Q&A with President Michelle Noyes and Vice President Marlene Pelayo

What are your goals for this year?
Michelle Noyes: We have three main goals: Establishing a food pantry, increasing student involvement, and advocating for CI at the community and state level. By May, student government leaders hope to see a permanent system to address food insecurity among students, increased student participation in campus clubs and committees, and an even stronger relationship between CI students and our local community.
What’s the status of the food pantry and how will it work?
Marlene Pelayo: We have already identified some temporary spaces on campus to open a food pantry this Student Government Prioritizes Food Pantry, Advocacy and Student Engagement Until then, the student government office is stocked with cans, snacks, and other items available to all students on a confidential trust system. We’re also accepting donations and exploring partnerships with groups like FOOD Share and local vendors. We hope students are not shy about using the pantry, since many of us have found ourselves in those situations. It is important that as a campus community we encourage the use of a pantry, provide extra resources for long-term help, and move toward removing the stigma behind food insecurity and homelessness.
What are the biggest challenges you see for CI that you hope to address?
Michelle: I believe our biggest challenge is growing pains. For many of our students, it’s difficult to find parking on campus, get into classes and graduate in four years. Student government members will be lobbying the state of California this year to provide more funding for the CSU system, so we can continue expanding our campus, hiring professors and offering more classes to help students graduate on time.
What are you most excited about this year?
Michelle: I’m excited to work with the largest freshman class CI has ever had and the new President and administration to see what ideas they have for the future of CI.
Marlene: I’m very excited to see a large amount of new staff and faculty members on campus. I think they will bring in a fresh and diverse new perspective on what the campus needs going forward.
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© Fall 2016 / Volume 20 / Number 02 / Bi-annual