Fore Athletics!

Dolphin Classic Golf Tournament supports future CI Athletics

By Lori PutnamDolphin Classic winning participants with President Rush

The Dolphin Classic Golf Tournament was held under warm, sunny skies with a great show of enthusiasm by golfers and students alike. New CI Athletic Director Carl Reed, as well as CI students from the Sailing, Lacrosse, and Cycling Clubs were on hand to encourage golfers as they tee’d off from the beautiful Spanish Hills Country Club.

Prior to golfers hitting the links, the Aspen Helicopters golf ball drop was held with Dr. Max Stearns of Camarillo winning the cash prize. Members of the Lacrosse team held a demonstration on hole #4 where golfers could use their tee shot or the Lacrosse player’s throw, and the Sailing team launched one of their team boats in the lake off the 18th fairway. The 18th hole chipping contest winner was Chris Wrenn whose shot landed in the cup.

There were two scoring formats for the event. The winners of the Dolphin Cup Championship flight were: Tom Brimigion, Mike Donohue, Jeff Dottl, and Wayne Scott. Winners of the Callaway flight were: Jim Kawamoto, David Rosso, Rami Spinkling, and Chris Thomas.

Following the competition, there were silent and live auctions of items donated by several individuals and businesses.

The 2009 Dolphin Classic Golf Classic Tournament was chaired by CSU Channel Islands Foundation Board member Ruby Oertle, Mel Sheeler, and Gary Trumbo. All funds raised from the tournament will be used to support CI athletics.

The event was supported by several tournament sponsors including: Marc D. Wolfsohn, M.D., Four Seasons Cleaners, Canteen of Coastal California, Inc., Gold Coast Broadcasting, PCL Construction Services, Inc., Steve Thomas BMW, Sheeler Moving and Storage, University Marelich Mechanical, Encompass Multimedia, Santa Barbara Design Studio, Xpress Print & Copy, Ventura County Star, and Aspen Helicopters, Inc.

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