Investing in CI’s Future

The CSU Channel Islands Planned Giving Advisory Council (PGAC) is a volunteer group of local, highly-reputable financial planners, attorneys, and CPA’s. The PGAC was established for the purpose of advising in the creation and direction of the Planned Giving Program at CI as well as assisting and securing planned gifts that will serve to advance the University’s mission, enhance its programmatic strength, encourage innovation, and serve to establish beneficial partnerships.
The PGAC is a vital part of the future for CSU Channel Islands and its ability to provide resources necessary to continue to pursue the University’s margin of excellence. The University is pleased to introduce the founding group of PGAC members.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned gifts create opportunities for both you and the University. There are many giving options from which to choose—from naming the University as a beneficiary in your will, to a more complex trust arrangement. Ultimately, the best plan will balance what you wish to accomplish for yourself, your family, and your charitable interests in the University. We encourage you to learn more about the PGAC and the Planned Giving Program at CI.
Please contact Nichole Ipach, Director of University Development at 805-437-8893,, or visit
PGAC Members
Robert England, Esq - Ferguson, Case Orr & Paterson, LLC
Co-Chair, PGAC
John Jacobs - CPA, Jacobs & Jacobs Certified Public Accountants
Howard Smith - Vice President, Wealth Advisor, Estate Planning Consultant, Morgan Stanley
Joshua Mosshart, CHFC®,CASL®,CEA® - President, Mosshart Wealth Management
Co-Chair, PGAC
Richard C. Shipley - CLU, Chartered Financial Consultant, ArchPoint
Wil Freeman - Attorney, Law Offices of Wilfred J. Freeman