Scholarships - Paving the way for our future

Eva Gomez

By Eva Gomez, Assistant Director of Development 

At CSU Channel Islands, students are the focus of all of our educational endeavors. A scholarship is a wonderful and lasting way to assist the University in attracting and retaining the best students, recognizing academic excellence and providing financial aid for students who need it. Over 50% of CI’s students receive financial aid with scholarships being a major part of that assistance. Investing in tomorrow’s future through a scholarship ensures that our students will be equipped with the right tools to respond to the needs of businesses and communities both locally and nationally.

Establishing a scholarship at CI can be done in many ways. A one-time named scholarship can be established for a minimum of $500. An endowed scholarship in the amount of $25,000 or more can create an important legacy while honoring your loved ones in perpetuity. The money is invested and the endowment earnings are used to fund the scholarship year after year. Scholarships can be used to pay for student fees, books, and/or living expenses.

Creating a scholarship or contributing to the scholarship program at CI helps our students now and in the future. Please contact me at eva.gomez@csuci.edu or 805-437-3271 to discuss the scholarship program in detail. Thank you for your continued support of your University. We could not accomplish all that we do here without your continued generosity.

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