
Table of Contents

Adopt a Tree

  1. Who do I contact with questions?
  2. How many trees can I adopt?
  3. Can I choose the tree I would like to adopt?
  4. What if I do not select a specific tree?
  5. For the tree plaque, what style font will be used?
  6. How many lines / characters will the tree plaque allow for?
  7. What is the size of the plaque and what will it look like?
  8. Where will the tree plaque be located?
  9. If I adopt a tree and it dies or needs to be removed, will it be replaced?
  10. How will I know that the plaque for my tree has been installed?

Who do I contact with questions?

Please contact donorrelations@csuci.edu.

How many trees can I adopt?

You may adopt as many trees as you like (pending availability). The campus has approximately 1,200 trees available for adoption.

Can I choose the tree I would like to adopt?

Yes. You may choose the exact tree(s) on campus that you would like to adopt, however final approval of tree selection is based on campus staff approval. Please contact donorrelations@csuci.edu for details.

What if I do not select a specific tree?

If you do not have a tree in mind, then the University will select one for you.

For the tree plaque, what style font will be used?

The approved 91Ƶ font is Gill Sans MT. The size of font will depend on the number of lines requested.

How many lines / characters will the tree plaque allow for?

The plaque will allow up to three lines or 47 characters.

What is the size of the plaque and what will it look like?

The plaque size is 5" x 7”, and is a bronze pebble-style similar to the image seen here.

Where will the tree plaque be located?

The plaque will be installed using a stake and located at the base of the tree.

If I adopt a tree and it dies or needs to be removed, will it be replaced?

Yes. However, we do not guarantee that the species or the age of the replacement tree will be the same as the previous.

How will I know that the plaque for my tree has been installed?

You will be contacted by the University once your plaque has been installed.

Adopt a Paver

  1. What is a paver?
  2. What will the paver design look like?
  3. What are the sizes of each paver?
  4. How many characters and lines will each size paver allow for?
  5. What style of font will be used?
  6. When can I see my engraved paver?
  7. Can I choose the location of my paver?
  8. Who do I contact with questions?

What is a paver?

An interlocking concrete paver is a pre-cast piece of concrete or brick commonly used in exterior hardscaping applications.

What will the paver design look like?

The design consists of approximately 25,000 pavers interlocked.

What are the sizes of each paver?

Small = 8” x 8”

Large = 12” x 12”

How many characters and lines will each size paver allow for?

Small = 55 Characters / 3 lines

Large = 75 Characters / 3 lines

The University will contact you upon purchase of your paver for wording.

What style of font will be used?

Gill Sans MT.

When can I see my engraved paver?

Pavers are installed once each year, to ensure this program doesn't unnecessarily overburden campus departments wishing to use the area, and to coincide with our Facilities department work schedule . Once you place your paver order, a University Advancement representative will be in contact with you as to the next installation date. If you have any questions regarding timing of installation, please contact donorrelations@csuci.edu.

Can I choose the location of my paver?

In general, yes you may choose the general area of the Central Mall fountain in which your paver will be installed. Due to the scale of the project and the number of pavers to be installed, we cannot guarantee the exact location of your paver.

Who do I contact with questions?

Please contact donorrelations@csuci.edu

How many of each can I adopt?

The University has approximately 25,000 pavers available for adoption of differing sizes. Depending on availability, you may adopt as many as you like.

Adopt a Bench

  1. May I adopt more than one bench?
  2. Who do I contact with questions?
  3. Can I choose the bench that I would like to adopt?
  4. What if I do not select a specific bench?
  5. For the bench plaque, what style font will be used?
  6. How many lines / characters will the plaque allow for?
  7. What is the size of the plaque and what will it look like?
  8. Where will the plaque be located?
  9. What will the bench look like?
  10. When can I see my bench and how will I know when the plaque has been installed?

May I adopt more than one bench?

Yes. Please contact the University to check on availability in advance by e-mailing donorrelations@csuci.edu.

Who do I contact with questions?

Please contact donorrelations@csuci.edu.

Can I choose the bench that I would like to adopt?

Yes. Please note that most of the benches on campus are being installed as we renovate our courtyards and open spaces. Therefore, we ask that you please contact the University if you have a specific location in mind.

What if I do not select a specific bench?

The University will select one for you.

For the bench plaque, what style font will be used?

Gill Sans MT. The size of the font will depend on the number of lines.

How many lines / characters will the plaque allow for?

Three to four lines and up to approximately 47 characters.

What is the size of the plaque and what will it look like?

The plaque will be 3 x 9” and be a bronze / pebble style, similar to what is seen here.

Where will the plaque be located?

It will be installed at the top of the backrest portion of the bench.

What will the bench look like?

The benches are teak and look like the image shown here.

When can I see my bench and how will I know when the plaque has been installed?

A University representative will contact you once the bench and plaque have been installed. Please note that some of the benches may need to be ordered from an off campus supplier. Therefore, wait times for installation may take a little longer.

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