Absence Management

Absence Management is an electronic process used to report absences and view vacation, sick, personal holiday, CTO, state service, and other leave balances online within the Common Human Resources System (CHRS). CHRS Absence Managment improves operational efficiencies and enhances services.

Time & Labor

Time & Labor Self-Service (TLSS) is an electronic hourly time reporting tool (timesheet) that is accessed via myCI within CHRS. Hourly (student and hourly intermittent) employees use it to report their time worked, and their Managers (or designated approvers) will use TLSS to view and approve reported and payable time. 

Access CHRS

To access CHRS, login to myCI using CI credentials. You will need the DUO application to authenticate your login. From there, locate the CHRS tile. 

CHRS Training and Resources

 Training guides are available on the CHRS Training and Resources page

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