On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff, we gratefully acknowledge the following donors who made gifts in support of 91ÊÓƵ during 2010.
Every gift makes a difference and every donor is appreciated. Every effort has been made to post a complete and accurate list. Please report errors to the Development Office at 805-437-8919.
Gifts from Individuals
Planned and Major Gifts
Anonymous +
Anonymous ++
The Estate of Margaret Wrinkle ++
Nancy and Erbie Daw +
Virginia and Martin Furmanski +
Joan and Dennis Gaiser +++
Barbara and Herbert Rosenkrantz ++
Jane and Richard Rush ++
Joan and Moustapha Abou-Samra +++
Barbara and Wayne Davey ++
Linda and John Dullam +++
Elise and William Kearney +++
Leah and Hank Lacayo +++
Terri and Mark Lisagor +++
Gilbert Rishton ++
Nancy and Carl Wesely +
Jeanne Adams +++
Eugene Andreasen +++
Marilyn and Roger Benson +
Ann Walker and Michael Berman +
Patricia Billesdon +++
Celina and Amir Biniaz +
Celeste and Robert Bleicher ++
Barbara and Steven Blois ++
Nancy Chappell and John Borchard +++
Cathy and Peter Brown
Susan and William Burgos +
Nina and Leonard Butler +++
Margaret and Kevin Carey +
Malinda and Yvon Chouinard +++
William Cordeiro ++
Joanne Coville and Steve Stewart ++
Heather and Milton Daily +++
Ann Deal
Ann and Frank Everts ++
Margarita Fernandez
Geraldine FitzGerald +++
Janice and Robert Fostakowsky ++
Elizabeth Rothrock and Scott Frisch +
Eileen and Edward Gaiser +
Lydia and Grant Geissman +
Geri and Fred Gretan +
Elizabeth and John Grether +++
Brooke and Philip Hampton ++
Elizabeth Hartung-Mendiguren and Ignacio Mendiguren +
Mary and William Hatch +
Sharon and William Hillbrant +
Carol Holder and John Mallinckrodt ++
Robin Horne +
Irene and Theodore Hostetler ++
Carolyn Huntsinger +++
David Ibanez
Nichole and Dallas Ipach +
Karen Jensen and Don Frazeur +
Joyce KennedyÌý +++
Sandra and Jordan Laby ++
Edwin Lebioda +
Anne and George Leis +
Julia Newman and Saul Lessler +++
Stella and Hillary Ling ++
Carolyn Locke +
Norma and Mark Maidel ++
Anne and Eugene Mancini ++
Jacqueline and Albert Marley +
Neil Matsumori +++
Suzi and Tom Mattivi
Laura McAvoy and Sol Chooljian +++
Margaret Meehan and Joaquin Nunez +++
Carolyn Daily and John Menne +++
Patricia Michaelson +++
The Miller Family
Terryand John Milligan +++
Nicki and Michael Morris +
William Mortland +++
Mimi and Dennis Muraoka ++
Dawn Neuman and William Goldberg +
Laura and Douglas Newton +
Marilyn Zeitz Norwood +
Edward Nuhfer +
Ruby Oertle ++
Diane and Doug Off +++
Brenda and Robert Parry +
June and Clayton Paschen ++
Louise and Neil Paton +
Sarah Patterson +
Anna and Fletcher Pavin +++
Samuel Povar +
Ann and Michael Ragen +++
Roxie Ray +++
Christine and Craig Reade +
Carl Reed +
Lynetta and John Reid +
Eileen and Jim Rinde +
Eila Skinner and Thomas Sadler
Patricia Salem +++
Cathy and Michael Saliba +++
Sue and John Saunders ++
Rita and Gregory Sawyer ++
Susan Schaefer and Hale Conklin ++
Mary and Charles Schwabauer +++
Yoon and Sung Won Sohn +
Stephen Stratton +
Sheila and John Suarez ++
Veronica and Edward Tagliaferri +++
Leo Tauber +++
Louie and Richard Tejeda +++
Barbara Thorpe Cartee +++
Nita and Ashish Vaidya +
Esther and Thomas Wachtell +++
Joanne and Daniel Wakelee +++
Ching-Hua Wang and Nian-Sheng Huang ++
Julia Wilson +
Karen and Peter Wollons ++
Kathleen and Robert Wulf ++
Deborah Wylie and Scott Carter +
Celina Zacarias +
Johanna and Wilhelmus Zwinkels +++
Anonymous +
Therese Joy Abad
Melvin Abara
Renae Abordo
John-Paul Abraham
Kevin Abriol
Janet and Dale Ackerman
Camille Adair
Christopher Adams
Liza Adams
Marion and Bryan Adler
Paul Aggen
Claire and Joel Aguilar
Victor Alamillo
Jesus Alaniz
Gabriel Alcala
Cesar Aldana
Richard Alegre
Edgar Alfaro
Kegan Allee
Timothy Allen
Erin and Simone Aloisio
Noel Alumit
Merin Alvarez-Guzman
Sean Ambrose
Kathy and Daniel Anderson
Yan Zhang and Greg Anderson
Elizabeth and Matthew Anderson
Nicole Anderson
Shawn Anderson
Tony Angeles
Ki Angerman
Catherine Anson
Alissa Antman
Chelsea Archer
Sara Arias
Samantha Arimoto
Mary Armbruster
Krystin Arneson
Christina Arroyo
Garrett Asanuma
Carolyn Asari
Chito Atangan
Brandon Avery
Iliana Avila
Guadalupe Ayala
Brenda Ayala Castillo
Stacey Babel
Alexandra Badone
Shannon Bain
Tarisa Baird
Martha Baker
Julia Balèn
Michelle Ball
Terry Ballman and Brian Morrill
Kendra Barbula
Charissa Anne Barnhart
Charles Barr
Mallory Barrett
Cherise Bartholomew
Joshua Bauer
Emily Bayley-LeQuire
Kasi Beaney
Matthew Beare
David Becerra
Irene Becerra Maciel
Blake Beckmann
Judy Belonis
Alison Beltran
Rebecca and Lawrence Benard
Hope Benites
Javier Benitez
Valere Benton
Linda Venis and Gary Berg
Barry Berkowitz
Miguel Bermudez
Andrea Bernal
Betty Berriochoa
Dale Besara
Sharon and Michael Bick
Diane and David Birchman
Lorrene Black
Jillian and Brandon Blake
Kimberly and Jonathan Blanchard
Odineil Blanco
Jason Blanton
James Blocksom
Cherisse and Paul Bloom
Lois and William Bloom
Kim Bluitt
Yvette Bocz and Ty Whitney
Christina Boi
Jenny and Ronald Bolsky
Heidi Bonenfant
James Boner
Jeremy Booker
Katherine Booser
Jesse Border
Rebecca Boring
Jennifer Bowles
Esther Box
Maribeth and Mike Bradberry
John Bradley
Pavlina Bramson
Brenda Bravo
Sarah Brittan
Kelly Broderson
Kate Brolan
Kristin Brooks
Cheryl and John Broome +++
Patricia Broome ++
Phillip Brouillet
Clare Brown
Danielle Brown
Lee Brown
Parker Brown
Denise Browning
Molly Brumagin
Lindsay Buchanan
Merilyn and Paul Buchanan
Noel Buena
Julie Bunting
Sharman Burch
Michele and Louis Burger
Allison Burke
Kelly Burke
Sandra Burkhart
Jennifer Burks
Johanna Burnett
Catherine and Elaine Burriss
Barbara Burrow
Heather and Christopher Byhoffer
Sean Byrd
Arielle Byron
Cheryl and Patrick Cable
Robert Cabral
John Cadena
Marilyn and Patrick Cahill
Jacqueline Cain
Gil Cajala
Brittney Calhoun
Norma Camacho
William Candela
Ryan Cantos
Matthew Carey
Kayleigh Carmona
Ruby Caro
Ann and Paul Carter +
Janet and Stephen Casey
Tristan Cassel
Mara Ceja
Nelva Centeno
Miguel Cervantes
Brandon Chackel
Suzanne Chadwick
Sandra Chandler
Todd Chandler
Doreen Chang
Sonia and Erick Chavez
Joyce Childress
Valerie and Joseph Chrisman
Diane Christensen
Breana and James Christie
Courtney Christofil
Renny Christopher
Michael Cisneros
Meghan Ciuffetelli
Adam Clark
Tia and Jack Clarke
Cameron Clifford
Caitlin Cline
Meghan Coffey
Eloise and Charles Cohen
Ilene Cohen
Holly and Michael Cole
Tracy Cole
Jon Conden
Willaine and Michael Conroy
Sally and R. J. Considine
Kathleen Contreras
Larisa Contreras
Henrietta Coronado
Manuel Correia
Blanca Cortez
Rudy Cortez
Gina Costa
Irina and Cris Costache
Frances Arner-Costello and Robert Costello
Trevor Coulson
Kristen Cover
Lisa Cox
Laura Crisostomo
Diana Crothers +
Laura Crutchfield +
Anna Cruz
Mario Cruz
Allison Cubillas
Maria Cuevas
Donna Turner and Bruce Culver
Lynn and Robert Cummings
Debra Cuneo
Jonathan Cunningham
Chanda Cunningham-Spence and Clayton Spence
Julie and Gary Cushing
Algie Klein Dadacay
Cindi and Stuart Daley
Erica Danell
Parker Darland
Erin Daugherty
Carole Davis
Pamela and Larry Davis
Skye Davis
Justin Davy
Deborah Dawson
Raquel De Los Santos
Marilee Debaun
William DeBow
Beverly and Larry Decker
Dale DeHart
Laurel Dekker
Marti and Richard DeLaO ++
Ellyn and Jim Dembowski
Melissa Derganz
Cindy and Jay Derrico
Mary Devins
Natalie Di Raimondo
Wesley Dickerson
Amy Dobkowski
Caroline and Stephen Doll
Talia Dominello
Araceli Dominguez
Jeffrey Donlin
Gina Dossin
Forrest Doud
Shella Douet
Bruce Douglass
Joanna Dovalis
Lindsay Dow
Kevin Downey
Nathaniel Driver
Leonard Dryer
Edward Dubose
Laura Dunlap
Mirissa and Christopher Dunne
Colin Duong
Monica and Jesus Duran
Nathan Duthoy
Joseph Dyess
Alexandra and Donald Dymond
Laurie and Richard Eberst
Julie and Neil Edwards
Tasha Edwards
Karin Eggers
Cynthia Ekanem
Ann and Charles Eklund
Laura Darke and Eric Elder
Ryan Elliott
Kathy and Richard Ellis
Anna and Armen Eloyan
Caroline Elster
Sandra and Robert England
Nellie Enriguez
Timothy Enriquez
Dustin Erickson
Tamara Escobar
Yvonne Esler
Vanessa Espinoza
Brian Essen
Karen Estes
Irene and Rudolph Estrada
Amanda Estrella
Genevieve Evans Taylor
Peggy Everhart
Carlin Ewing
Therese and Peter Eyermann
Kristen Faerber
Martha and Norman Fahnoe
Annick Faict
Fahimeh Fakour
William Famularo
Elysse Farnell
Leanna Farney
Karen and Glen Farr ++
Michael Fausset
Meggan Feeley
Rebecca Felter
Martha and Bruce Feng
Cynthia Ferguson
Martha Ferguson
Crystal Fernandez
Jerry Fernandez
Rodney Fernandez
Jennifer Ogawa and Ronald Fernandez
Debra and Thomas Fields
Jennifer Filippelli
John Fisher
Susan and Gerald Fitzgerald
Mary and Timothy Fleck
Malcolm Fliesler
Christina Flores
Consuelo Fong de Montenegro
Brandon Fonger
Maxim Foroutan
Charles Fox
Sherie Frame
Richard Frank
Laurita Franklin
Judith Frazier
Margaret Freaney
Andrew Frey
Karen Fried
Danielle Frietze
Elisabeth Frietze
Lori and Lawrence Frontino
Saira Fuentes
Nathaniel Fugmann
Miyuki and Donald Fujitani
Yasuko and Takeshi Fukumoto
Pamela Fuller
Sharon Gaetos
Deborah Gaines
Maria Gaitan
Diana Garay
Arrate Garcia
Bertha Garcia
Karla Garcia
Nancy Garcia
Tania and Gordon Garcia
Ryan Gardner
The Estate of Margaret Garlock
Julie Gastelum
Claudette Gazic
Mary Gerardo
Tzivia and Steve Getzug
Domenic Giudice
Martina Cochran and Robert Glass
Ofelia and Jose Godinez
Jessica Goede
Christine and Arthur Goehring
Nancy and Robert Goin
Bonnie and Merrill Goldenberg
Helene and Michael Gollub
Eva and Armando Gomez
Crystal Gonzalez
Ernestina Gonzalez
Wendy Gonzalez
Jane and Stephen Goodall
Colin Goodwin
Jo-Ann Gordon
Rachela and Amir Gorodenzik
Karen and Jeffrey Goss
Vinita Goyal
Andrea Graehl
Corinne and Merlin Grandpre
Deborah and Leo Gravelle
Valerie Gravois
Taryn Gray
Jason Greenberg
Jeanne and Joseph Grier
Mary Grisafe
Allen Grizzard-Paul
Athanasia Groff
Austin Groszewski
Andrea Grove and Chris Scholl
Kathleen Guerrero
Karen Gundelfinger
Amanda Gunther
Tamara and Keith Gunther
Pedro Gutierrez
Viridiana Gutierrez
Brianna Guzzo
Heidi Hagle
Kristin and Christopher Haidet
Susan Halliday
Jessica Hammer
Katrina Hammer
Amanda Hammond
Ryo Hanada
Tyler Hanawalt
Kimberley Hand
Carlee Haney
Connie and Michael Haney
James Harber
Jamaika Harlan
Terry Harmon
Charles Harrington
Bethany Harris
Mallory Harris
Heather Hart
Megan Hatchel
Sarah and Matt Hawkins
Gregory Hayward
Ildiko Hazak
Taryn Hearst
Denise and Terence Hearst
Thorsten Heine
Jeanne Helderkein
Sameh Helmy
Debbie Henderson
Brian Hernandez
Stacey Herold
Jessica Herrera
Alec Hess
Eve Hodnett
Marilyn and Edward Hogan
Kathleen Hogg
Gayle Holcomb
Rachel Holder
Mallory Holland
Douglas Holmes
Candis and Jerald Hong
Sarah Hoover
Sarah Horowitz
Matthew Hostetler
Christina Houston
Amanda Howard-Fairrington
Janice and Barry Hoyland
Rachel and Forrest Huff
Jeannie Huggins
Sherisse and Trevor Hughes
Dolores Hull
April Hunt
Mary Hunter
Jennifer Hustead
Leann Husted
Lindsay Huysentruyt
Sharyn and Bruce Iler
Alexandria Ioannides
Jacqueline and Jon Irwin
Tiina Itkonen
Robert Ito
Kellie Ives
Deya Jacob
Moss Jacobs
Sheala Jeffers
Jeannette Jennett
Annalisa Jimenez
Arlene Jimenez
Alexa Johnson
Yvonne and Paul Jonason
Christopher Jones
Nicholas Joseph
Callie Juarez
Michael Juarez
Sergio Juarez
Charity Juker
Ms. Kathryn Julian
Lydia and Martin Kaplan
Jill and David Karp
Joan and Charles Karp
Patricia Keen
Diane Kelley
Jessica Kelly
Sheen Rajmaira and Sean Kelly
Corey and Mickey Kendrick
Piroska Keri
Yessy Kerson
Adnan Khan
Sol Khazani
William Kidd
Lizabeth and Ronald King
Zora Kirby
Mark Kirkpatrick
Travis Kisgen
Eva Klein
Meghan Koch
Nancy Kochevar
Theresa Kocis
Anna Kokuashvili
Sarah Kolar
Paulina Kolic
Kenneth Kossoff
Jessica Kozlowski
Janelle Kreps
Naomi Kress
Catherine and Joseph Kuiken
Catherine Kundrat
Allison Kuyumjian
Nicholas Laborde
Ontario Lacey
Susan and Edward Lacey
Meghan LaChance
Jessica LaMacchia
Kathryn Lambert
Alicia Landis
Maria Pilar and Arnel Lasquete
Maxine and Stephen LaTurner
James Lau
Dana and Michael Lavenant
Mary Laver
Ashley Lavi
Mina Layba
Jessica Layman
Veronica Lazaro
Melissa Le Van
Kristen Leach
Jill Leafstedt and Mark Haug
Daniel Leibman
Elizabeth Leister
Alejandro Lemus
Tina and Richard Leroy
Phyllis Metzger-Levine and Leonard Levine
Frances Lewis
Katie Lewis
Richard Lietz
Venessa Lightner
Judith and Leonard Linton ++
David Linzey
Li-Mei and Andrew Little
Moises Llamas
Howard Loeb
Denise Lomeli
Kathy and Randolph Long
Sarah Long
Ana Lopez
Lourdes and Armando Lopez
Eric Lopez and Earl Darrow
Jessica Lopez
Jonathan Lopez
Luz Lopez
Paul Lopez
Jennifer Lorenzana
Danielle Lovelady
Christopher Lowdermilk
Lana and Lars Lundin
Kari Lyman
Jenissa Mac Vie
Robert Macaulay
Lori and Alec Macdonald
Amy Macias
Duan Mackenzie
Sarah Mahon
Hala Maida
Joel Malone
Nancy and Elbert Maloney
Anne Malos
Cathryn Mann
Prasanthi Mantravadi
Jacob Manuel
Karina Manzo
Cynthia and Chito Maranan
Susan and Jorge Mares
Hannah Markham
Patrick Marks
Robert Marshall
Sara Martinez
Andrea Marzell and Jack Reilly
Ilana and Bob Massi
Joseph Massimini
Ann and John Masson
Maxwell Master
Nick Mastroianni
Amiko Matsuo
Melody Grace Mattingly
John Maynard
David Mayorga
Raphael McDonnell
Rachel McCann
Mary McCluer
Amber McCoy
Chad McCurdy
Dorothy McKean
Katie McKendry
Rene McMurray
Alex McNeill
Kathleen McSweeney
Sylvia Medrano
Debbie Meeks
Barbara Meister +++
Meyann Mendoza
Rogelio Mendoza
Vanessa Mendoza
Sameera Merchant
Jennifer Merida
Ronald Merrill
Amelia Messinger
Karryn Messmer
Linnae Meyring
Alicia Milanowski
Melanie Miles
David Miller
Kristen Miller
Susan Milligan
Linda and W.J. Milligan
Geri-Lyn Mills
Stefanie Misiura
Barbara Mock and Robert Tootell
Igor Molchanov
Curtis Molina
Yolanda and Maximo Mondares
Linda-Marie Monier
Bradley Monsma
Laura Moore
Traci Moore and Robert Moore
Ivana and Fernando Mora
Derek Moran
Jennifer Morgan
Holly Mosher
Pamela Abbott-Mouchou and David Mouchou
Brianna Mount
John Paul Mugaka
Jessica Mujica
Cassandra Munoz
Angela Murelli
Crystal Murillo
Caitlin Murphy
Joanna and Paul Murphy
John Murphy
Barbara and Alan Murray
Nicole Murray
Peggy Murray
Taka Musashi
Kathy Musashi-Morin
Rachel Myers
Christopher Nalbandian
Alfred Nanez
Veronica Navarro
Tyderyon Neal
Daniel Neff
Jonathan Neira
Colleen and Tom Nevins
Lauren Nevins
Brianne Newell
Linda Newhard
Hannah Newman
Jessica Newport
Allison Newton
Ginger Nguyen
Natalie Nicholson
Heather Nielsen
Rebecca and Thomas Nielsen
Dorota Niewczas
Sandra and Dave Nirenberg
Kimberly Nishinaka
Maria Nogin
Jaella Nolan
Ashleigh Norman
Courtney Norris
Sara Nygard
Christiane Ochoa
Griselda Ochoa
Rachel Ochoa-Tafoya
Sara and Sean O’Conlon
Erin O’Connell
Stephanie Ohman
Erin Olson
Valerie Ontiveros
Marilyn Orman
Jasmine Orozco
Cynthia Ortiz
Francesca Ortiz
Karla Ortiz
Victoria Ortiz
Lynn and Timothy Osslund
Lynn and Neville Ostrick
Alice Overton
Alex Pacheco
Caitlyn Padilla
Edward Padilla
Evelyn Padilla
Vanessa Padilla
Alan Padley
Katie Palaszewski
Sonya Palazuelos
Stefanie Palchanis
Terra Palewicz
Mayra Paniagua
Debra and Wayne Pardini
Jane Paris
Bridget and Guillermo Partida
Patricia and Alan Pasternak
Valerie and Stan Patscheck
Barbara and Patrick Patten
Richard Paulson
Patricia and David Paumier
James Paxton
Nazila Pedram
Jessica Pelcman
Anthony Pena
Edlyn and Damien Peña
Jason Penalba
Emily Perez
Berta DePerez and Rafael Perez
Madelynn Perry
Lilia Peters
Daryl Petrilli
Elsa and Michael Phillip
Fred Phipps
Elizabeth and Evan Pickett
Karen Krumme Pike and Kerry Pike
Cassie Piper
Zoyla Pizano
Elizabeth Bourne and Ronald Polanski +
Lauren Pollack
Ludvika and Ron Popenhagen
Juanita and Ramon Porras
Maxwell Potter
Victoria and Bruno Pozzi +++
Sarah Prade
William Pratt
Kevin Prendergast
Kristin and Dan Pudwill
Patti Pulido
Heather Purcell
Angela Pustroino
Jean Quintana
Jilliann Quintero
Ellaine Quintos
Lisa and Joel Racine
Darrell and Kara Ralston
Susan Ramage
Jose Ramirez
Maria and Glafiro Ramirez
Thomas Ramirez
Anabell and Francisco Ramos
Krystal-Rose Ramos
Adelmira Razo
Raul Razo
Karen Reed
Dion Regelson
Georgianna and Richard Regnier ++
Sarah Reimer
Amanda Rein
Mathew Rejis
Melissa Remotti
Carlo Rey
Ginger Reyes
Lessly Reyna
Margery Ricards
Al Rice
Toni Rice
Romelia Richman
Cole Rieger
Joshua Rippee
Barbara and William Ritchie
Theresa Ritza
Felix Rivas
Eva Rivera
Malloree Roberson
Stephanee Roberson
Daniel Roberts
Karen Rodems
Eliana Rodriguez
Rosa Rodriguez
Jessica Roel
Bonnie Rogers
Daniel Rogers
Heather Rogers
Devon Rollins
Elsa Romero
Laura Romero
David Rose
Jenael Rose
Molla Rosenberg
Lauren Roses
David Rosso
Jennifer and George Rothrock +
Jean Rowe
Elizabeth and Timothy Rubalcava
Ariana Ruiz
Mary Rummel
Briahna Russell
Douglas Ryden
Kathleen Sage
Vira Salem
Kathryn Salinas
Mary and Joe San Pedro
Alexandra Sanchez
Shannon Sandersfeld
Kimberly and Charles Sandlin
Sal Sandoval
Alexandria Santos
Harrison Saqui
Joelle Saxon
Andrew Schatzberg
Laurie and Stanley Schireson
Adam Schloss
Lyndsey Schroeder
Adam Scott
Douglass Scott
Gail Scott
Loretta and Jerry Scott
Lindsay Scott
Dennis Seaton
Adell Seibles
Linda O’Hirok and Mark Sellers ++
Hilda Serrano
Faith and Sadiq Shah
Lara Shapiro-Snair and Larry Snair
David Shea
Michael Shea
Laura Shepard
Bill Shepherd
Laura Shield
Rebecca and John Shields
Cecillia and Brian Shim
Joanna and Chris Siciland
Afton Sides
Christopher Sigmon
Elizabeth Silva
Robin and Joel Simons
Jacquelyn Sisson
Sandy and Mitchel Sloan
Danielle Smith
David Smith
Diana and Timothy Smith +
Gina Smith
Shelley and Gregory Smith
Howard Smith
Nancy and James Smith
Kellen Smith
Maria Smith
Pamela Smith
Anne and Stanley Smith
Veronica Smith
Catherine Soriano
Brittany Sosa
Norbert Spaeth
Brittany Sprouse
Thomas Spruth
Pradeep Srinivas
Myrna and Gerry Sta Ana
Kristen Stafford
Rachel Stankis
Jeff Stanley
Daniel Stein
Kimberly and David Stephenson
Carl Stevens
Irene Stevens
Ashley Stites
Tyler Stover
Timothy Stowers
Anthony Straight
Nathan Strong
Hannah Stuart
JoAnn Stuermer
Robert Stukes
Katie Stumpf
Robert Sturgeon
Jorge Suarez
Jane Sullivan
Mary Sumell
Danica Suzuki
Jane Sweetland and Lee Edwards ++
Nancy Sweetland +
Roberta and Aron Swerdlin
Razi Syed
Kimberly Tacke
Robert Tafoya
Claudia Tamayo
Christine Tamez
Norbert Tan
Sara and Ryan Tauber
Lila Tavakoli
Amber Taylor
Philip Templeton
Cody Terro-Beauman
Maud Thiebaud
Christina Thiele
Robynn Thomas
Alison and Travis Thompson
Ashlee Thompson
Katherine Thompson
Mona and Alvin Thompson
Amy Tidball
Ashley Tillquist
Josephine Toboco
Mackenzie Tolson
Sarah Sentilles and Eric Toshalis
Irene and Gregory Totten
Karen Tovar
Irene and Chris Trafecanty
Minh Tran
Adam Traub
Barbara Traversa
Ana Trejo
Jennifer Troncale
Mary and Timothy Troske
Julianne Trumpy
Carolyn and Ellsworth Tulberg
Jessie Turley
Stephanie Turner
Ashley Tyler
Melanie and Jeffrey Tyler
Amber Ugarte
Cindy Ulisse
Tobin Vadasz
Barbara and Robert Valdez
Billie Jean and Don Valenzano
Amy and John Van Wyngaarden
Kimberly Vega
Monica Vega
Angel Velazquez
Kristen Vickers
Vicki Vierra
Susan Vigo
Marie Villafuerte
Bianca Villalobos
Michael Viquez
Christina Viramontes
Daphne Vivar
Thuy Vu
Richard Wagner
Charlotte and Roger Wakenhut
Austin Walker
Corbin Walker
Patricia Walker
Aileen and Richard Wall
Alison Wall
Amy and David Wallace
Catherine Wallet
Sierra Wallis
Jessica Walther
Christine and Lee Wan
Catherine and Patrick Warburton
Patricia Ward
Jessica Warren
Andrea Warrick
Lauren Wasserman
Lois and James Wasson
Kathleen and Don Waunch
Kenji Webb
Patrick Webb
Cathy Webber
Marshall Weber
Dianne Wei
Bonnie and Dan Weigel
David Weinberg
Walter Weiss
Tyler Welbourn
Volker Welter
Roger Whitacre
Barbara Whitebread
Marilyn White-Redmond
Douglas Whitesell
Christopher Whitman
Patricia Whitney Brioge
Matthew Widmyer
Kaylie Wildrick
Anthony Williams
Julia Williams
Maria Williams
Suzanne Williamson
Rhoda and Jack Williky
Andrew Wilson
Korrey Wilson
Matthew Witherspoon
Robert Wlodarski
Cynthia and Marc Wolfsohn ++
Marsha and Fred Wolinsky
Robin and Stephen Woodworth ++
Lydia Wooster
Heather Wright
Rachel Yepiz
Sora Yoon
Luz Zamora
Loretta and Greg Zimmerman
Jessica Zimmerman
Samuel Zuniga
Juan Zuniga-Olea
Mary Barreto +
Kathleen Booth
Richard Bunch
Emily Cassuto
Sally Cossey
Gurvinder Gill
Brooke and Philip Hampton ++
Kathy and Mark Hartley +
Marilyn and Robert Hindle +
Carol and Steven Kivo
Mimi and Dennis Muraoka ++
Laura and Douglas Newton +
Rhonda and Donald Rodriguez
Sharon Thomas +
Barry Williams
Diane and Edward ZeambaÌý
Gifts from Businesses and Organizations
Major Gifts
Amgen, Inc. ++
City of Camarillo +
Cottage Health System ++
Gene Haas Foundation ++
GFWC Camarillo Women’s Club +
Harrison Industries
Mike Curb Family Foundation
Sage Publications, Inc. +
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Verizon +
Airborne Technologies, Inc. +
Bank of America
Harrison Industries +
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
The Sence Foundation +
Airborne Technologies, Inc. ++
Montecito Bank & Trust
Nordman Cormany Hair and Compton, LLP ++
Pacific Oaks Federal Credit Union +
Academy of Country Music
AeroVironment, Inc.
American Association of University Women +
Associated Students, Inc.
Bergelectric Corp.
Camarillo Chamber of Commerce
City of Oxnard
City of San Buenaventura
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International +
First California Bank
HE Consulting, Inc
Meissner Filtration Products, Inc. ++
Meister Family Foundation
Merritt H. Adamson Trust
Ocean Law
Ojai Oil Company +++
PCL Construction Services, Inc.
Ryland +
Santa Rosa Plaza Associates LLC +
School of the Pacific Islands
St. John’s Regional Medical Center ++
Ventura County Community Foundation
Wesely-Thomas Enterprises, Inc.
Xirrus, Inc.
The Abundant Table
Accenture Foundation, Inc.
Airborne Biometrics Group, Inc
Amergreen, Inc.
Amgen Foundation ++
Applied Merchant Systems West Coast, Inc.
Axicom, Inc.
Bar/Scan, Inc.
Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP
Brian Smith’s Welding
City National Bank
City of Thousand Oaks
Coastal Embroidery, LLC
Conejo Awards
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Consolidated Disposal Services, Inc.
County Commerce Bank
Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach Hotel
Ferguson Case Orr Paterson LLP
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
FoodShare, Inc.
Gibbs International Trucks Inc.
Herzog Wine Cellars
HighRidge Insurance Services LLC
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
Innovative Piping Systems, Inc.
Len and Judy Linton Family Foundation
Mission Wealth Management, LLC
NAI Capital Commercial
National Academic Advising Association
One Source Alliance
Organic Valley
Pacific Coast Business Times +
People Media Group
Power Machinery Center
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
Riordan, Lewis & Haden
Roadrunner Shuttle & Limousine Service
S. L. Leonard & Associates, Inc.
Star Renovators, Inc.
United Way California Capital Region
United Way of Ventura County
Ventura County Office of Education
Ventura County Opthomology Society
Cantara Cellars
Capistrano’s Restaurant & Catering
Carr Vineyards and Winery +
Coastal Embroidery, LLC
Cosmetic Technologies +
County Schools Federal Credit Union
Life Technologies Corp.
Ojai Valley Directory +
Pacific Coast Business Times +
Panini Place
Westlake Village Inn
Zevia, LLC
$100,000 and above
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Martin V. and Martha K. Smith Foundation
Mike Curb Family Foundation
Southern California Edison +
W. M. Keck Foundation
AT&T +
Bernard and Barbro Foundation
The Boeing Company +
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Gene Haas Foundation ++
Limoneira Foundation +
Prison Hospital Action Committee, Inc.
President’s Circle Members+ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý President’s Circle Members – Five- to Nine-Years ++ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý President’s Circle Members – Ten-Years and above +++