Forgot or Lost Your Password?

To obtain a new Dolphin Password, . This will enable you to set a new Dolphin Password, which is used to access multiple systems, including CI Learn, CI Records, Dolphin Email and more.

If you are still unable to retrieve your password after using the , please contact the Help Desk.

Help For Students

To change your Dolphin Password, .

Each student's Dolphin Password is used to access the following systems:

  • Computers in campus computer labs and classrooms
  • CI Learn
  • CI Records
  • Dolphin Email
  • Dolphin Files
  • Student Web Space

Password Security Tips

Help for CI Employees

Employees can change their Dolphin Password once they are logged on to Windows.

Each employee's Dolphin Password is used to access the following systems:

  • Computers in offices, labs and classrooms
  • CI Learn
  • Faculty/Staff Webmail
  • Faculty/Staff Web Space

Employees must use a separate password to access CI Records. To reset your CI Records password:

  1. Go to
  2. In the "Faculty & Staff" module, click the "CI Records" link
  3. On the CI Records logon page, click the "Forgot Your Password?" link
  4. Follow the instructions to reset your CI Records password.

Password Security Tips

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