
Preferred Names, Pronouns and Email Addresses

Students have the option to update their chosen/preferred name, pronouns and gender identity through their myCI portal, within CI Records. Additionally, students may request to change their email address to match their chosen name. Click the menu items below for more details.

Update Your Chosen/Preferred Name in CI Records

Chosen/Preferred names will show in the Student Center, the Advisor Center, the Faculty Center including Class and Grade rosters, and CI Learn (Canvas). Changing or adding a preferred name does not change your primary/legal name. Additionally, last names can be changed only as a result of a legal name change. To change a primary/legal name, students must complete the Name Change Request form and submit with legal documentation to the Registrar鈥檚 Office through the myCI portal.

1. In your Student Center, navigate to the Personal Information section and select Names


2. Click on the Request Preferred Name Change button and edit your preferred first and/or middle name, then click Save. Preferred name changes will appear immediately.

How to Update Your Chosen/Preferred E-mail address

Students wishing to change their Dolphin E-mail address to their Chosen/Preferred name (first name only) may submit a Preferred Email Update Request to the Registrar鈥檚 Office (registrar@csuci.edu). Students should make this request after updating their preferred name through Self-Service.

Changing your Dolphin E-mail to a preferred name requires ITS intervention to create an alias and additional processing in the Registrar鈥檚 Office. It takes approximately two weeks to update your Dolphin E-mail to a preferred name. Preferred e-mails will appear in many student systems such as CI Records, Dolphin Email, and CI Learn (Canvas). However, some systems such as Dolphin CareerLink (Symplicity) and CI Parking Permits (Parking Management Bureau) will not reflect the change. Please also be aware that there is a limit to how many times an alias can be changed. Multiple requests to update a preferred Dolphin E-mail address may not be able to be accommodated.

How to Update Your Pronouns

  1. In your Student Center, navigate to the Personal Information section and select the drop down menu
  2. In the dropdown, select Pronouns, then click the Go arrowstudent center pronouns
  3. Click on the Pronouns drop down and select your pronouns, then click Save. Pronouns will update immediately on the rosters for your classes. update pronouns drop-down

How to Update Gender Identity

The Identity tab allows you to specify your sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Providing this information is optional and your responses are kept private and secure.

  • The first section of the page explains how any data you submit will be used.
  • The data collected is voluntary demographic information, pursuant to .
  • The data are kept private and secure. No campus staff will have access to this information.
  • The data will not be used for discriminatory purposes.
  • The information is used to provide services to all of our student populations.
  • The data is reported in aggregate summary without revealing anyone鈥檚 individual identity.
  • This summary information will be made available to the general public on CSU and campus websites, and to the California State Legislature.
  1. In your Student Center, navigate to the Personal Information section and select Identity.

Step 4 identify

2. Within the Identity tab, select responses from the dropdown menu. If you choose Another or Not listed, then you can type out an answer (up to 30 characters). Once responses are entered, click Save.

Step 5

Frequently Asked Questions on Personal Information Updates

Can I set or change my preferred name and pronouns to whatever I want?

You can set a preferred name that you want to be known by in university systems instead of your legal name, where such usage is currently supported. The University reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it is inappropriate or being used for misrepresentation or to evade legal obligations. Inappropriate use of a preferred name may be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and will be referred to the Dean of Students office. Students may also update their preferred pronouns through their Student Center at any time.

Will my preferred name and pronouns be used for everything at the University?

We are using preferred name in as many places as we can. As of right now, your preferred name will appear in the Student Center, the Advisor Center, the Faculty Center include Class and Grade rosters, and CI Learn (Canvas). Bear in mind that your legal name will continue to be used anywhere a legal name is required, such as official and unofficial transcripts, and any documentation involving financial aid or student accounts. For some of these services, you may need to provide government ID containing your legal name (such as when picking up a check). Pronouns will appear in the Student Center, the Advisor Center and the Faculty Center Class rosters.

Can I change my email address to match my preferred name?

Yes, students may request to change their e-mail address to match their preferred name by submitting a Preferred E-mail Update Request to the Registrar鈥檚 office (registrar@csuci.edu). Updating the Dolphin E-mail address requires ITS intervention to create an alias and additional processing in the Registrar鈥檚 Office. It takes approximately two weeks to update your Dolphin E-mail to a preferred name.

If I change to a preferred e-mail address, which campus systems will it be reflected?

Most student facing systems will reflect the e-mail change. This includes CI Records, CI Learn (Canvas), Dolphin Navigate (EAB), Student Housing (StarRez), CI Docs, Dolphin Email, CI Pay Now / CashNet, DolphinOne Card (Blackboard Transact), Title IX Training (Vector), Financial Aid Forms (CampusLogic), CI Scholarships (AcademicWorks), CI Career Journey (Kuder Journey), Dolphin Files, Follett Discover, and LinkedIn Learning. Currently, the e-mail update does not get reflected in Dolphin CareerLink (Simplicity) and CI Parking Permits (Parking Management Bureau) but we hope to include them soon.

Can I specify a preferred last name?

No. Last names can be changed only as a result of a legal name change. You must file a Name Change request with the Registrar鈥檚 Office or Human Resources to do this.

Am I required to set a preferred name or pronouns?

No. Using a preferred name and defining pronouns is entirely optional.

How long will it take for my preferred name to appear and be used by the University?

Once you set your preferred name in myCI, it will automatically appear and be used in the Student Center, the Advisor Center, the Faculty Center include Class and Grade rosters, and CI Learn (Canvas).

Do I need to change my password when I set a preferred name?

No. Your password should not be affected by a preferred name change.

What is the wording of the gender identity and sexual orientation questions on the admission application?

Sexual Orientation

  • Asexual
  • Bisexual
  • Decline to state
  • Gay
  • Heterosexual or straight
  • Lesbian
  • Not sure
  • Pansexual
  • Queer

Gender Identity

How do you describe yourself?

  • Decline to state
  • Genderqueer/Gender
  • Non-conforming
  • Man
  • Not sure
  • Trans man
  • Trans woman
  • Woman

Gender Expression

How do you describe the way you express your gender identity in terms of behavior, appearance, speech, and movement?

  • Both gender conforming and gender non-conforming
  • Decline to state
  • Gender conforming
  • Gender non-conforming
  • Not listed
  • Not sure

What is the definition for the gender identity and sexual orientation terms used in the data collection questions?


Person who does not experience sexual attraction to others or strong desire for sex. They may or may not experience minimal emotional, physical, or romantic attraction and have a sexual orientation, or pursue romantic relationships.


A person who is physically, sexually, and/or emotionally attracted to men and women. This attraction does not have to be equally split between genders and there may be a preference for one gender over others.


Someone who exclusively identifies as their sex assigned at birth. It is not indicative of gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life.


Term used in some cultural settings to describe a person who identifies as a man who is predominantly or exclusively attracted to men emotionally, physically, and/or sexually. This term can also be used for anyone who is attracted to the same sex. Not all men who engage in 鈥渉omosexual behavior鈥 identify as gay. Others who may not identify as men, may also identify as gay.

Gender Identity

One鈥檚 internal sense of being male, female, neither of these, both, or other gender(s). Everyone has a gender identity, including you. For transgender people, their sex assigned at birth and their gender identity are not necessarily the same.

Genderqueer/Gender non-conforming

A person whose gender identity and/or expression is neither male nor female, is between or beyond genders, or is some combination. They can see themselves as different genders at different times, both, male, female, or no gender at all.

Heterosexual or straight

A man who is emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to females/women. A woman who is emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to males/men.


Someone who identifies as a woman who is predominately or exclusively attracted to women emotionally, physically, spiritually and/or sexually.


Someone who identifies as male. This may or may not align with conventional expectations for their assigned sex at birth.


A person emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to individuals, regardless of sex, gender or gender expression.


Originally a derogatory label used to refer to lesbians and gays, or to intimidate and offend heterosexuals. More recently, this term has been reclaimed as an inclusive and positive way to identify all people who do not follow prescribed norms of sexuality and gender.


A set of characteristics associated with reproduction and biology that general assign individuals into categories of 鈥渕ale鈥 and 鈥渇emale鈥. Also see: sex assigned at birth

Sex Assigned At Birth

The assignment and classification of people as male, female, intersex, or another sex assigned at birth often based on physical anatomy at birth and/or karyotyping.

Sexual Orientation

A person鈥檚 physical, romantic, emotional, aesthetic, and/or other form of attraction to others. In Western cultures, gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same.


Indicates someone whose gender identity or expression differs from conventional expectations for their assigned sex at birth. Trans people can be straight, bisexual, lesbian, gay, asexual, pansexual, queer, etc. just like anyone else. For example, a trans woman who is exclusively attractive to other women would often be identified as lesbian.

Trans man

Indicates a transgender individual who was originally assigned female at birth, who identifies as man.

Trans woman

Indicates a transgender individual who was originally assigned male at birth, but identifies as a woman. Woman - Someone who identifies as female. This may or may not align with conventional expectations for their assigned sex at birth.

If I still have questions or concerns, who can I talk to?

You can contact the Registrar鈥檚 Office at registrar@csuci.edu or the Title IX & Inclusion office at titleix@csuci.edu or the Multicultural Dream Center mdc@csuci.edu . Additional information can also be found in MDC鈥檚 LGBTQ+ Student Resources

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