It is the policy of the California State University (CSU) that campuses implement methodologies for the recording, tracking, and safeguarding of university property (e.g., tangible, intangible, and gifts) and the sale and licensing of intellectual property. This policy is applicable to all California State University, Channel Islands divisions, and its related auxiliary corporations.
Property tracks state equipment on campus oversees capital equipment inventory and monitors minor equipment on a three-year cycle. The department maintains a list of surplus property available for reuse by university departments, as well as maintains a for online auctions of furniture, fixtures, and equipment open to the general public. We also work with local public and nonprofit agencies to recycle obsolete equipment and oversee our campus's electronic recycling efforts.
Surplus visits are available by appointment only. Non-authorized staff is prohibted without prior approval by the Property Clerk. The items are used, may have some blemishes or damages. Available on a first-come basis. Holding of items is based on prior approval by the Property Clerk. |
The campus is able to view the (requires myCI login) located at the surplus warehouse before an on-site (in-person) visit. Appointments required, please contact to schedule a surplus visit email at Property@csuci.edu or at 805-437-8551.
*Teresa Montoya is the contact while Justin Santana is on leave. Please use the Property@csuci.edu email address for inquiries.