On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff, we gratefully acknowledge the following donors who made gifts in support of 91ĘÓƵ from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010.
Every gift makes a difference and every donor is appreciated. Every effort has been made to post a complete and accurate list. Please report errors to the Development Office at 805-437-8919.
Gifts from Individuals
Planned and Major Gifts
Anonymous ++
Cheryl and John Broome +++
The Estate of Margaret Garlock
Marilyn Zeitz Norwood +
Jane Sweetland and Lee Edwards ++
Terri and Mark Lisagor +++
Jane and Richard Rush ++
Nancy and Carl Wesely +
Karen and Peter Wollons +
Joan and Moustapha Abou-Samra +++
Barbara and Steven Blois ++
Bettina Chandler +++
Linda and John Dullam +++
Joan and Dennis Gaiser +++
Elise and William Kearney +++
Norma and John McCullough
Lynetta and John Reid +
Nancy Sweetland +
Cynthia and Marc Wolfsohn ++
Celina Zacarias +
Jeanne Adams +++
Eugene Andreasen +++
Marilyn and Roger Benson +
Ann Walker and Michael Berman +
Patricia Billesdon +++
Celina and Amir Biniaz +
Celeste and Robert Bleicher ++
Barbara and Steven Blois ++
Nancy Chappell and John Borchard +++
Susan and William Burgos +
Elaine and Peter Cannon +++
Margaret and Kevin Carey +
Malinda and Yvon Chouinard +++
Bonnie Prieto and Michael Colburn
William Cordeiro ++
Joanne Coville and Steve Stewart ++
Diana Crothers +
Heather and Milton Daily +++
Barbara and Wayne Davey ++
Marti and Richard DeLaO ++
William Dermody +
Marianna and Rodney Eckerman
Carla and Harold Edwards
Vicki Engard +
Philomena and George Erb +
Carol and Handel Evans +++
Ann and Frank Everts ++
Therese and Peter Eyermann
Geraldine FitzGerald ++
Janice and Robert Fostakowsky ++
Elizabeth Rothrock and Scott Frisch +
Eileen and Edward Gaiser +
Jorge Garcia +
Lydia and Grant Geissman +
Geri and Fred Gretan +
Elizabeth and John Grether +++
Sally and Robert Grether +
John Hammer ++
Brooke and Philip Hampton +
Mary and William Hatch +
Sharon and William Hillbrant +
Ingrid and Richard Holl +
Jake Hong +
Irene and Theodore Hostetler +
Carolyn Huntsinger +++
Angela and Larry Hymes +
Nichole and Dallas Ipach +
Marney and Lawrence Janss +
Karen Jensen and Don Frazeur +
Joyce Kennedy +++
Jacquelyn Kilpatrick +
Leah and Henry Lacayo ++
Norma and Robert Lagomarsino +++
Edwin Lebioda +
Stella and Hillary Ling +
Judith and Leonard Linton +
Norma and Mark Maidel ++
Carol Holder and John Mallinckrodt ++
Anne and Eugene Mancini +
Jacqueline and Albert Marley +
Neil Matsumori +++
Laura McAvoy and Sol Chooljian +++
Meredith McKittrick +
Barbara Meister
Elizabeth Hartung-Mendiguren and Ignacio Mendiguren +
Carolyn Daily and John Menne +++
Patricia Michaelson +++
Terry and John Milligan +++
Nicki and Michael Morris +
William Mortland +++
Mimi and Dennis Muraoka ++
Dawn Neuman and William Goldberg +
Laura and Douglas Newton +
Edward Nuhfer +
Margaret Meehan and Joaquin Nunez +++
Diane and Doug Off +++
June and Clayton Paschen ++
Louise and Neil Paton +
Sarah Patterson +
Marie and Jeffrey Paul +
Anna and Fletcher Pavin +++
Elizabeth Bourne
Ěýand Ronald Polanski +
Samuel Povar +
Roxie Ray +++
Caroline Raymond +
Georgianna and Richard Regnier ++
Gilbert Rishton ++
Jennifer and George Rothrock +
Patricia Salem +++
Cathy and Michael Saliba +++
Sue and John Saunders +
Rita and Gregory Sawyer ++
Susan Schaefer and Hale Conklin ++
Mary and Charles Schwabauer +++
Loretta and Jerry Scott
Holly and Wayne Scott
Charlene and Robert Scudder ++
Linda O’Hirok and Mark Sellers ++
Diane and Randy Shaw +
Catherine and Mel Sheeler +
Brenda and Peter Sloan +
Stephen Stratton +
Sheila and John Suarez +
Veronica and Edward Tagliaferri +++
Leo Tauber +++
Louie and Richard Tejeda +++
Barbara Thorpe +++
Nita and Ashish Vaidya +
Gayle Van Vleck +
Esther and Thomas Wachtell +++
Joanne and Daniel Wakelee ++
Ching-Hua Wang and Nian-Sheng Huang ++
Julia Wilson +
Robin and Stephen Woodworth ++
Kathleen and Robert Wulf ++
Cynthia Wyels +
Deborah Wylie and Scott Carter +
Johanna and Wilhelmus Zwinkels +++
Donny Ababat
Janet and Dale Ackerman
Joel Acuna
Megan Adams
Yvonne and Jason Adang
Margaret and Joseph Adelizzi
Marion and Bryan Adler
Rose Aguilar
Guadalupe and Raul Aguilera
Debra and Evan Aldrich
James Alexakis
Jeffrey Alexander
Marcus Allen
Rochelle Allen
Timothy Allen
Kathryn Altieri
Kathy and Daniel Anderson
Jessica Anderson
Jordan Anderson
Yvette Anderson
Riitta and Michael Andonian
Annette Andrade
Andrew Antone
Irving Argaez
Ellen Arguello
Rena and Matthew Arnold
Leeat Aronian
Michael Aspeitia
Stuart Avery
Frieda and Kenneth Bahr
Morgan Bailey
Sheila Baisa
Walter Baker
Danny Bakst
Julia Balèn
Raymond Ballesteros
Terry Ballman and Brian Morrill
Lori Barkley
Laurel Barnes
Doreen Barnhouse
Charles Barr
Ashley Barrett
Robert and Dolores Barrett
Coleen and Gary Barsley
Annunziata Bartholomew
Elissa Bass
Melissa Beach
Paulette and Thomas Beardsley
John Beck
Eric Beckman
Sean Bell
Vince Bella
Carla Beltran
Donna and Ralph Bennett
Chelsee Bente
Wendy and Alrien Berg
Linda Venis and Gary Berg
Miguel Bermudez
Roger Berry
Janet and Raul Betancourt
Rajan Bhattacharyya
James Bianca
Anna and Andrzej Bieszczad
Geoffrey Biggs
Paola Bisharat
Michelle Black
James Blocksom
Lois and William Bloom
Barbara and Bernard Bobitch +++
Jennifer Bonsangue
Nancy and Martin Bonsangue
Jake Boone
Cynthia and Mark Borchard
Amber Botelho
Paul Boulger
Tianna Bower
Maribeth and Mike Bradberry
David Braff
Alyssa Bremner
Leah Briese
Tom Brimigion
Andrew Bro
Kate Brolan
Kristin Brooks
Shoshana Brower
Jimmy Brown
Valerie Brown
Amy Buchanan
Noel Buena
Gabriela Buery
Irelene Bullicer
Joyce-Ruth and Michael Bunkin +
Jessica Bunnell
Kenneth Burdullis
April Burger
Stephen Burns
Britney Burris
Catherine and Elaine Burriss
Barbara Burrow
Nina and Leonard Butler +++
Vangie Butler
Sandra and Steven Butts
Glenda Caceres
Kathryn Cage
Heather Campbell
Sheree Candelaria
Edward Cannan
Diana Cantero
Bren Cardoza
Paul Carganilla
Heather Carlson
Nemesia and Jack Carlson
Manuel Caro
Lorena Carrillo
Pauline Carrillo
Tyrel Carson
Connie Carter
Judy Carter
Ann and Paul Carter +
Anne and John Casey
Janet and Stephen Casey
Tristan Cassel
Guadalupe-Reyes-Castillo and Francisco Castillo
Cheyne Castroni
Julia and Andrew Cattano
Claudia Cedillos
Suzanne and Stephen Chadbourne
Craig Chavez
Nekole Chinn
Angel Chitnatham
Charles Cho
Craig Christensen
Breana and James Christie
Renny Christopher
Kevin Chu
Tia and Jack Clarke
Dana Cleverly
Elanit Cohen
Holly and Michael Cole
Tracy Cole
Shannon Coletti
Christopher Collier
Katherine and Mark Collins
Tiffany Comito
Sally and R. J. Considine
Debrah Constance
Donna Copenhagen
Max Copenhagen
Celia Corral
David Corral
Daisy Cortes
Christine Cortez
Steven Cosgrove
Irina and Cris Costache
Joseph Coulter
Camille and Philip Cox
James Cox
Dave Crawford
Hugh J. Crawford
Ms. Jamie Cronin
Adam Cronk
Javier Cruz
Mark Cruz
Carrie Cruze
Tiffany Cuilty
Donna Turner and Bruce Culver
Lynn and Robert Cummings
Andrew Cummins
Tamara Cundiff
Sara and William Cunneen
Chanda Cunningham
Drisana Currier
Miranda D’Angelo
Patricia Daniels
Randi Darringer
Caitanya das Baker
Amber Daugherty
Bonita and Gary Davis
Jeannine Davis-Kimball
Gerardo De Casas
Raquel De Los Santos
Efrain De Santos-Guerra
Ann Deal
Curtis DeBoni
Dale DeHart
Jericho Delaney-Ross
Justina Demello
Kyle Denes
Joshua Dennis
Merrick Dennis
Cindy Derrico
Brett D’Errico
Stephanie DeSantis
Aimee Desiderio
Nicole Dessaint
Austin Dias
Ivanna Diaz
Judith Diaz
Mayra Diaz
Lindsey Dills
Jill Dobrowitsky
Melinda and Thomas Manchester
Laura Dolan
Caroline and Stephen Doll
Araceli Dominguez
Jeffrey Donlin
Mike Donohue
Gina DonVito
Jeff Dotti
Heather Dougherty
Dennis Downey
Gordon Drew
Leonard Dryer
Brittany Dubois
James Dubois
Scott Duffer
Parker Dunbar
Shara Duncan
Carol Durst
Alexandra and Donald Dymond
Bryan Easterly
Hilary Ebert
Luis Echevarria
Nicholas Eckerman
Catherine Collins and Craig Eggers
Ralph Ehrhardt
Eric Eichstaedt
Brandon Eiland
Gilbert Elizarraraz
Amira Elkashef
April Ellis
Courtney Ellis
Daniel Ellis
Richard Ellis
Anahit and Armen Eloyan
Scott Enneking
Joel Enriquez
Dustin Erickson
Alyssa Ervin
Citali Escamilla
Josue Espitia
Lydia Etman
Larken Euliss
Cassandra Evans
Sarah Evans
Abe Eykjian
Joyce and Garold Faber
Christina Fahim
Deidre Fairbanks
Fahimeh Fakour
Catherine Falcone
Leah and Ed Fang
Karen and Glen Farr
Ashley Fazzolare
Jeffrey Felder
Andrew Fels
Margarita Fernandez
Sharon and William Ferrell
Julia Ferro
Ria and Marc Fidler
Dedra Fischer-Dobson
Brian Fisher
Mary and Timothy Fleck
Anne and Michael Fliesler
Josh Ford
LeighAnn Foreman
Jon Fournell
Hailey Fox
Neil Fox
Sherie Frame
Laurita Franklin
Judith Frazier
Nicole Frazier
Ryan Freeman
Mindy and Tom Froelich
Suzanne and Steve Frye
Miyuki and Donald Fujitani
Janet Fukumoto
Shayla Fuller
Dorothy and Cris Fulwider
Daisy Funes
Margaret Gaeta
Adrian Gaines
Robert Galinsky
Cheryl and Timothy Gallagher
Claudia Gallard
Judith Gamboa
Esperanza and Patrick Gamboa
Amy Gantman and Martin Gottlieb
Alejandrina Garcia
Judy Garcia
Miguel Garcia
Tania and Gordon Garcia
Samantha Garfinkel
Marie Garfiu
Christina Garibay
Judith Garthwaite
Tom Gaughan
Elizabeth Geringer
Lindsay German
Daniel Gerrard
Jeffrey Gery
Nancy Covarrubias Gill and William Gill +++
Annelie Ginn
Christina Glazier
Elizabeth Glinka
Elaine and Peter Godinez
Shirley and Charles Godwin
Jacqueline Goglia
Nancy and Robert Goin
Bonnie and Merrill Goldenberg
Eva and Armando Gomez
Alicia Gonzalez
Andrew Gonzalez
Nadia Gonzalez
Rose Gonzalez
Sandy Gonzalez
Anonymous +
Ted Goodman
Amy Gorman
Jei Gort
Suann and Klaus Gose
Neil Gouett
Wilmut Grant
Deborah and Leo Gravelle
Tobias Grether
Sara Griffin
Lauren Grizzard
Sam Groshart
Michael Grosswendt
Kelly Gruendyke
Anette and Guido Gruesshaber
Judy Grund
Carolina Guerra
Daniela Guest
Elizabeth Guilin
Benjamin Gunther
Tamara and Keith Gunther
Ching Guo and Stephen Quinn
Lupita Gutierrez
Rosalinda Gutierrez
Kimberly Haglund
Jenna Hammond
Carolyn and David Hampton
Carlee Haney
Harry Hann
James Harber
Megan Hardison
Charles Harrington
Mallory Harris
Sharon and Myron Harrison +
Steven Harrison
Tim Harrison
Jessica Hart
Kathy and Mark Hartley +
Lori Hartman
Rachel Hartweg
Barbara Hatch
Sarah and Matt Hawkins
Gregory Hayward
Ildiko Hazak
Angela Hecht
Scott Hedlund
Alexandra Heller
Julie and Arturo Hernandez
Ashley Hernandez
Brian Hernandez
Mariana Hernandez
Megan Hernandez
Wendy Hernandez
Vanessa Herrera
Tayler Hickland
Justin Hilf
Johnathon Hill
Karith Hilmer
James Hintz
Husam Hishmeh
Sam and Lena Hishmeh
Eric Hoekenderf
Jaimie Hoffman
Meredith and Thomas Hoffmann
Jared Hollingworth
Katherine Holloway
Ginger Hood-Whitesell and Jeffrey Whitesell
Rachel and James Hooks
Khristopher-Tony Hope
Laura Horta
Amanda Hosking
Sarah Houser
Christina Houston
Sarah Howell
Kelly Hubina
Amy and George Huggins
Kelsey Huggins
Elizabeth Humphries
Monica and Micheal Hurtado
Jennifer Hustead
Amy Huynh
Capt. John D. Hyerle, USN (Ret)
Daisy Infante
Tiina Itkonen
Darrel Ito
Aron Jackson
Abolfazl Jafarincjard
Roy Jasso
Ashley Jaureguy
Paul Jeffers
Marty Jenkens
Jeannette Jennett
Michael Jenson
Michael Jianu
Brandyn Johnson
James Johnson
Shelly Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Kelli Johnston
Mickey Johnston
Callie Juarez
Lydia and James Kalp
Gregory Karis
Joan and Charles Karp
Maya Karta
Melanie Kathan
Cerena and Jim Kawamoto
Ruth Hofmeister Kelley and Thomas Kelley
Sheen Rajmaira and Sean Kelly
Jetse Kempenaar
Jasmina Kent
Stephen Kerner
Kenneth Kibble
Blake Kibby
James Kidman
Marguerite Kimberley
Jacob King
Kathleen Klompien
Tina Knight
David Knutson
Jenny Kobernik
Crystal Koch
Agnes and John Kogel
Nicole Kolb
Katie-Lynn Komlos
Brenna Koneual
Mary and Ken Kramer +
Chelsea Krier
Panda Kroll and Kevin Volkan
Douglas Kulper
Fred Kunke
Stacy Laboriante
John Laford
Heather Lambert
Steven Lapointe
Nicole Larochelle
Shahab Lashkari
Hannah Lau
Matthew Lauahi
Rafael Laueaga
Tim Lavin
Phuong Le
Talia and Steven Leahy
Lindsay and Gregory Leavens
Jon Lecka
John Lee
Susan and Stephen Lefevre +++
Anne and George Leis
Ashley Leonardo
Carol Buge and George Letteney
Anjelica Lewis
Frances Lewis
Marie Limauro
David Lin
Kirsten Lindgreen
Julie Lira
Li-Mei and Andrew Little
Sarah Littlewood
Carolyn Locke
Marion and David London
Aubree Long
Jennifer Long
Kathy and Randolph Long
Gloria Lopez
Jaimie Lopez
Paul Lopez
Elva Lopez-Martin
Elizabeth Lortie
Susan and Warren Lortie
Pamela and Jeffrey Losey
Denise and Steven Louie
Patricia Lownes
Erika Loya
Rosa Lozano-Ibarra
Judith and Theodore Lucas +++
Bryan Luce
Lisa Lucht
Rachel Luciani
Elisabeth Luckey
Denise Lugo
Michelle and Daniel Lumia
Megan Lund
Bonnie Lyons
James Maas
Dominic Mabile
Lori and Alec Macdonald
Elidia Macias
Jo Ann and David Mack
Jeffrie Madland
Ashley Maeshiro
Cristina Magallanes
Lori Mahoney
Marisa Maiani
Abraham Maldonado
Licette Maldonado
Pauline Malysko
Melinda and Thomas Manchester
Anu Mandapati
Simhan Mandyam
Cleve Mangham
Gregory Maple
Luis Maranan
Leigh Ann and Richard Margolin
Lois and Roy Marrs
Heather Martin
Robert Martinez
Adriean Mason-Torres
Ann and John Masson
Nicole Masuda
Elizabeth Matakiewicz
Kimberly Matsuda
Melody Mattingly
Suzi and Tom Mattivi
Devlend Maul
Kristen Maxie
Bob Mayberry
David Mayorga
Adam Mays
Mary McBride
Keith McCallion
Dorothy McKean
Kevin McKemy
Charles McLaughlin
Christina McLucas
Gillian McPherson
Kayla McQuilkin
Mindy Meeks
Colleen Mehlberg
Margie Melby
Robert Melero
Yadira Melgoza
Martin Melvin
Elizabeth Hartung-Mendiguren and Ignacio Mendiguren
Rogelio Mendoza
Vincent Mendoza
Megan Meyer
Yessenia Meza
Trudy Milburn +
Magdalena Millan
Karina Millenheft
Anne Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Patrick Miller
Susan Milligan
Karen Mireles
Dana Mirrow
Matthew Misenhimer
Alexandra Mitchell
Kristen Mitchell
Greg Miyamoto
Cooper Moeschler
Nathan Moffett
Ruth Molina
Craig Moniz
Brenda and Bradley Monsma
David Montes
Michael Montevideo
Craig Moore
Alicia Morales
Linette Morgan
Ashley Morrison
Jaimee Morrison
Wendy Morrison
Sherry Morrison-Wilson and Alex Wilson
Aya Moshe
Joshua Mosshart
Joanna Mostarda
Manijeh Motaghy
Christina Mottar
Pamela Abbott-Mouchou and David Mouchou
Michael Munakata
Joanna and Paul Murphy
Michael Murray
Kathy Musashi-Morin
Mike Nagel
Jenni Naia
Vince Nardi
Andrea Nava
Melody Nava
Michael Nava
Mary and Peter Newman
Heather Nielsen
Jannet Niller
Frank Nizzia
Maria Nogin
Jean and Richard Norman
Kathleen Norwood
Margaret Nourse
Melida Novoa
Amber Nua
Ricardo Nunez
Robin Nussear
Rachel Ochoa-Tafoya
Sara and Sean O’Conlon
Ruby Oertle +
Cheyne O’Gorman
Laura O’Grady
Danielle Oliveira
Alexander Olsen
Kim Oneal
Christopher O’Neal
Brianne Orbon
Jay Jay Orense
Michael Orman
Jennifer Ormond
Christina Ortega
Monique Ortiz
Marcia Oshman
Lynn and Neville Ostrick
Robert Ostrove
Connie Owens
Benjamin Pace
Perla Pacheco
Angelique Pagliano
Richard Palermo
Debora Palmer
Grace and Michael Panesis
Debra and Wayne Pardini
Joey Parker
Linda Parker
Sara Parker
Linda Parkinson
Allison Paroda
Daniel Parra
Brenda and Robert Parry +
Bridget and Guillermo Partida
Patricia and Alan Pasternak
Valerie and Stan Patscheck
Demaris Patten
Emily Paulson
Richard Paulson
Daniel Pawelczyk
Brian Peairs
Linda Pearson
Cheryl Peckham
Cory Pehrsson
Anthony Pena
Edlyn and Damien Peña
Ingrid Penate
Alejo Perez
Berta and Rafael Perez
Harry Perry
Joan Peters
Stacy and Bob Peterson
Daniel Petrucelli
Jacqueline and Robert Peyton
Elsa and Michael Phillip
Caesar Plancarte
Lauren Pollack
Ludvika and Ron Popenhagen
Christine and William Popok
Juanita and Ramon Porras
Cecilia Potts
Barbara and Richard Power
Elizabeth and Emilio Pozzi
Victoria and Bruno Pozzi +++
Catherine Prebble
Joyce and David Primes
Jessica Privett
Chantea Prum
Christine Quigg
Cindy Quirino
Alfonso Quiroz
Christopher Rabalais
Haleh Rabani
John Rabe
Lisa Racine
Maryann Raines
Shannon Rains
Georgina Ramirez
Anabell and Francisco Ramos
David Randolph
Amanda Rangel
Carl Reed +
Judith Reel
Kathleen and Lawrence Reilley
Melissa Remotti
Elizabeth Renteria
Ann and Rodney Resnik
Heather Rhodes
Al Rice
Toni Rice
Kerry Richardson
Mattie Richardson
Shawn Richardson
Katherine and Karl Richert
Armando Rico
Lee Riggan
Samantha Rink
Andrew Ritchie
Barbara and William Ritchie
Brian Rivera
Danielle Rivera
Ricardo Rivera
Lisa and Jim Roberts
Laura Robertson
Veronica Robles
Pamela and Neil Rocklin
Amber Rodriguez
Rhonda and Donald Rodriguez
Israel Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez
Amanda Roe
Patricia Rogers
Jose Romero
Christopher Ronson
Jailyn Ross
David Rosso
Cynthia Robbins-Roth and Robert Roth
Erica Roundy
Dwight Rowe
Carla Rowland
Eric Royce
Elizabeth and Timothy Rubalcava
Su-Lin Rubalcava
Deborah Rubenacker
Krista Ruggiero
Christopher Russell
Dustin Russell
Vanessa Salas
Danny Saldara
Roxanne Sanchez
Desmond Sandlin
Steve Sandwall
Adriana Santa Cruz
Linda Santana
Samantha Scarsbrook
Evan Schiller
Laurie and Stanley Schireson
Paula Gordon and Alfred Schlesinger
Heidi Schlig
Katherine Schmitt
Eric Schneider
Marlena Schumacher
Janet Sederquist
Lisa Segura
Adell Seibles
Nicholas Seldon
Laurie and Robert Selleck
Joaquin Serrato
Mark Seymour
Lara Shapiro-Snair
Laura Shepard
Sam Shipka
Carolyn Shoemaker
Rebecca Shryock
Lynn and Michael Shuler
Darin Siegel
Sandy Sigal
Melissa Silva
Michael Silver
Jacquelyn Sisson
Jessica Sliger
Sandy and Mitchel Sloan
Steve Smead
Nancy and James Smith
Maria Smith
Shelia Smith
Diana and Timothy Smith +
Wayne Smith
Matthew Smitha
Catherine Solis
Jill and William Sommer
Jennifer Sonne
Alberto Soria
Angela Southerland
Carol Spector and Elliot Turret
Greg Spies
Matthew Sprinkle
Michael Stafford
Nicole Stanley
Mary Stark
Karen and Max Stearns
Nicholas Steffen
Linda Stephan
Kenneth Sterling
Linda Stevens
Dustin Stevens-Baier
Carol and Joseph Stilwill
Merissa Stith
Rebecca Stokes
Zona and Bruce Strathearn
Kristina Stroud
JoAnn Stuermer
Robert Sturgeon
Rebecca and Drew Sturrock
Eddie Stutts
Eric Suliga
Thomas Sullivan
Lindsay Summer
Travis Sutton
Roberta and Aron Swerdlin
Jordan Swift
Kathy Swor
Mirian Szilagi
Rocio Tamayo
Mallory Lewis Tarcher and Jeremy Tarcher
Sara and Ryan Tauber
Amy Taylor
Carol and Terry Taylor
Genevieve Taylor
Maud Thiebaud
Christine and Steve Thomas
Justin Thompson
Rebecca Tice
Brian and Tiffany Tillquist
Kathy and Donald Tillquist
Melissa Tintor
John To
Josephine Toboco
Jeremy Todd
Jack Toerner
Doris Tom
Diana Torres
Jose Torres
Mario Torres
Tyler Torres
Vincent Torres
Breanne Torti
Ricky Totentino
James Tovias
Minh Tran
Cynnie Troup
Christina and Gary Trumbo
Kevin Trumbo +
Lahna Truong
Sherry Tsai
Peter Tshimanga
Debra Tucker
Carolyn and Charles Tulloh
Brooks Uhrig
Debbie Valentin
Danielle Vazquez
Kimberly Vega
Jan and Neal Veis
Kyle Velarde
Olga Velasco
Heather Veliz
Maria Vien
Vicki Vierra
Jeannette Villarreal
Lisa and Francis Villasenor
Diane and Luis Villegas
Beverly and John Viola
Susan Vogel
Richard Wagner
Brianna Wagner-Lazu
Marcia and Earl Wakelee
Charlotte and Roger Wakenhut
Austin Walker
Patricia Walker
Sandra and Jeffrey Walker
Matthew Wall
Amy and David Wallace
Ryan Wallerstein
Luanne and James Walsh
Breanna Walters
Catherine Warburton
Amanda Ware
Craig Warner
Michelle Warner
Laurie and Gary Wartik
Kelly Watson
Faith and Douglas Wayne
Cathy Webber
Bretton Weber
Dianne Wei
Patricia and Robert Westberg
Kate Whitman
Victoria Wicklas
Alexandra Wiebelhaus
Opal and Rolla Wilhite
Jessica Williams
Julia Williams
Michael Williams
Ziah Williams
Rhoda and Jack Williky
Robert Wilson
Barbara and Paul Witman
Rita Wolf
Felicia Wolford
Marsha and Fred Wolinsky
Brennan Wood
Chris Wrenn
Clydie and James Wright
Heather Wright
Karon Wright
Cherie Wrigley
Jamie Wurtzbacher
Andrew Yaeger
Richard Yale
Janie Yanez
Holly Young
Ryan Zavala
Martha and Thomas Zeiher
Aaron Zell
John Zeman
Beatriz Zizumbo
Brandon Zoldos
Kathy and Daniel Anderson
Diana Avery +
Connie and Harley Baker +
Andra Anderson and Dann Bowley
Cheryl and John Broome +++
Rainer Buschmann
Ann and Paul Carter +
Robert Chianese
Laura Crutchfield +
Nadinne Cruz +
Barbara and Wayne Davey ++
Linda and John Dullam +++
Jorge Garcia +
Walter Goldschmidt +
Brooke and Philip Hampton +
Julia Harris
Kathy and Mark Hartley +
Elise and William Kearney +++
Mary and Ken Kramer +
Judith and Leonard Linton +
Terri and Mark Lisagor +++
Judith and Theodore Lucas +++
Toni and Richard Matthews +
The Newberger Family
Ruby Oertle +
Mary Osborne
Brenda and Robert Parry +
Anna and Fletcher Pavin +++
Saralyn Petricevich
Victoria and Bruno Pozzi +++
Roxie Ray +++
Georgianna and Richard Regnier
Kathleen Rice +
Pamela and Fred Robertson +
Pamela and Neil Rocklin
Loretta and Jerry Scott
Sandy and Mitchel Sloan
John Stanton
Kathy Swor
Carolyn and Edgar Trotter
Christina and Gary Trumbo +
Rawn Wanamaker
The Wilsons
Robert Wlodarski
Gifts from Businesses and Organizations
Major Gifts
Amgen, Inc. ++
City of Camarillo
Mike Curb Family Foundation
Gene Haas Foundation +
Rabobank +
Sage Publications, Inc. +
Martin V. and Martha K. Smith Foundation
West Coast ENT +
Airborne Technologies, Inc. +
Bank of America
Harrison Industries +
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
The Sence Foundation +
American Association of University Women +
Montecito Bank & Trust +
PCL Construction Services, Inc.
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
Valley Vista Consulting, Inc.
Abraxis BioScience, Inc
AeroVironment Inc
Amgen Foundation +
The Boeing Gift Matching Program +
Jerry and Gail Weller Brown Charitable Fund, administered by Ventura County Community Foundation +
Canteen of Coastal California Inc.
Cars 4 Causes
City of Oxnard
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International +
Fashion Forms +
The Fitzgerald Hartley Co +
Kenner Limited, LLC
Limoneira Company +
Limoneira Foundation +
Logix Development Corporation
Meissner Filtration Products, Inc. ++
Ocean Law
Ojai Oil Company +++
Pacific Oaks Federal Credit Union +
Esper A. Petersen Foundation
Plaza Development Partners, LLC
Roadrunner Shuttle & Limousine Service
St. John’s Regional Medical Center +
Santa Rosa Plaza Associates LLC +
School of the Pacific Islands
Sheeler Moving and Storage, Inc. +
Southern California Edison +
Studio Channel Islands Art Center Inc. +
Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC +
The Tool Shed Group
United Way of Ventura County
University Marelich Mechanical, Inc.
Ventura Eye Institute
Wells Fargo Foundation
Ziv Studio for Smile Design
20/20 Consulting
Anderson Kill Wood & Bender, P.C.
Armando Lopez Company
Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP
The Begley Family Foundation
Blois Construction, Inc.
Camarillo Chamber of Commerce
Child Development Resources of Ventura County, Inc.
City National Bank
City of San Buenaventura
City of Thousand Oaks
Coldwell Banker
Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach Hotel +
The Cutler Group
Economic Development Corp of Oxnard
Eggs “N” Things
Ferguson Case Orr Paterson LLP
Ferro Interior Design
Gibbs International Trucks Inc.
HighRidge Insurance Services LLC
Howell Enterprises, Inc.
IdealHire Technologies
Industrial Tools, Inc.
Jackson, DeMarco, Tidus & Peckenpaugh
Joanie’s Management
Manchester Financial Group
Marie Callender’s
Maulhardt Industrial Center
Mission Wealth Management, LLC
Moshe Namdar & Associates
NAI Capital Commercial
National Charity League, Inc. Ventura County Chapter
Nordman Cormany Hair and Compton, LLP +
Orange County Community Foundation
Pacific Coast Business Times +
Power Machinery Center
Private Media Consulting Practice
PTI Technologies
Quality Packaging and Supplies, Inc
Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce
Southern California Gas Company
Suzanne M. Chadwick Charitable Fund, administered by Ventura County Community Foundation
Time Warner Matching Gifts Program
United Way California Capital Region
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Ventura County Community College District
Via Worldwide
Wells Fargo Bank
Yoga Gives Back
Young Leaders Society Ventura County
Al Lowe Construction, Inc. +
Canteen of Coastal California Inc.
Capistrano’s Restaurant & Catering
Channel Islands Aviation
Conejo Awards
Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach Hotel +
Foothill Technology High School
Gold Coast Broadcasting
Green Thumb International
Herzog Wine Cellars
The Home Depot
JJ Brewsky’s Restaurant & Bar
Las Posas Country Club
Los Angeles Dodgers +
Main Course California
Office of Congressman Elton Gallegly
Olas Mex Grill
Opolo Wines +
Pacific Coast Business Times +
Roadrunner Shuttle & Limousine Service
Sage Publications, Inc. +
Sheeler Moving and Storage, Inc. +
Southland Sod Farms +
Spanish Hills Country Club
Stanford Athletics
Trader Joe’s
Trufflehound’s Fine Chocolates
Ventura County Star +
Verizon, Inc. +
The Walking Company
$100,000 and above
Foundation for California Community Colleges
The Boeing Company +
Verizon +
President’s Circle Members+ĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚý President’s Circle Members – Five- to Nine-Years ++ĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚý President’s Circle Members – Ten-Years and above +++