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Section 7. Miscellaneous Information for Students
- 7.1. What happens to my Web page after I graduate or transfer to another college (other than another CSU Channel Islands campus)?
- 7.2. Where do I find information on my user names and passwords to access student web space and other systems?
- 7.4. Is there an on-line listing of course Web pages?
- 7.5. Why don't all faculty members list their course web pages?
- 7.6. Where can I check out a digital camera for taking pictures for my web page?
7.1. What happens to my Web page after I graduate or transfer to another college (other than another CSU Channel Islands campus)?
Student accounts will remain active during periods of continuous enrollment (fall and spring semester) and for six months after graduation. (Accounts are kept active during the summer for students who are expected to return in the fall.)
7.2. Where do I find information on my user names and passwords to access student web space and other systems?
Please visit the Accounts & Password Help pages.
7.4. Is there an on-line listing of course Web pages?
No. To see if a course web page exists, visit the faculty member's web site.
7.5. Why don't all faculty members list their course web pages?
Faculty members post the information about their courses on their personal web sites at their discretion. Often faculty do not want links to their course Web pages until they are finished working on them; or, perhaps they do not want the course web site accessed by the general public.
7.6. Where can I check out a digital camera for taking pictures for my web page?
Please contact Media Distribution Services in the University Library. They have digital cameras and digital video cameras available for check out.