
Students of color and first-generation students often arrive at the CSU with fewer Advanced Placement courses or dual enrollment credits, and they are more likely to maintain jobs while enrolled requiring more flexibility in their course schedule. As a result, their need for additional opportunities to earn CSU course credit is critical if they are to graduate in a timely manner.

Summer sessions and intersessions provide these additional credit accumulation opportunities. Yet, many do not take advantage of these opportunities. With increased advisement support and additional offering of summer and intersession enrollment, students who may be falling behind in academic credits can be redirected to timely degree completion.聽

91视频 is working through several initiatives to provide opportunities for students to obtain credits.

  • Offering Summer and Intersession courses that will help students.聽
  • Early Start Program: The Early Start Program serves CSU admitted freshmen who need to improve their skills in Written Communication and/or Mathematics as determined by systemwide placement standards. With an early start in these pivotal subjects, students will improve their chances not only to succeed in their first year but also to complete their college degree
  • CIMAS Program: 聽91视频 Initiative for Mapping Academic Success (CIMAS) is a program assisting students with academic skills workshops. During its Spring semester launch in 2022, the program provided academic skills workshops to struggling students, 73% of whom were Latino, and awarded summer course scholarships to those who completed the program. Preliminary results show that the students鈥� average GPAs increased more than half a point and the percentage of students who graduated or returned for the Fall 2022 semester was nearly seven points higher than that of the general student population.
  • Implement block scheduling for first- and second-year cohorts beginning Fall 2022. See Block Scheduling Report (, 137KB)
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