
Fall 2024 (Sept-Nov)


In Fall 2024, the CI for 2030+ Strategic Planning Process was launched with an invitation from President Yao to the campus community, external partners, and alumni to review and offer feedback on the draft vision statement created in Summer 2024. Additionally, this phase will involve opportunities for the campus community to review guiding principles to strategic planning, to reinforce the University mission statement, to finalize a new vision statement, and to explore and potentially expand the number of goals to be pursued via CI for 2030+.

    1. President’s Message 10/07/2024: Launching 2030+ Strategic Planning Committee & Request for Feedback
    2. Establish Guiding Principles to Strategic Planning
    3. Reinforce University Mission: Placing students at the center of the educational experience, California State University Channel Islands provides undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches, emphasizes experiential and service learning, and graduates students with multicultural and international perspectives.
    4. Review, Revise, and Finalize Vision Statement: CSU Channel Islands is a transformational, educational force whose diverse graduates emerge as leaders, driving human, economic, and environmental well-being and justice in the Central Coast and beyond.
    5. Questions Guiding Inquiry & Consultation
      1. – name changed to
    6. Exploration of Goals:
      1. Leading Through Experiential Academic Programs (LEAP). See to the .
        1. Definition Statement: This organizing concept amplifies 91Ƶ’s strengths related to experiential and active learning, as well as high impact practices, grounded in service to regional needs.
        2. Focus/Organizing Concept(s)
          1. Faculty, staff, and program strengths maintain and enhance focus on experiential learning through internships, career readiness, alignment with employers, active learning, project-based learning, undergraduate-, graduate-, and community-based research, and other high-impact practices – all of which provide the “how” to our forward-looking, place-based leadership in and for higher education – and by providing multiple entry points for life-long learning.
        3. Objective: to leapfrog outdated notions of a polytechnic with an updated vision refined to meet the contemporary workforce needs of the 21st century.
      2. Providing a State of the Art Learner User Experience (LUX). See to the .
        1. Definition Statement: This organizing concept provides a comprehensive strategy for providing state-of-the-art learning and user experiences.
        2. Focus/Organizing Concept(s):
          1. learning experience, which includes the buildout of digital classrooms and pedagogies built around digital tools, assignments designed around digital tools, and similar.
          2. “user experience,” emphasizing the quality of students’ experiences as they engage with campus services. This includes everything from parking to ID cards, from the Registrar to Basic Needs, expanding to include first point-of-contact experiences for prospective students all the way through to the experiences of alumni in their continuing relationship with 91Ƶ.
        3. Objective: to prepare students who will be able to lead in an increasingly digital world, in part by designing and providing consistently high-quality, digitally enhanced experiences.
      1. C. CORE: Connecting with Our Region’s Educational Ecosystem. See to the .
        1. Definition Statement: This organizing concept recognizes that the long-term viability of CI depends on the quality and strength of our collaborations with PreK-12 partners.
        2. Focus/Organizing Concept(s):
          1. centered in the School of Education, CORE is an explicit commitment of the entire campus to engage all sectors of the P-20 public education space and build partnerships with school districts, community colleges, and allied agencies, improving educational outcomes for all students in our region.
        3. Objective: to affirm a long-term commitment to nurturing and elevating the P-20 educational ecosystem that will serve the region’s learners in ways not yet imagined.
      2. D. Faculty as Scholars and Teachers (FaAST). See to the .
        1. Definition Statement: The concept of faculty as scholars, teachers, and artists emphasizes their multifaceted role in academia. Faculty members engage in knowledge creation through research and scholarship, educate students by sharing this knowledge through teaching, and, in the case of artists, contribute through creative expression and innovation. As scholars, they conduct research, publish work, and mentor others. As teachers, they design learning experiences, foster critical thinking, and engage students. Faculty as artists enrich the academic environment by producing original works, performances, or creative projects, blending intellectual exploration with artistic expression. This combination ensures education is dynamic, informed by research, and enriched by creativity.
        2. Focus/Organizing Concept(s):
          1. support faculty and student success in the classroom, advances student research, engages “big problems” for their learning opportunities and impact (e.g., climate change), and is foundational for undergraduate student success and graduate education.
        3. Objective: to advance academic excellence through support for faculty development and pedagogical expertise in active learning, interdisciplinary- and DEIA-focused classroom and field experiences, community engagement, international learning experiences, and other pedagogical approaches for placing students at the center of the educational experience.
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