Template/Tool User(s) Description
Implementation Plan
(, 60KB)
Team leads & Managers Outlines next steps with agreed upon responsible parties and a timeline to hit key milestones.

Final Quad Report
(, 62KB)

Facilitators, Team Leads & Managers Summary of the process improvement event and its outcomes.
Control Plan
(, 37KB)
Team Leads & Managers

A method for documenting the functional elements of quality control that are to be implemented in order to make sure all standards are met. These should be updated as methods or measurements change.

Improvement Calculator(, 17KB)
Facilitators & Managers

Use this calculator to assess the value of the improvement event by:

  • converting work hours into monetary value for staff and MPP’s
  • compiling the monthly material cost and savings
  • calculating the amount saved between the current state and the future state
  • summarizing the total amount the event has saved

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