From Spring 2021 through Spring 2023, each Inclusive Excellence Action Team (IEAT) will:

  1. Spring 2021
    1. Elect a co-chair. (Note: President Yao and Cabinet have identified each IEAT Chair to be the Cabinet Champion's appointed member of the team.)
    2. Build the team (e.g., create equity-minded norms for how the IEAT wants to function together; start meetings with quick team builders that provide opportunities to discover connections; read Cornell University's Strategies for Facilitating Inclusion & Trust in Groups).
    3. Review the Spring 2021 charge and create a work plan (e.g., establish meeting dates, create sub-committees if desired, etc.).
    4. Review original source documents (Strategic Initiatives, 7-Point Framework, 17-Actions Commitment to Racial Justice, IE Council Recommendations), ensuring familiarity with original language synthesized in the IEAP Framework.
    5. The main ask for Spring: Create a cross-divisional inventory of activities and accomplishments in the IEAT area, identifying the offices, individuals, and/or working groups responsible for them.
    6. Cabinet Champion will submit the IEAT baseline inventory in early May. (Note: The six IEAT inventories will be linked to the IEAP Framework web pages, under development, within the Office of the President website.)
  2. Summer 2021
    1. Use the baseline inventory to make needed additions to the action items listed in the .
    2. Compare the inventory of activities and accomplishments to the IEAT's list of action items in the IEAP Framework (potentially revised per item 2a above). Identify gaps.
    3. The main ask for Summer: Create an Inclusive Excellence Action Plan for the IEAT (e.g., IEAP #1, IEAP #2, etc.) with deliverables, priorities, timelines, metrics, and proposed budget.
    4. Ensure continuous vetting of the IEAP draft with the Cabinet Champion and Co-Champion. *Note: Faculty representatives on IEATs will receive a stipend for deliverables requiring their time during off-contract summer months.
  3. Fall 2021
    1. Cabinet Champions and Co-Champions for the 6 IEAPs incorporate budget requests in Fall SRPC presentations.
    2. Design a data collection plan for identified metrics. Complete an IRB proposal if the IEAT plans to formally publish results.
    3. Work on the elements of the IEAP that can be advanced prior to allocation of funds in Spring 2022.
    4. Work with representatives from the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence, piloting their draft of an Equity Lens Framework in analyzing existing policies, programs, and practices and in developing new ones.
  4. Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023
    1. With their IEATs, Champions and Co-Champions provide periodic progress reports to Cabinet and the campus community.
    2. Collect and analyze data; use findings to prepare for the next iteration of the IEAT's plan and budget cycle.
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