The policy review process was presented at the President's Planning & Policy Council (PPPC) meeting October 2021. 


  • Policy updates are managed centrally by the Office of the President.

Agenda Items

  • Policies for Recommendation (2nd Reading)
    • Have been vetted and reviewed (and/or modified) and are ready for final consideration
  • Policies for Discussion (1st Reading)
    • Suggested edits/modifications are proposed
    • Preparation for Recommendation at next PPPC meeting

Policies with Revisions

  • Policies that do not contain curricular implications or employee terms and conditions
    • Consent with small updates or minor revisions or
    • Discussion or Recommendation
  • Policies with Curricular implications
    • The Office of the President sends to Policy Clearinghouse Committee (PCC)
    • The PCC determines whether review by the Academic Senate is required
    • Policy is presented at PPPC for Discussion
    • Policy is sent to the Academic Senate
    • Academic Senate will complete 1²õ³ÙÌýand 2nd °ù±ð²¹»å¾±²Ô²µ²õÌý
    • Once passed by the Senate, policy is sent back to the PPPC
    • PPPC - Discussion (if significant revisions); Recommendation (if minor revisions)
    • If the PPPC requires significant additional edits, it will go back to the Academic Senate
  • Policies with employee terms or conditions
    • Any policy with an impact on employee terms or conditions requires a minimum of 30 days for Union Meet and Confer
    • The Office of the President will send electronic copies of policies to the Director of Human Resources
    • Once policies have been reviewed by the Unions, they shall return to the PPPC for either further Discussion (significant revisions), or Recommendation (minor revisions)
    • Policies that are returned to the PPPC and undergo further revision MUST repeat the Union Meet and Confer process 
  • Policies that require Academic Senate and Union approval
    • Policies will first undergo Senate review followed by Union review according to the above-mentioned procedures
    • Once policies have been reviewed by both the Senate and Union, they shall return to the PPPC for Recommendation
    • If significant revisions have been made and policies are returned to the PPPC for Discussion, they MUST repeat the Senate and Union review processes before returning to the PPPC for Recommendation
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