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Commonly asked questions about the CSU's Common HR System

Access & General System Questions:

How do I access CHRS?

To access CHRS, login to myCI using your CI credentials. You will need the DUO application to authenticate your login. From there, locate the CHRS tile. 

Are you experiencing a web browser error message? Here is a helpful tip: Clear your internet browser cache and try again by closing the browser and re-opening, or try a different browser. CAUTION: any stored passwords or autofill information may be removed as a result of clearing internet cache. 

What do I need to login to CHRS?

CI credentials and DUO application multi-authentication is required for secure access. DUO Registration - Information Security

Where do I receive training about CHRS?

I cannot access CHRS, who do I contact?

Contact the HR Service Desk at or telephone (805) 437-8490

Will CHRS replace CI Personnel?

Yes, CHRS will replace the CI Personnel tile.

Will my current employment and personal information transfer to the new Common HR System?

Yes, information housed in the current 9.0 Peoplesoft Human Resources system database will automatically transfer to the upgraded Common HR System in Peoplesoft version 9.2.

Note: Change by way of renumbering Employee ID and Position Number will occur with the system upgrade. A spreadsheet/crosswalk of CHRS Employee ID and Position Number are available with each Budget area.

Why the renumbering of Employee ID and Position Number?

All CHRS campuses are moving to perform HR processes in the same way. Common fields ensure standardization of employee-level data. A spreadsheet/crosswalk of CHRS Employee ID and Position Number are available with each Budget area.

Will students have access to Employee Self-Service?

Yes, students will enter their student assistant employee hours worked in Time & Labor Self-Service (TLSS). Continue to reference both CI Records and CHRS (formerly CI Personnel) for certain student related personal information.

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