June 30, 2021
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees:
It isdifficultto express how very glad I am to be sending you news today about our campus repopulation plan. While some of its elements are still in development, as you will read below, we are getting clearer information and drawing closer by the week to reconvening as an in-person community – focused as always on our students, on our professional contributions, and on the institutional mission and values that bring us together. It feels good to say it loud and proud – that our campus will soon be physically and fully open for teaching, learning, research, creative expression, service, student access and success initiatives, and the myriad of other things that give meaning to who we are and what we are working together to build. Our reintegration process as a professional learning community seems an appropriate theme to focus on as we head into our20thanniversary year, onthe heels of nothing less than a global pandemic.
While my own eagerness to be back and in-person is clear, I recognize the genuineconcernsthat existabout repopulating the campus. For myself and my loved ones, I draw comfort in knowing that vaccinations are proving extremely effective as protection against COVID-19 and its variants – including Delta, the most recent and most highly contagious strain known to date – and in knowing that throughout the pandemic, we have done very well as a campus in keeping our people safe. I also know thatmany members of our campus community arealso working to protect loved ones at home who may not be vaccinated,who may be immunocompromised, or who are otherwise susceptible to the coronavirus.
What is important to note, here, is that we can do concrete things on our campus tokeep our incidence rate as low or lower than surrounding communities – and we can encourage our vaccination rates to be at least as high or higher than that of Ventura County. These are critical variables to track.Please know,my continued commitment to clear, direct, and honest communication about our repopulation plans and progress is my pledge.Following is the best information available to me at this time regarding the most recent guidelines for public health and safety and the logistical processes they address.
Asmany of you know,in early June,theCentersfor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishedupdated guidance for institutions ofhigher education, andmore recently, the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) released their updated.We are stillwaitingfortheCSU Vaccination Policyto be finalized,but inthe meantime,I wanted toprovide specific information on how these updated standards willinform our campus repopulation.
Cal/OSHA ETS: A brief summary of highlights
Please review the Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standardsfor details. Inbrief, these revised standards: (1)removealmost allrequirementsfor barriers and physical distancing;(2)eliminate reduced capacity limits;(3)forfully vaccinated employees whocomplywith Cal/OSHA’s requirement to verify vaccination status,mask-wearingisoptional; and (4) employees who are not vaccinatedor do not have an attestation on filewill be required to wear a mask.
As such, all91Ƶ employees whoattestto beingfully vaccinated will not be required to wear a face covering/maskanywhere on campus, though of course theywill befree to do so if they choose.Aprocessfor attesting to vaccination statuswill be communicated in the coming days. Thisself-attestation processwill be immediately available to non-represented employees and to represented employees whose bargaining units have reached agreement throughtheirmeet-and-confer process with the Chancellor’s Office.
Employees who do not have an attestation on file will be considered unvaccinated and will be required to wear a maskindoors, unless in a room or vehicle alone, and except when eating or drinking.In addition, it is recommended that unvaccinated individualscontinue towear a mask outdoors, especially in circumstances when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Employees who would like to request a face covering/maskmay obtain one from Public Safety or the Facilities Work Center.If an employee requiresanaccommodationor exemption for the mask requirement, pleasecontactHuman Resources.While themaskrequirement noted above appliesonly to employees whodo not have an attestation on file,I want to emphasize the importance of not making assumptions about others based on whether they are wearing a mask or not. Coming back from the pandemic as a community requires all of us to recognize and respect the reality that there are a variety reasons for wearing one.
“Restricted Access” to Campus is Now Lifted
While the campus is no longer restricting access to only authorized personnel, access to buildingsby employees and the general public is based on a business need.What this means is that individuals with a need to be on campus can be there without securing a supervisor’s permission andmust adhere to the mask guidelines outlined above. However,please keep in mind that theformalrepopulation of campus will occur in phases. As such, certain facilities and services may not be fully open or available until adequate resources are in place.More specific information about our timeline for fully opening facilities and campus services will be provided in future updates.
While Cal/OSHA’s reviseddo not require ongoing testing for unvaccinated individuals, updated CDC Guidelines for Institutions of Higher Education recommendbaselinescreening for unvaccinated individuals.Information on the testing protocol for91Ƶ will be provided in future updates.
Meetings, Events, and Campus Visitors
Regardingmeetings, events, and campus visitors, California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has revised its guidance to state:
- Internal meetings and campus-sponsored events no longer have a capacity limit unless they meet the State requirement for a mega event (greater than 5,000 indoors and 10,000 outdoors). Specific guidelines for campus-sponsored events, as well as hosting of external events will be forthcoming.
- Daily visitors such as vendors/contractors, future students/parents, guest speakers, 91Ƶ Park visitors, and other members of the public who may visit our campus or affiliated locations and who are not vaccinated,should wear a face covering indoors, outdoors and in groups.
Upcoming Communication
As noted above, aprocess for attesting to vaccination status will be communicated in the coming days. In addition,more specificinformation from managers and/or divisional leadershipregardingour campusrepopulationand reintegration processeswill be provided directly to employeesverysoon.We arecurrentlycoordinating additional vaccination clinics on the campus in the coming months,and we’llsharethose dates as soon as they are confirmed.
Town Hall meetingshave been scheduledso we can providetimely andrelevant updatesand answer questions directly from our campus community.Please feel welcometo register for one or all of them. We are also scheduling separate Town Halls for our students and their supporters.
- Tuesday, July 20 at 10 a.m.
- Wednesday, July 21 at 9 a.m.
- Thursday, July 22 at 11:30 a.m.
As always, if you haveadditional questions, please contact your supervisor, oryou can emailcsuci.news@csuci.eduand your questions willbe directed to the appropriate area for a response.
Thank youin advancefor your cooperation in complying with these new guidelinesand helping to share information with others.
Richard Yao, Ph.D.
Interim President