee, Facilities, and through engagement with upcoming capital projects, environmental assessment of spaces and ongoing pursuit of creating affinity spaces for minoritized groups will lead to the building/utilization/modification of safe spaces for all members of our campus community.
  • Status Report Spring 2024 -
    Locations & Updates:
    • Multicultural Dream Center will move to BTW 1538 and rebrand as the Social Justice, Equity & Inclusion Center focusing on Gender Identity, Undocumented, and LGBTQIA* students support services.
    • BTW 1518 - 1524 will be rebranded as the Latinx Cultural Center (to be named officially later by students)
    • BTW 1512 will be rebranded as a tutoring, office hours, and study group area for cultural centers.
    • BTW 1502 – 1506 will be rebranded as the Black Cultural Center (to be named officially later by students)
    Implementation Timeline:
    • April 2023: submit proposal to President Yao for review and formal approval.
    • May/June 2023: finalize costs and implementation timeline with facilities.
    • June-August 2023: Work with student populations on official center names, furniture, layout and needs.
    • June-September 2023: department moves, facilities work and design, furniture purchases, and implementation.
    • October 2023: Official launch of Cultural Centers.
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