On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff, we gratefully acknowledge the following donors who
made gifts in support of 91ÊÓƵ during 2011.

Every gift makes a difference and every donor is appreciated. Every effort has beenÌýmade to post a complete and accurate list. Please report errors to the Development officeÌýat Ìý805-437-8919.

With the support of government officials, corporations, philanthropists, community groups, and individuals, CSU Channel Islands (CI) has launched innovative academic programs that meet industry needs and prepare students with multicultural, global, and interdisciplinary perspectives.Ìý

As partners in our educational mission our supporters are critically important to the University’s successes. Your support allows for the exploration of new concepts and transformational research that has the power to change lives, strengthen our communities, and produce results with global impact.Ìý

We invite you to get to know our students, faculty and staff. We ask you to support CSU Channel Islands and encourage you to learn more about CI. Please contact us at 805-437-8893 or nichole.ipach@csuci.edu to find out how you can get involved.

President’s Circle Members+ ; President’s Circle Members – Five- to Nine-Years ++ ;ÌýÌý President’s Circle Members – Ten-Years and above +++

Gifts from IndividualsÌý

Planned andÌýMajor Gifts

Anonymous +



Penny and Clifton Crutchfield

Linda and John Dullam ++

Elise and William Kearney +++

Marcia and John Pearson

Randal Pearson

Nancy and Carl Wesely ++



Joan and Moustapha Abou-Samra +++

Anonymous ++

Michelle and Randall Bishop

Nancy and Erbie Daw +

Joan and Dennis Gaiser +++

Jane and Stephen Goodall

Terri and Mark Lisagor +++

Jane and Richard Rush +++

Nancy Sweetland +



Jeanne Adams +++Ìý

Terry and Grant Adamson ++

Eugene Andreasen +++

Anonymous +++

Marilyn and Roger Benson +

Celina and Amir Biniaz +

Celeste and Robert Bleicher ++

Barbara and Steven Blois ++

Nancy Chappell andÌýJohn Borchard +++

Cheryl and John Broome +++

Julia Brownley

Susan and William Burgos +

Nina Butler +++

Karen Carey +

Margaret and Kevin Carey +

Malinda and Yvon Chouinard +++

Raymond Clayton +

William Cordeiro +++

Joanne Coville and Steve Stewart +++

Diana Crothers +

Julie and Gary Cushing

Heather and Milton Daily +++

Cindi and Stuart Daley +++

Barbara and Wayne Davey +++

Patricia and Michael Dawson +

Eileen and Mario de los Cobos

Carla and Harold Edwards

Vicki Engard +

Robert and Sandra England +

Carol and Handel Evans +++

Ann and Frank Everts +++

Therese and Peter Eyermann ++

Karen and Glen Farr

Anne and Richard Fleck

Elizabeth Rothrock and Scott Frisch +

Eileen and Edward Gaiser ++

Lydia and Grant Geissman +

Henry Gonzalez

Lisa and Ronald Greenwood

Geri and Fred Gretan +

Elizabeth and John Grether +++

Andrea Grove and Chris Scholl

Tamara and Keith Gunther

Brooke and Philip Hampton ++

Elizabeth Hartung-Mendiguren and Ignacio Mendiguren +

Sharon and William Hillbrant +

Gary Hoffner

Carol Holder and John Mallinckrodt ++

Irene and Theodore Hostetler ++

Nichole and Dallas Ipach ++

Karen Jensen and Don Frazeur +

Joyce Kennedy +++

Sandra and Jordan Laby ++

Leah and Hank Lacayo +++

Edwin Lebioda +

Anne and George Leis +

Julia Newman and Saul Lessler +++

Stella and Hillary Ling ++

Stephen Macintosh +

Norma and Mark Maidel +++

Anne and Eugene Mancini ++

Jacqueline and Albert Marley +

Neil MatsumoriÌý +++

Laura McAvoy and Sol Chooljian +++

Margaret Meehan andÌýJoaquin Nunez +++

Barbara Meister +++

Carolyn Daily and John Menne +++

Terry and John Milligan +++

Edwin and Susan Morera +

Nicki and Michael Morris +

William Mortland +++

Jean Nesper +

Dawn Neuman andÌýWilliam Goldberg +

Laura and Douglas Newton +

Sandra and Dave Nirenberg

Edward Nuhfer +

Ruby Oertle ++

Brenda and Robert Parry +

June and Clayton Paschen ++

Louise and Neil Paton +

Anna and Fletcher Pavin +++

Victoria and Bruno Pozzi +++

Ann and Michael Ragen +++

Roxie Ray +++

Christine and Craig Reade +

Lynetta and John Reid ++

Eileen and Jim Rinde +

Barbara and Herbert Rosenkrantz ++

Patricia Salem +++

Sue and John Saunders ++

Rita and Gregory Sawyer +++

Susan Schaefer and Hale Conklin +++

Mary and Charles Schwabauer +++

Lisa and Ronald Semler +

Marriette Simoni

Stephen Stratton ++

Sheila and John Suarez ++

Veronica and Edward Tagliaferri +++

Leo Tauber +++

Marjorie and Ronald Tegland +++

Ramon Tejada

Louie and Richard Tejeda +++

Barbara Thorpe Cartee +++

James Torres

Barbara and Robert Valdez +++

Patricia and Robert Wagner +

Joanne and Daniel Wakelee +++

Ching-Hua Wang andÌýNian-Sheng Huang +++

Laurie and Gary Wartik

Linda and Frank White +

Karen and Peter Wollons ++

Kathleen and Robert Wulf ++

Celina Zacarias +

Johanna and Wilhelmus Zwinkels +++



Nathan Acord

James Adame

Liza Adams

Virgil Adams

Norma Aguayo

Guadalupe and Raul Aguilera

Sara Aguirre

Jose Alamillo

Victor Alamillo

Rebecca Albrecht

Hilary Alderete

Christian Alduenda

Timothy Allan

Caitlyn Allen

Elizabeth Allen

Joe Allison

Erin and Simone Aloisio

Marsha and Gary Alstot

Margaret Ambrose

Douglas Anaya

Adrienne Anderson

Katharine and Daniel Anderson

Jessica Anderson

Tiffany Anderson

Neal Andrews

Sara Anger


Hiromi Arai

Alyssa Arellano

Susan Arias

Samantha Arimoto

Anneke Armstrong

Jaclyn Armstrong

Lisa Armstrong

Myra Arreola

Erin Askar

Chito Atangan

Marc Aten

Lawrence Averion

Ubertino Ayala

Lorilyn Babasa

Stacey Babel

Brittany Bagdanov

Saurabh and Madhu Bajaj

Natasha Baker

Julia Balèn

Terry Ballman and Brian Morrill

Rochele Banayo

Aracely Barajas

Raquel Barata

Shelly and Richard Barber

Shannon Barber

Yuridia Barillas

Robin Barnes

Todd Barnes

Maria and Jorge Barona

Denise Barr

Danielle Barragan

Ashley Barrett

Caitlin Barringer

Daniel Barringer

Nicholas Baruth

Elissa Bass

Jennifer Bates

Christina Bath

Phil Beakes

Patricia Bear

Guadalupe Bedolla

Norman Beebe

Elizabeth and Victor Beelik

Christine Beirne

Bryant Belarmino

Dale Gregory and William Belcher

Kathleen and Gregory Bell

Ryon Bell

Javier Benitez

Leslie and Steve Bennett

Chelsee Bente

Ann Walker and Michael Berman +

Miguel Bermudez

Anthony Bernardo

Betty Berriochoa

Diana Berry

Dale Besara

Richard Betita

Kristin Betka

Annie Betterley

Pamela and Christopher Bingham

Elizabeth Bingham

Edward Birch

Brandon Blake

Odineil Blanco

Jason Blanton

Tim Blaylock

Lois and William Bloom

Deborah and Stephen Blum

Yvonne Gallegos-Bodle

Penny and Robert Boehm

Christine and Michael Boettger

Eric Bojorquez

Ashley Bonneau

Kaylie Booth

Cynthia and Mark Borchard

Shayna Bornstein

Daniel Boughey

Marie Bowsman

Esther Box

Maribeth and Mike Bradberry

Robyn Braddon

John Bradley

Pam and Jim Brady

David Brand

Judy and David Breitstein

Kathleen Brennan

Kevin Brennan

Danielle Brinkman

Frank Briseno

Ryan Bristol

William and Ellen Brokaw

Marni Brook

Kristin Brooks

Camilla Broughton

Gail and Gerald Brown

Patty Brown

Nancy and Michael Brucker

Robert Brugnone

Sarah Bryan

Noel Buena

Amy Bujanda

Stacey Bullington

Martha and William Buratto

Catherine and Elaine Burriss

Alyssa Busse

Sandra and Steven Butts

Ashley Cabral

Christina Cabral

Dennis Cabral

Robert Cabral

Marilyn and Patrick Cahill

Lorin Calderon

Laura Callahan

Marcia Callis-Hellmuth

Amanda Camarillo

Sarah and Matthew Campbell

Mallory Campisi

Lillian and S Canterbury

Catherine Capaldi

Lois Capps

Shaula Carbajal

Diana Carll

Jane and Thomas Carlson

Ruby Caro

Amanda and Christopher Carpenter

Kathrinna Carpio

Nicole Carr

Denise and Dennis Carriero

Alexandra Carson

Shirley and Thomas Carson

Judy Carter

Ann and Paul Carter

Janet and Stephen Casey

Valerie Casillas

Rebecca Castaneda

Eric Castillo

Guadalupe-Reyes-Castillo and Francisco Castillo

Laura Celic

Elizabeth Chacon

Suzanne Chadwick

John Chamberlain

Carol and William Chandler

Abha Chandra

Doreen Chang

Joseph Chavez

Kelsey Chavez

Sonia and Erick Chavez

Courtney Checky

Sunhee Chor

Merrill Berge and Todd Christian

Breana and James Christie

Courtney Christie

Gerry Christison

Renny Christopher

Jennifer and H Churchill

Elma and Stephen Clark

Tia and Jack Clarke

Scott Cleaver

Ashley Cleveland

Ryland Cleveland

Adrienne Cleverly

Jerome Clifford

Russell Clifford

Jerry Cline

George Cogswell

Helen Cohen

Jo Ann Cohn

Holly and Michael Cole

Lauren Cole

Tracy Cole

Elizabeth Collins

Scott Collins

Cassondra Collom

Carlos Colombo

Jessica Combs

David Connell

Phyllis and James Conran

Larisa Contreras

Juanita Cook

William Coons

Christopher Cooper

David Corcoran

Araceli and Eduardo Cordero

Bradley Corney

Henrietta and Art Coronado

Blanca and Adolfo Cortez

Steven Cosgrove

Mary and Stephen Cossey

Irina and Cris Costache

Kristen Cover

Katheryn and Anthony Cowans

Camille and Philip Cox

Ryane Cox

Susan and Keith Craig

David Crawford

Hugh J. Crawford

Maria Cuevas

Donna Turner and Bruce Culver

Lynn and Robert Cummings

Chanda Cunningham-Spence and Clayton Spence

Juliet and Thomas Cutler

Elizabeth and Stanley Daily

Jessica Dalton

Rachel and Eric Danielson

Michelle Davies

Carole Davis

Genevieve and Rodney Davis

Sonia Davis

Bailey Dawson

Deborah Dawson

Michele De Cant

Catherine De La Torre-Martinez

Raquel De Los Santos

Fe De Mange

Elizabeth Hartung-Mendiguren and Ignacio De Mendiguren

Stan Deakin

Geoff and Marlene Dean

Michele Decastro

Eleanor and William Deeney

Rennee Dehesa

Terrilynn and Richard Dejarnette

Christopher Del Rosario

Ryan Delaway

Alicia DelFoss

Carl Delsie

Lauren DeOliveira

Grace and John DePriest

Cindy and Jay Derrico

Brett D’Errico

Mary Devins

David Diano

Diana Diaz

Dru Ann Dixon-Jacobson

Dustin Dockter

Patricia and Richard Doerner

Caroline and Stephen Doll

Mike Doman

Andrew Domingos

Diana Dominguez

Dominic Donato

Steven Dones

Jeffrey Donlin

Gina DonVito

Melissa Dorman-Ellis and James Ellis

Gina Dossin

Shella Douet

Chris Dow

Brandon Dowling

Susan Drapkin

Leonard Dryer

Ona Bractson and Henry Dubroff

Aleida Duenas

Shana Duke

Carina Dundore

Melissa Dupree

Lauriane Durand

Joseph Dyess

Jenessa Eaton

Laurie and Richard Eberst

Jennifer Edwardson

Catherine Collins and Craig Eggers

Mark Eggertsen

Janet Egiziano

Deborah Eidson

Rebeca Elliott

Yessica and Adam Elliott

Courtney Ellis

Kathy and Richard Ellis

Jennifer and Steven Elson

Christel and Roger Embree

Victoria Emi

Thomas Emma

Haans Reed Endecott

Susan Englund

John Enoch

Zack Entz

Michael Eozano

Gene Epley

Rebecca and Andrew Erickson

Gary Erickson

Laura Espinosa

Priscilla and Adam Espinosa-Kaiserman

Patricia Espinoza

Virginia Espinoza

Tila and Angel Estrada

Ezra Eusebio

Genevieve Evans Taylor andÌýCurtis Taylor

Joyce and Garold Faber

Bradley Fair

Elisa Falcone

Evelyn Fanton-Elwan

Lisbeth Farias

Kevin Farrell

Jamian Faso

Nicole Feliciano

Rebecca Felter

Martha and Bruce Feng

Charlotte Ferguson

Jerry Fernandez

Jennifer Ogawa and Ronald Fernandez

Karynna Ferreira

Sharon and William Ferrell

Vanessa and Charles Fields

Cristina Figlio

Ashley Filipek

Nancy Finley

Samantha Finley

Carrie Rothstein-Fisch andÌýBryan Fisch

Sharon and Bruce Fischer

Caitlin Fitzpatrick

Bill Flartey

Jamie Fletcher

Karen Flock

Adriana Flores

Alicia Flores

Christina Flores

Ernesto Flores

Ethel Flores

Mark Flores

Yolanda and Ramon Flores

Diane and John Flynn

Josh Ford

Rachele Ford

Sherie Frame

Ryan Francisco

Valerie Francisco

John Franco

Sara Franco

Kaelia Franklin

Laurita Franklin

Michael Frazer

Judith Frazier

Alexander Freeman

Betsy Friedman and David Krehbiel

Miyuki and Donald Fujitani

Celene Fuller

Kelley Fuller-Heinrichs

Yolanda Fulton

Dorothy and Cris Fulwider

Cheryl and Timothy Gallagher

William Gallaher

Brenda Gallegos-Flores

Judith Gamboa

Jake Ganajian

Sarah Gantzer

Adrian Garcia

Gary Garcia

Jorge and Acela Garcia

Lauren Garcia

Miguel Garcia

Rosali Garcia

Tania and Gordon Garcia

Derrick Gardiner

Susan Garrison

Kyle Garza

Ellen Gaynor

Joseph Gentile

Julie and Cary Gerhardt

Shannon Gerhardt

Ginger Gherardi

Patti and Edward Gibbs

Gina Gilinsky

Nancy Covarrubias Gill andÌýWilliam Gill

Barbara and Steven Gill

Kevin Gillogly

Brian Gilreath

Stephanie Giluso

Diane Glover

Shirley and Charles Godwin

Barrett Goldberg

Amanda Goldstein

Mark Goldstein

Gail Goldwyn

Justin Goleno

Eva and Armando Gomez

Carmen Gomez

Marylou Gomez

Robert Gonzales

Crystal Gonzalez

Daniel Gonzalez

Randy Gonzalez

Robert Gonzalez

Herbert Gooch

Andrew Goodman

Jessy Goodman

Catherine and Jeffrey Goodwin

Harriet Gordon

Paul Goyne

Susan and David Graham

Deborah and Leo Gravelle

Kailynn Greeley

Debra and Steven Greenwood

Sofia Gregory

Barrick and Linda Griffith

Mark Grout

Matthew Guasco

Plato Guerra

Rosario and Gabriel Guillen

Karen Gundelfinger

Gisselle Gutierrez

Sara Gutierrez

Christopher Guzman

Oscar Guzman-Negrete

Amanda Habermann

Rachel Hadlock-Piltz

Yosef Haile

Francine and Kenneth Haley

Robyn and Kevin Hall

Lauren Hamachi

Gregory Hamilton

Gloria and Gerald Hamor

Coral Hansen

Courtney Hansen

Scott Hansen

Pamela Hanson-Medina

Cynthia Harber

James Harber

Margo Hardin

Denise Harding

Eva-Maria Harre

Robert Harrell

Paige Harris

Jessica Harrison

M. George Harrison

Jonathan Hartman

Charlotte Haskell

Sarah and Matt Hawkins

Dana Hayes

Heidi Hayes

Gregory Hayward

Danielle Healey

Lael Heaton

Brian Hefelfinger

Robert Heggen

Cheryl and Dennis Heitmann

Debbie and Glenn Henderson

Sharon and James Hennessy

Shafiq Hepp

Amanda Hernandez

Julie and Arturo Hernandez

Christina Hernandez

Jason Hernandez

Lucila and Hugo Hernandez

Maribel and Salvador Hernandez

Elidia and Nathan Hernandez-Hamburger

Cynthia Hentley and Jess Herrera

Jessica Herrera

Liliana Herrera

Maria Herrera

Susan Hersberger

Carolyn and Ronald Hertel

Sam Hicks

Victoria Hicks

Amanda Hill

Heather Hill

Jade Hill

Spencer Hilpert

Marilyn and Robert Hindle +

Steven Hintz

Sam Hirschberg

Lisa Knapp and Thomas Holden

Rachel and James Hooks

Linda and Marc Hornbeek

Remington Hotchkis

Amanda Howard-Fairrington

Kristin Hronek

Jennifer Huante

James Hubbard

Robert Huber

Frank Huchingson

Sherisse and Trevor Hughes

Michael Husband

Meredith Husk

Beata and Andrew Huszcza

Lindsay Huysentruyt

Charmaine Ibarra

Pete Ibarra

Cynthia and Allan Ides

Denise Ilustrisimo

Patricia and Robert Improta

Mikayla Ioannou

Jacqueline and Jon Irwin

Michael Israel

Rishelle Jabury

Monica Jacinto

Jack Jacobs

James Jacobson

Adam Jahnke

Matt Janousek

Roy Jasso

Barbara and Davor Jedlicka

Jeannette Jennett

Ryan Jennings

Jessica Jetton

Amy Jimenez

Darin Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Dora and Michael Johnston

Yvonne Jonason

Christopher Jones

Janice Jones

Natalie Jones

Shirley and Robert Jones

Stephanie Jones

Cynthia Jordan-Ramirez

Cody Joy

Callie and Gustavo Juarez

Heather Jue

Bernadette Kajaty

Karla Kammerer

Faryn Kapala

Fotini and Taso Karacali

Brian Kasper

Helen and Eugene Keane

William Keane

Carly Keas

Patricia Keen

Preston Keldgord

Vyvyan Keller-Gobuty

Sheen Rajmaira and Sean Kelly

Jasmina Kent

Jennifer Key

Keshav Khadka

Ms. Marjan Khoee

William Kiefer

Ann and Joseph Kilrain

Soo-Ji Kim

Christina Kinney

Gary Kinsey

Irwin Kir

Darren Klug

Gail and Curtis Knecht

Tina and Kevin Knight

William Knox

Jill Kobritz

Eunice Koch

Michael Koch

Nancy Kochevar

Theresa Kocis

Rina Koenka

Heather Kokoska

Joan Kooba

Arthur Krapf

Judith Krieger

Shayna Kroll

Melissa Krueger

Steven Kuhn

Garrett Kuiken

Jacob Kuiken

Robert Kulle

Sandra and Dennis Kuttler

Heather Lacayo

Matthew Lajoie

Sean Lamb

Heather Lambert

Jeff Landau

Alfred Landegger

Alyssa Lapp

Maria Lara

Genevieve LaTurner

Maxine and Stephen LaTurner

Matthew Lauahi

Nancy and Patrick Laughlin

Irene and Byron Lawler

James Lawrence

Mina Layba

Leslie and Ruben Lazo

Debra and Nicolas Lazzarini

Paul Leavens

Jeff Lee

Paul Lee

Stephanie Lee

Mary and Gregory Lefevre

Kathryn and Richard Lefevre

Suzanne Lefevre andÌýThomas Lenz

Kathryn Leonard andÌýGhassan Sarkis

Brian Leshon

Sarah Lester

Amanda Lewis

Frances Lewis

Katie Lewis

Ronald Lewter

Yiu Hung Li

Craig Lieberman

Rebecca Limon

Judith and Leonard Linton ++

Barbara Lippert

Elizabeth Lira and Ryan Smith

Li-Mei and Andrew Little

Dana Lockwood

John Lohbauer

David Lombardi

Frank Lomeli

Tina Lone Elk

Kathy and Randolph Long

Katrina Long

Angelica Lopez

Lourdes and Armando Lopez

Irma and Manuel Lopez

Margaret and Robert Lopez

Paul Lopez

Debra and Kevin Louth

Mireya Loza

Richard and Kathleen Lucas

Judith and Theodore Lucas

David Luna

Lana and Lars Lundin

Mark Lunn

Colleen Lurie

Lloyd Lustina

Fiona Ma

Lyndsay Maas and Terry Fransen

Maria Macaluso

Allison and Shaun Macdonald

Larraine and Bryan MacDonald

Lori and Alec Macdonald

Kerri Macias

Judith and James Maclean

Jeffrie Madland

Rosemarie and Steven Madsen

Annette Magana

Josué Magaña

Morgan Mahaffy

Andrew Mahler

Licette Maldonaldo

Matthew Malsbury

Pauline Malysko

Lee Mancuso

London Mandrell

Ashley Mae Mangalindan

Stanley Mantooth

Lisette Marcus-Janssen

Tim Marland

David Maron

Tera Marquez

Frances and Homer Marshall

Mary Anne Martin

Nancy and Ty Martin

David Martinez

Melissa Martinez

Michelle Martinez

Paul Martinez

Vanessa Martinez

Chelsea Martino

Cynthia Mase

Ashley Masjuan

Stephen Mason

Rana Masri

Alan Matt

Berto Matta

Melody Grace Mattingly

Toni and Dean Maulhardt

Laura and Paul McCarter

Sarah McCarthy

Sean McCullough

Larisa McCutcheon

Nadyne and Francis McDermott

Jennifer McDonald

Jim McGee

Kalela N. McGinnis

Rosalind McGrath

Anthony McInally

Dorothy McKean

Kate McLean and Steven Stone

Carol McMullin

Frances McNeill

Kayla McQuilkin

Allison McWilliams

Ernest Medina

Shira Mehrnia

Brandon Meissner

Maricruz Melgoza

Donna and Anthony Mellos

Mark Melson

Evangelina Mendoza

Rogelio Mendoza

Yesenia Mendoza

Sameera Merchant

Christine Mercier

David Merritt

Sarah Meske

Amelia Messinger

Matthew Meyer

James Meznek

Isabel Michiels

Laura Michiels

Diana Milan

Barbara and Edward Miller

Curt Miller

Darci Miller

Julie Miller

Larry Miller

Lisa and Tom Miller

Michael Milligan

Susan Milligan

Geri-Lyn Mills

Xelina Miramontes

Eduardo Miranda

Karen Mireles

Michael Miskel

Alexandra Mitchell

Elizabeth and Phillip Mitchell

Ashley Mizuno

Ruth Molina

Linda-Marie Monier

Emma and Henry Montes

Ryan Moon

Shadai Mora

Valerie Morales

Timothy Moran

Carl Morehouse

Steven Moreno

George Morgan

Barbara and John Morgan

Robert Morgenstern

Matt Morrison

Roxanna and Lon Morton

Valerie Morua

Kari Moss

Tina and George Mota

Jennifer Mota

Pamela Abbott-Mouchou andÌýDavid Mouchou

Nancy Mozingo

Susan and George Mulligan

Meagan Munson

Evelyn Muntz

Mimi and Dennis Muraoka +++

Alisa Murguia

Christopher Murphy

Joanna and Paul Murphy

Kathleen Murphy

Michael Murr

Nanci Nadimi

Nicole Narlesky

Erik Nasarenko

Juliet Naulin

Angelica Navarro

Rosa Navarro

Matthew Nay

Tyler Nazarian

Scott Neance

Leeyan and Ted Neeley

Tessa Neeley

Zackariah Neeley

Aletha and Peter Nelligan

Andrew Nelson

Sharon and Kent Nelson

Mark Nelson

Sharon Nelson

Tracy Nelson

Stephanie Neri

Katrina Newcomb

Michael Newman

Ginger Nguyen

Lydia Nguyen

Jane Niehaus-Tull

Kelly Noble

Lindsay Noble

Maria Nogin

Kelly Noseworthy

Amber Nua

Courtney Nuzum

Judith Oberlander

Hector Ocegueda

Xochitl Ochoa

Rachel Ochoa-Tafoya

Lauren Ochs

Sara and Sean O’Conlon

Florence O’Dell

Pam and Gary Oelsen

Diane and Doug Off +++

Ara Oghoorian

Linda O’Hirok and Mark Sellers

Christina Olaes

Melissa Olague

Allison O’Leary

Adriana Olivas

Maria Oliver

Timothy Oliver

Stephanie Olsen

Catherine Olson

Natalie Olson

Anne and Jim Ondrejko

Keith Opalewski

Marilyn Orman

Alicia Orozco

Jennifer Ortez

Anthony Ortiz

Beatriz Ortiz

Maria and Leonard Ortiz

Monique Ortiz

Carin and Joaquin Otero

Elisabeth Otineru-Suafoa

Jennifer Ovadia

Megan and Austin Overholt

Claudio Paiva

Richard Palermo

Ilene Palmer

Natalie Palomares

Grace and Michael Panesis

Ashley Park

Linda Parks

Susan Part and Jon Kavesh

Bridget and Guillermo Partida

Karrie and Andrew Pascual

Desirae Pasmant

Patricia and Alan Pasternak

Gisela Patino

Valerie and Stan Patscheck

Richard Paulson

Tiiu and Sidney Pehrson

Kathleen and Bryan Pelham

Richard Pelletier

Nancy and Anthony Pena

Edlyn and Damien Peña

Peggy Pence

Casey Penn

Michael Penrod

Bernardo Perez

Carlos and Jenny Perez

Chantal Perez

David Perez

Jose Perez

Berta DePerez and Rafael Perez

Anita Perez-Ferguson

Myrtle and Albert Perisho

Christine and Ronald Perris

Steven Perry

Teresa and Robert Perry

Andrew Persin

Stacy and Bob Peterson

Katherine Pettit

Tracey and John Philpott

Fred Phipps

Gregory Picklesimer

Irene and Bedford Pinkard

Scott Pipkin

Yolanda and Alfredo Plascencia

Diana and David Pollock

Nathan Ponder

Ludvika and Ron Popenhagen

Christine and William Popok

Juanita and Ramon Porras

Aubrey Powell

Michael Powers

Cynthia and Richard Price

David Prichard

Joyce and David Primes

Mary and Stuart Proctor

Valerie Pulido

Linda Purl

Veronica Quintana

Alexis Rachel

Lisa and Joel Racine

Noah Ragusa

Hugh Ralston

Karla Ramirez

M. Carmen Ramirez

Maria and Glafiro Ramirez

Sonia Ramirez

Anabell and Francisco Ramos

Mason Randall

Laura Randis

Eric Ravenscroft

Joseph Ray

Jaime Rayes

Raul Razo

Carl Reed +

Georgianna and Richard Regnier

Jean Marie Remonida

Melissa Remotti

Carol and Hal Reniger

Laurel Replogle

Eva Reyes

Ginger Reyes

Jaime Reyes

Al Rice

Toni Rice

Patricia-Richards-Dodds andÌýThomas Dodds

Julie and Dennis Richardson

Danielle Richmond

Kirsten and Mike Ricketts

Xiomara Rios

Barbara and William Ritchie

Eugenia Rivera

Maria Rivera

Colleen Delaney-Rivera andÌýPaul Rivera

Alejandro Robles

Steven Roche

Pamela and Neil Rocklin

Scott Rockwell

Cynthia Rodriguez

Jose Rodriguez

Sheila Harmon and Edward Rogas

Ryan Rollins

Elsa Romero

Alice and Paul Romero

Elizabeth and Jorge Rondon

Robert Rongé

Mary and Tom Rooney

Kerry and Stacy Roscoe

Mitchell Rosenberg

Molla Rosenberg

David Rosso

Lea Rotenberg-Koshkin

Jane Rozanski

Diann Rozsa

Elizabeth and Timothy Rubalcava

Stefanie and Shane Rucker

Krista Ruggiero

Theresa Ruggiero-Beavers

Kay Runnion

Katie Rycroft

Lupe Saborio

Rigo Saborio

Peggy and David Sadler

Katherine Safaei

Alfonso Salcedo

Andres Samperio

Ariana Sanchez

Gustavo Sanchez

Patricia Sanchez

Robert Sandoval

Katherine Sandven

Jessica Santos

Yolanda and Richard Sargent

Lynn Sarkany

Charlene and Robert Saw

Joelle Saxon

Ginger Schechter and Derek Gong

Andreas Schiffer

Joan Schleicher

Bettina Schmock

Roy Schneider

Jacqueline Schoenstadt

Lyndsey Schroeder

Rich Schuette

Terry Schukart

Patricia and Douglas Schulz

Michelle Sciarillo

Ray Sciurba

Shannon Scobey

Amy Scott

Loretta and Jerry Scott

Charlene and Robert Scudder

Dorothy Scuteri

Gary Seacord

Jennifer and Joshua Seale

Geoffrey Sebold

Kimberly Segni

Mildred and Donald Seidman

Jane Semones

Stephanie Serna

Jolayne Service

Sharon and Jeff Sesar

Faith and Sadiq Shah

Cole Shandrick

Sierra Shaner-Thompson

Jonathan Sharkey

Doug Shaw

Jolene Shaw

David Shea

Laura Shepard

Amanda Shields

Rebecca and John Shields

Jeanette and Stephen Shinsky

Richard Shipley

Louise and Dan Siefert

Stuart Siegel

Cassandra Silic

Melanie and W Silva

Sarah Simily

Amy Simpson

Natalie Singer

Tony Skinner

D’Arcy and Craig Sloane

Bonnie Slosson

David Smith

Diana and Timothy Smith +

Shelley and Gregory Smith

Howard Smith

Nancy and James Smith

Janelle Smith

Lindsay and Mike Smith

Michael Smith

Robyn Smith

Shayna Smith

Kathryn A. Soares

Yoon and Sung Won Sohn +

Maurissa Sorensen

Joanne and Richard Soto

Jennifer Speece

Jennifer Sprague

Patrick St. Clair

Tamara and Brad Stark

Nicholas Steffen

Margaret Steigerwald

Stephanie Stein

Bruce Stenslie

Erik Sternad

Sabra Stevens

Jessica Stiles

Candice Stokes

Hannah Stonecypher

Tyler Stover

Judy Strasser

Krystal Stratmann

Carole Strehlow

Elaine Stuart

Arielle Stucki

JoAnn Stuermer

Robert Sturgeon

Rodrigo Suarez

Janel and Ken Suliga

Stephanie Sumell

Stephen Svete

Jane Sweetland andÌý

Lee Edwards +++

Roberta and Aron Swerdlin

Timur Taluy

Kari Tam

Rocio Tamayo

Norbert Tan

Wesley Tanaka

Carlos Tapia

Maria Tauber

Robert Taylor

Areli Tejeda

Kai Tepper

Brenda and Doug Terzian

Tong Thao

Amanda Thom

Landon Thomas

Christine Thompson

Katherine Thompson

Timothy Tieman

Lourdes Tlaxcuapan

Jose Tlaxcuapan-Casillas

Kellen Tobin

Suzuki Togo

Kevin Tolsma

Mackenzie Tolson

Kelly Tomlinson

Marina Torres-Flores

Irene and Gregory Totten

Diana and Art Troik

Cynnie Troup

Joyce and Gary Trow

Chelsea Trudnich

Evelyn Trujillo

Martin Trupiano

Johnny Tsaur

Carolyn and Ellsworth Tulberg

Judith Turner

Kelsey Turrow

Deaun and Mark Twogood

Ashley Tyler

Meredith Tynes

Lauren Usuki

Maria Vaca

Edward Vacuna

Giorgina Valadez

Yvette Valdez

Kimberly Valverde

Whitney Van Blargen

Samuel Van Buskink

Kendall Van Conas

Amanda Van Noy

Kevin VanCura

Kathryn and Anthony Vanetti

Kathleen VanGeem

Gabriela Vargas

Liliana Vargas

Sac-Nicte Vargas-De Lira

Deanna Vasquez

Marisol Vasquez

Ernest Vega

Kimberly Vega

Eden Velasquez

Manjunath Venkat

Amber Vicuna

David Vielmetter

Marie Villa

Vera Villagomez

Beatrice Villalta

Ernest Villegas

Michael Viola

Billye Viole

Noheli Viramontes

Donna and Rieuwert Vis

Janna and Ronald Visser

Brittany Michelle Vistro

Mayra Viveros

Ralph Volpi

Thomas Vozzo

Renee Wachter

Jessica Waddell

Charles Wade

Richard Wagner

Marcia and Earl Wakelee +

George Walden

Austin Walker

Cheyenne Walker

Stephanie Walker

Aileen and Richard Wall

Shannon Wall

Amy and David Wallace

Debra Warnacutt

Brandon Wasilewski

Lois and James Wasson

Jennifer Waters

Ian Watson

Kelly Watson

Lisa Watson

Laura and Michael Webb

Marshall Weber

Bonnie and Daniel Weigel

Carmen Weimer

Steven Weiner

Rachel Weller

Terri and David Wemyss

Hope Wemyss

Lauren Wenzell

Marion West

Patricia and Robert Westberg

Michael Weyant

Linda Whisenhunt

Roger Whitacre

Elynor and Ernest Whitaker

Marilynn Whitcomb

Geri White

Douglas Whitesell

Christopher Whitman

Sharon Whittle

Kathryn Wightman

Timothy Wilbur

Rolla Wilhite

Ashley Williams

Brian Williams

Das Williams

Marilyn and James Williams

Beth Williams

Michelle and Robert Williams

Ziah Williams

Demetric Willoughby

Heather Wills

Julia Wilson +

Laura Wilson

Angela Wirsching

Rose Wisuri

Donald Witlin

Patricia Wolfe

Cynthia and Marc Wolfsohn

Marsha and Fred Wolinsky

Jacqueline Wong

Susi Wong

Emily Wood

Nathan Woods

Robin and Stephen Woodworth

Lydia Wooster

Taylor Wright

Karen Wrobleski

Linda Yamauchi

Rachel Yepiz

Mekdes Yilma

Kathleen Yip

Evan Yost

Alfonso Yslas

John Yudelson

Mary Ellen and John Zaragoza

Tessa and Scott Zeller

Mayra Zendejas

RW Ziegler

Lucy Harper and Gary Zinik

Gregory Zoetewey

Natalie Zuniga


Gifts fromÌýBusinesses andÌýOrganizationsÌý


Airborne Technologies, Inc. ++

Amgen, Inc. +++

City of Camarillo ++

Cottage Health System ++

Mike Curb Family Foundation

Rabobank +

Sage Publications, Inc. +

Southern California Gas Company +


Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Google, Inc.

Healthstat, Inc. +

Santa Barbara Bank & Trust

Wells Fargo Bank +

Wells Fargo Foundation


Aera Energy LLC +

The Goodall Family Charitable Foundation

Harrison Industries

Montecito Bank & Trust

Western Federal Credit Union


Airborne Biometrics Group, Inc

AltaMed Health Services Corporation

American Association ofÌýUniversity Women +

Armando Lopez Company

Bank of America

Brown Paper Tickets, LLC

California Association for Nurse Practitioners, CI Chapter

California Federation of Teachers

Canteen of Coastal California Inc.

Congress of California Seniors

Delta Kappa Gamma Society International +

Estradagy Business Advisors


Fiona Ma for Senate 2014

Gold Coast Veterans Foundation

Integrity Bio, Inc

Kaiser Permanente

Leavens Ranches ++

Limoneira Company +

Lowthorp, Richards, McMillan, Miller& Templeman, P.C.

McCune Foundation

Meissner Filtration Products, Inc. ++

Meister Family Foundation

Ojai Oil Company +++

Oxnard College Foundation

People Media Group

Republic Services of Oxnard +

Samuel B. and Margaret C. Mosher Foundation

School of the Pacific Islands

Serra Canyon Company, Inc.

Sheeler Moving and Storage, Inc.

Southern California Edison Company +

Spanish Hills Surgery Center, LLC

St. John’s Regional Medical Center ++

Ventura County Community Foundation

Wells Fargo


Aero Engineering

All Green Electronics Recycling

AMD International Tech LLC

Amgen Foundation ++

Archpoint Insurance Services, LLC

Axicom, Inc.

Bar/Scan, Inc.

Blake Wire & Cable Corporation

Camarillo Chamber of Commerce

Carpenters’ Local Union #150

Casa Pacifica

CBC Federal Credit Union


Child Development Resources of Ventura County, Inc.

City National Bank

City of San Buenaventura

City of Thousand Oaks

City of Westlake Village

Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach Hotel

Dynamic Fabrication, Inc.

Elderly Housing Development &Operations Corporation

Farber Hass Hurley, LLP

Farm Credit West, FLCA

Ferguson Case Orr Paterson LLP

Ferro Interior Design

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

First California Bank

FoodShare, Inc.

Gibbs International Trucks Inc.

Hannah-Beth Jackson & Associates

HE Consulting, Inc

HighRidge Insurance Services LLC

IAWP Los Tres Condados

Jackson, DeMarco, Tidus & Peckenpaugh

Johnny Rockets Camarillo

Len and Judy Linton Family Foundation

Logical Approach Engineering

Maile Building Maintenance, Inc.

Mission Wealth Management, LLC

NAWBO-Ventura County

Neuro Logic Systems, Inc

Ocean Law

OmniUpdate, Inc

OnRamp Communications

Over The Net

Oxnard Gem and Mineral Society

Pacific Coast Business Times

Pacific Western Bank

Personal Trainer Central, Inc

Power Machinery Center

Rogers Family Foundation

Santa Clara Valley Bank

Soilmoisture Equipment Corp.

Swagelok-Central California Fluid System Tech

Tri-State Plastics Inc

Turn Key, LP

UFCW Local 770

United Way of Ventura County

V3 Corporation

Van Gundy Jewelers


Venture Management, Inc.

Voice Print International, Inc.


$100,000 and above

The California Wellness Foundation

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Martin V. and Martha K. Smith Foundation

Southern California Edison +

Ventura County Community Foundation


The Boeing Company

Foundation for CaliforniaÌýCommunity Colleges

June G. Outhwaite Charitable Trust

Limoneira Foundation +

Sage Publications, Inc. +



Bill Armbrust

Cynthia and Mark Borchard

Bread Basket Cake Company

Capistrano’s Restaurant & Catering

Channel Islands Aviation

City of San Buenaventura

Deborah and Rob Corley

Janet and John Cormode

Laura Crutchfield

CSU Chico, Meriam Library

The Estate of Derrick Goldie

Jill and Lucien Harris

Lyle Hochberger

Jackeez & Nicolz

Leah and Hank Lacayo +++

Malibu Family Wines

Tanya Martin

Stephen Mason

Ron Melville

Mt Baldy Ski Lifts Inc.

Pacific Coast Business Times ++

Radio Cruises

Residence Inn

Roadrunner Shuttle & Limousine Service

Pamela and Neil Rocklin

Joan and Robert Rust

Salon Studios, Delia SmithÌý& Piper Baker

Julie Sina

Diana and Timothy Smith +

Stub Hub

Judith Swanson

Tours By Mary

Trufflehound’s Fine Chocolates

Turn Key, LP

Ventura County Credit Union

Robert Wagner

Hartmut Walter

Nancy and Carl Wesely ++

Wheel Fun Rentals

President’s Circle Members + Ìý Ìý Ìý
President’s Circle Members – Five- to Nine-Years ++
President’s Circle Members – Ten-Years and above +++

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