Now you can view your Paycheck and W-2 information online, anytime!
As a California State University (CSU) employee your paychecks/direct deposit advices and annual W-2 forms are issued as hard copies by the State Controller’s Office (SCO). These hard copy documents have been the only means made available to employees until now.
CSU state-side employees can access this information electronically through Cal Employee Connect, a secure web-based, employee self-service, portal. Access to the password protected and secure areas of this portal is restricted to authorized users only.
To Register:
- You must be a state-side-employee.
- Have a recent paper pay stub in hand. It has information you will need that is not available from Payroll.
- Go to
- Select Register
- Follow the prompts with these helpful tips:
- Select the Department "CSU, Channel Islands"
- Enter the Agency Code "265"
- View and print your earning statements/paychecks for the current and prior 2 tax years, and
- View and print your W-2’s for up to 3 years.
The CEC Portal is owned and maintained by the State Controller’s Office and is not part of California State University PeopleSoft Self Service.
Please contact for questions.