Emergency Contact information is needed to facilitate care and/or notification to appropriate parties in the event of an emergency. Please review your emergency contact information via your myCI account and update this information as appropriate.
Emergency contact information is used for two purposes:
- Emergency Contact (EC): To contact someone of your choice in case of an emergency on your behalf. This could be used if you had a medical emergency and someone needed to be notified.
- Missing Person Contact (optional): To contact an individual of your choice to notify in the event that the campus concludes you are missing. This individual may be the same as your emergency contact, in which case you would need to enter their information again. Otherwise, you may list a different individual other than your emergency contact.
NOTE: The Emergency Contact and the Missing Person contact information you provide is confidential and will only be used by University officials or law enforcement officers to provide notifications in the event of a personal or campus emergency, or in the event you are believed to be missing.
Student Housing at CI requires that the EC information be provided, however listing of a Missing Person Contact is optional. If you do not indicate a person to contact in the event you are presumed missing, the campus will notify your Emergency Contact (EC). Below are directions on how to add/update your contact information via myCI.
- Open your browser and go to or connect through www.csuci.edu and click on the myCI icon.
- On the sign-in page, enter your User ID and password to log in. Both are case sensitive.
- Once you are logged into myCI, click on CI Records in the My Account section.
- To add Emergency Contact information, click on the "Emergency Contact" link under the Personal Information section.
- Click on the "Add An Emergency Contact".
- Steps for adding an Emergency Contact:
- Enter the contact First and Last name.
- Using the drop down, select your emergency contact's relationship to you.
- Click on Edit Address to enter an address.
- Enter the contact's phone.
- Save.
- Click on OK. You will be returned to the emergency contacts page.
- Make sure you click the Primary Contact box next to your contact (Please note that you can have more than one primary contact but in order for your contact to show up in housing's systems the relationship must be relevant to the contact like a parent, guardian, or sibling).Â

Steps for adding Missing Person Contact:Â click on "Add an Emergency Contact" (from Step 5 above). If your Missing Person Contact is the same as your Emergency Contact you do not have to enter the information again:
- Enter the contact First and Last name.
- Using the drop down for relationship section, select "Missing Person (Housing)".
- Click on the Edit Address to enter an address.
- Enter the contact's phone.
- Save.
- Click on OK.
For questions about emergency contact information for Student Housing & Residential Education, please call 805-437-2733 or email us at student.housing@csuci.edu