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Section 3. Design and Graphics

3.1. Where can I get CSU Channel Islands graphics for my page?

Please contact Communication and Public Relations to obtain official CI logos and graphics for use in web pages. Please also refer to the CSU Channel Islands Graphics Standards Manual for more information regarding the appropriate use of CSU Channel Islands images.

3.2. How do I put graphics on a Web page?

First, save the graphic file in a GIF (.gif file extension) or JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg file extension) format. Currently, these are the only two supported graphics formats for the Web. In order for a graphics file to work properly, you MUST not only give the file a correct extension (.gif, .jpg, or .jpeg), but also save the file in the corresponding format (i.e. myfile.jpg must be saved in a JPEG format).

Then, transfer the image file into your personal directory on the web server.

  • Use raw data mode if you're uploading the image from a Mac
  • Use binary mode if you're uploading it from Windows.

See Section 2.7 of the Web FAQ for tips on reducing the size of images to ensure good page load times.

3.3. How do I put a photograph or art on my page?

If the photograph (or art) is your property to use, then you may scan the image.

After you have scanned the photograph, you should make certain that the image size is set to 72 dpi and that the dimensions are what you desire.

Save the image file in a GIF (.gif file extension) or JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg file extension) format. Currently, these are the only two supported graphics formats for the Web.

Note: In order for a graphics file to work properly, you must not only give the file a correct extension (.gif, .jpg, or .jpeg), but also save the file in the corresponding format (i.e. myfile.jpg must be saved in a JPEG format).

See Section 2.7 of the Web FAQ for tips on reducing the size of images to ensure good page load times.

3.4. I need to scan art for my page. Where can I find a scanner?

Scanners are located in computer labs in Broome Library. Please contact the ITS Help Desk for more information.

3.5. Where can I find free icons and art?

There are many locations on the Internet that offer icon and art libraries. Your best option is to utilize one of the many Internet search sites available and seek out the kind(s) of graphics you are looking for. Please note that you are responsible for complying with the copyright and use agreements for any images or graphics you use on any web site.

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