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Important Note for Students


Students must change their Dolphin Password within myCI as follows:

  1. Sign in to
  2. In the "My Account" module, click the "Change Password" link.
  3. Follow the instructions to change your Dolphin Password.

Instructions for Employees

  1. First, you must logon to a computer in a campus computer lab using your Dolphin Name and Dolphin Password (How Do I Logon?). While viewing the Windows desktop, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys on your keyboard, then press the DELETE key.
    Keyboard showing locations of CTRL, ALT and DELETE keys
  2. This will bring up the "Windows Security" dialog box.
    Windows Security dialog box, with 6 buttons including Change Password button
  3. Next, select the "Change Password..." button in the "Windows Security" dialog box.
    Change Password button
  4. First, make sure the user name listed in the "User name" text field is your own. If it is not, change the user name to: The Change Password dialog box, with text fields used to set the new password
  5. Next, type in your current Dolphin Password in the "Old Password" dialog box. If you don't know your current Domain Password, please contact the Help Desk.
    Change Password dialog box with Old Password text field filled in
  6. Then, type in your new password in both the "New Password" and "Confirm New Password" fields. See Password Security Tips for information on choosing good passwords. When you are finished, select the "OK" button.
    Change Password dialog box with New Password and Confirm New Password text fields filled in
  7. If you have entered the password correctly, a confirmation dialog box will appear.
    Dialog box which reads "Your password has been changed"
  8. Select the "OK" button to close the confirmation dialog box. To finish, select the "Cancel" button to close the Windows Security window. You can now use your new password to logon to the computer labs and to access other systems which use your Dolphin Password.
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