
Foundation Annual Report

Individual Donors

Total dollars raised

Alumni Donors

“The endowment started from scratch a little over 20 years ago. I
t’s now over $32.5 million and growing. We have much to celebrate.”
–CSU Channel Islands Foundation Board Chair Dr. Mark Lisagor

Donor Impact chartDonor Impact 

A Academic Programs $7,502,770

B Student Financial Aid $1,959,807

C Capital Improvements $4,972,000

D Research $1,188

E Other Restricted $1,581,530

F Unrestricted $440,440  

TOTAL:   $16,457,735

Donor Groups chartDonor Groups

A Foundations $11,316,626

B Other Individuals $3,112,394

C Corporations $1,726,351

D Other Organizations  $284,008

E Parents $7,810

F Alumni $10,546  

TOTAL: $16,457,735

Foundation Board
Cheryl Broome
Chuck Cohen
Kevin Cruz
Henry Dubroff
Linda Dullam
Christine Garvey
Betsy Grether
Bill Kearney
Thomas Krause
Richard LeRoy  (ex-officio, non-voting member)
Mark Lisagor Chair
Chris Meissner Secretary
Lynn Pike
Irene Pinkard
Barbara Rex Treasurer  (ex-officio, non-voting member)
Lois Rice Vice Chair
Richard Rogers
Cari Shore
Esther Wachtell
Jonathan Wang
Peter Wollons
Richard Yao 91Ƶ President
Zohar Ziv Board Development Chair

Endowment growth chartFoundation Board celebrates 20 years of endowment growth

As the University commemorates its 20th anniversary, the CSU Channel Islands Foundation celebrates the successful and continuing growth of its endowment.

“The endowment started from scratch a little over 20 years ago,” said Foundation Board Chair Dr. Mark Lisagor. “It’s now over $32.5 million and growing. We have much to celebrate. We are so grateful to 91Ƶ’s many supporters who continue to believe in the role the University plays in improving the lives of students and our community through higher education, and who, through gifts both great and small, made this growth happen.”

The Foundation had another successful fundraising year in 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022). Several multimillion-dollar gifts helped meet fundraising targets for the year.

The largest gift came from the family of former Ventura County philanthropist and real estate developer Martin V. “Bud” Smith, who generously donated $10.5 million to his namesake — the Martin V. Smith School of Business & Economics (MVS School). A portion of the gift, about $3.5 million, is being used to finish construction on the MVS School’s new facility. The remaining $7 million is being used to establish a new endowment to support the MVS School.

A Look at the Endowment

Endowment Value on June 30
$32.5 M

The Foundation manages 91Ƶ’s endowment funds with the intent of generating additional income from the philanthropic gifts given to the University. As of June 30, 2022, the Foundation’s endowment had a value of $32.5 million. The endowment paid out $796,271 in 2021-2022, directly supporting academic initiatives such as the Peer Mentor Ambassador program and student research. 

Support of Academic Initiatives

{20 years of 91Ƶ }

2022: Other highlights from the year include:

  • Gifts from Kennedy Wilson Investments to support the future construction of an Early Childhood Care & Education Center on campus.
  • Two gifts from the Jeff T. Green Family Foundation to help fund student scholarships and peer-to-peer mentor support.
  • A planned gift for scholarships from Yolanda M. Benitez and Dave Rodriguez for student scholarships.
  • A gift from Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital Foundation for continued support of the 91Ƶ Nursing program.
  •  A gift from the Pozzi family in honor of the late Bruno Pozzi to support student scholarships and the Disability Accommodation & Support Services program.
  • A gift from the TOLD Foundation to support student internships.

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