Division Budget
Welcome to the budget web page for the Division of University Advancement. This page contains information about the planning and development of the Division’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year, including information about budget meetings, development timeline, and other resources you can use to learn more about our planning.
Division Planning Process
The Vice President for University Advancement begins planning efforts by sharing budget context and information that has been presented to the campus by the Strategic Resource Planning Committee (SRPC) with the University Advancement Executive Leadership team (positions noted in the below roles and responsibilities section). Members of the Executive Leadership team are expected to use this information along with the feedback, ideas and recommendations provided to them by the staff within their respective areas to submit a recommended budget for their unit to the Vice President for University Advancement. The Vice President for University Advancement considers all recommendations, information and requests submitted and compiles the final budget recommendation/request that moves forward to SRPC for review and then to the President for final approval.
As the Division moves through the budget planning process, the Vice President for University Advancement will present on the budget planning process to the Division at each quarterly divisional meeting. Additionally, information regarding budget town halls and SRPC meetings is shared with the Division throughout the planning process.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Vice President for University Advancement: maintains delegated authority and oversight over the Divisional budget. The Vice President approves the Division’s final budget request/recommendation that is submitted to the Strategic Resource Planning Committee (SRPC) for review and then submitted to the President for final approval.
- Associate Vice President for University Advancement: maintains delegated authority by the Vice President for University Advancement for daily oversight and day-to-day management of the University Development budget.
- Director of University Events: maintains delegated authority by the Vice President for University Advancement for daily oversight and day-to-day management of the University Events budget.
- Executive Director of Advancement Budget, Planning, & Financial Services: manages, coordinates, and supports the budget and planning efforts for University Advancement, including Foundation.
Division Materials
- Division Org Structure (, 299KB)
- Division Strategy Map (, 123KB)