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Section 2. Using Web Space at CI

2.1. Where is my home page on the Web?

2.1a. Students

Students can create their own domain name using CI Keys, and self-select their domain name, e.g., patsmith.cikeys.com. Please visit CI Keys for more info.

Student web site addresses (URLs) on the legacy student.csuci.edu domain are as follows:


where DOLPHINUSERNAME is the student's Dolphin Name

For example, a student named Gus Chiggins with a Dolphin Name of "gus.chiggins123" will have a legacy web site located at http://student.csuci.edu/~gus.chiggins123 .

2.1b. Faculty

Faculty and staff web accounts are serviced through CI Keys.

2.1c. Academic Programs/Areas

Academic program web sites are typically found at:


For example:

In some cases, the program names are shortened. For example:

2.1d. Administrative Programs/Areas

If you applied for Web space as an official administrative unit, you have the opportunity to specify the program name for your web site URL.

Your URL will be in the following form: /PROGRAM_NAME/

where PROGRAM_NAME is the name of the program

NOTE: You may choose up to 20 lower-case characters for your Administrative Program/Area web space directory name.

2.1e. Student clubs and organizations

Student Clubs and Organizations must be officially recognized by the University in order to obtain web space, and will need to obtain the approval of the Student Leadership and Development office. Please visit "Starting a Student Club/Organization".

2.1f. Courses

University courses can be hosted on the web in several ways:

CI Learn is a web-based course management software available for all instructors. Please contact the ITS Help Desk for more information on how to use CI Learn to manage your courses.

Faculty members may host their course pages from CI Keys or from the legacy faculty.csuci.edu domain. A list of personal faculty web pages can be found in the .

2.2. Can you change my web site address (URL)?

Individual faculty or individual student web site addresses/URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) may not be changed.

University departments, programs and organizations may request an alternate URL through Web Services.

2.3. Do I have to use the personal home page you gave me?

No. The basic home page that you first see was automatically posted by the server when your individual Web space was created. This is a starting place for you as you begin using your personal web space to support your academic goals at CSU Channel Islands. You are welcome to edit this default page we provide or you may create your own.

2.3a. What can I use my personal web space for?

Personal web space is intended for students, faculty and staff to enhance their academic and educational experience at CSU Channel Islands.

2.3b. What do students use their personal web space for?

Many students use their own web space to develop web-based collections that include coursework, artifacts from extra-curricular activities and reflective annotations and commentary related to these experiences. Students also benefit by sharing examples of their work with potential employers, faculty and advisors; and mastering transferable information technology skills and demonstrating knowledge.

2.3c. What uses are not allowed for my personal web space?

Examples of misuse of your personal web space include:

  • Posting of derogatory or libelous materials or materials that infringe on the rights of others;
  • Posting of materials which violate policies of CSU Channel Islands or state, local or Federal laws;
  • Posting of Confidential materials including records protected by the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA);
  • Posting of materials that are abusive, profane or sexually offensive as defined by law;
  • Advertising for commercial products or enterprises; or
  • Conducting local, interstate, or international commerce

Please refer to for further information on appropriate uses for your personal web space.

2.4. How do I transfer files to and from my Web space? What is SFTP?

Students: You are encouraged to manage your personal web space using Wordpress on CI Keys. For the legacy student.csuci.edu domain, you may use any software client that supports the SFTP protocol to transfer files to and from your web space. SFTP stands for "Secure File Transfer Protocol". More information is available in the Guide To Accessing Student Web Space. This includes Adobe Dreamweaver.

Faculty and staff: To access your web space visit the .

2.5. How do I make changes to my personal home page?

In general, the process for making changes is as follows:

  1. Using a web page editing program, connect to your web site using the host name, your user name and password that have been provided.
  2. Transfer a copy the "index.htm" file from the your personal web space to your computer.
  3. Edit the "index.htm" file with a web page editing program such as Adobe Dreamweaver, and save the changes.
  4. Transfer the changed "index.htm" file back to your personal web space.
  5. Review the changes in your web browser.

More detailed guides on editing personal home pages will be available on the Web Services web site.

2.5a What is the default precedence of home page file names?

Students: The default precedence is follows, in order from most important (1) to least important:

  1. index.html
  2. index.htm

Therefore, if you have both an "index.html" and an "index.htm" file in the same folder, the index.html file will display instead of index.htm.

Faculty: Visit the for more information.

2.5b What happens if I transfer a file to my web site with the same name as one that already exists in my web site?

Files having the same names as those you transfer into your directory will be overwritten by the incoming files.

You can put additional HTML and graphic files in your remote web folder as long as you do not exceed your Web space quota. For more information on your Web space quota, see FAQ 2.7.

2.5c What is the "index.htm" file and how does it work?

Your home page should always be called "index.htm". It enables visitors to get to your web site using a shorter web address.

For example,


is equivalent to going to the address:


2.5d. How should I name my web page files?

Do not include any spaces ( ) or periods ( . ) in any part of a filename. Use dashes ( - ) instead. For example, do not name a file "my august 2009 homework.htm". Instead, name the file "my-august-2009-homework.htm" using dashes instead of spaces.

Use lower-case for naming your files. Although the web server is not case-sensitive, naming files in lower-case is easier and is considered a "best practice."

Files should be named with the correct file name extension.

For example:

  • PDF file names should end in ".pdf";
  • Word documents should end in ".doc";
  • Image file names should end in ".gif", ".jpeg", or ".jpg", etc.

2.5e. What kind of files can I put in my web site?

You can place HTML files, digital images, video and sound clips, PDF files and others within your web site. Currently, you are only limited by the amount of web space that is available.

Please be aware that any files, documents or data placed within your web folder can and will be viewed by the general public. If you don't wish the general public to view your web site files, it's best not to place them in your web site.

Also please be aware that you may not post materials on your web site that violate University policy or local, federal or state law. Please consult the for more information.

2.6. What is Adobe Acrobat? What is a PDF file? Why should I use PDF files instead of Microsoft Office/Word/Excel documents on my web site?

Adobe Acrobat is free software that allows you to read PDF files. A PDF file is a Portable Document Format file that has been created using Adobe Acrobat or another PDF file creation program.

The Acrobat PDF file format standard is an open standard that allows users to interchange documents across platforms, which maintaining strict control of layout and formatting. There are at least 5 reasons to use Acrobat PDF files instead of MS Office, Word or Excel files in your web site.

  1. PDF maintains consistency very well across computer platforms. Your PDF files will look the same whether they are viewed on a Windows, Mac, or Unix computer. Some handheld/PDA platforms and other non-traditional devices also support the format.
  2. PDF is compact. PDF file sizes are as small or smaller; smaller files make downloading easier for users with slow internet connections.
  3. You can create files from almost any source file or application. A good rule of thumb is "if you can print it, you can make it into a PDF". Further, many programs natively support creation of PDF files.
  4. You can view PDF files for free on any platform. People can view PDF files on Windows/PC, Mac or Linux computers. MS Office only runs on Windows and Mac, not Linux. Further, Office documents can be finicky about the version of Office used to view your files.
  5. You can add interactivity to PDF files. You can use PDF files to create interactive online forms, including calculations.

One exception to using PDF files is that PDF files are generally "read-only"; you cannot easily edit a PDF file. Thus, if you wish to share a document that will be edited or revised, it may be best to post that document in an MS Office format.

You can download Adobe Acrobat for free at

2.7. What are some tips for building web pages?

Design your Web pages to be accessible to all visitors. Web site accessibility is a requirement for all department, program and organization web sites at 91ÊÓƵ. It may also be required for faculty and student web sites depending on how the web sites are used. For information on web site accessibility, please visit the 91ÊÓƵ Web Accessibility web site.

After you transfer your files to your Web space, test your pages. If possible, ask some friends to look at your Web site on their computers/browsers and let you know if they spot any problems.

Make sure your web pages & images are small enough to load quickly. Please be aware that large web pages and image files may be difficult to download or view by users with dial-up internet connections. A good rule formula to use is as follows:

(Sum of file sizes of all graphics used on a page in KB) + (Size of web page file itself in KB) < 150 kilobytes (KB)

For example, your web page has 3 graphics, each 15KB in size, and your web page is 45KB in size, so according to this formula:

(15+15+15) + 45 <150

90 KB < 150 KB, so your web page and images will be quick to download even for users with the slowest connections.

2.8. Common problems you may encounter

2.8a. I can't log in to the web server. What should I do?

  1. First, check to ensure that the caps lock on the keyboard is OFF. User ID's and passwords are case-sensitive.
  2. Next, ensure that there are no typos in your login information (host name, user name and password). Retype the information and try again.
  3. If you receive a specific error, please note the error number and error message and contact the Help Desk.

If you are still unable to log in, please call the Help Desk at 805-437-8552. You can reset your password using the .

2.8b. When I open my Web page, I only see a list of files even though all of my Web files are present in my remote web folder. What should I do?

Most likely, this problem has occurred because by default, our Web servers will return a list of the contents of your remote web folder unless your home page file is named index.htm or index.html,. So, if your home page file is not named EXACTLY like one of these two files, then you should rename it.

2.8c. I put some pictures on my Web site but they are not showing up. What's wrong?

Make sure you are saving your files in the correct format, and are transferring them correctly. Acceptable image file format for use in web pages are GIF, JPG and in some instances PNG.

2.9. Web space storage limit

See Section 1.2, entitled "How much space do I get?"

2.9a. Is there a way I can find out how close I am to filling my Web space storage limit?

Students: logon to Dolphin Files in myCI; your remaining available space will be listed on your Dolphin Files home page.

Faculty: Visit the for more information.

2.9b. What happens if I exceed my web space storage limit?

If you exceed your quota you will not be able to upload any more files to the web server unless you either delete some of your existing files.

2.9c. Can I purchase additional space to increase my web space storage limit?

Please see Section 1.3b of this Web FAQ.

2.10. CSU Channel Islands Search Engine

2.10a. Can I invoke the CSU Channel Islands search engine from my Web page?

Yes. You may use the Google Site Search feature to enable indexing of your own web site. CSU Channel Islands colleges, departments, and other official CSU Channel Islands units can invoke the search engine from Web pages provided that the site is indexed by the search engine.

To add a Google search box to your web page, copy and paste the following HTML code into your web page:

<form method="get" action="https://www.google.com/u/csuci">
<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr valign="middle">
<td valign="top">
<a href="http://www.google.com/">
<img src="https://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif" border="0" alt="">
<input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="">
<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Google Search"><br />
<input type="hidden" name="domains" value="csuci.edu">
<input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value="csuci.edu" checked>Search csuci.edu
<input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value="">Search WWW

2.10b. How often does the CSU Channel Islands search engine crawl the sites? Why does crawling take so long?

The search engine indexes CI web sites every 2-3 days. Crawl speed is determined by the CSU Chancellor's Office.

2.10c. How are Web sites indexed by the CSU Channel Islands search engine?

The University home page () and any pages to which it links are indexed by the CSU Google Search engine. Student personal pages are currently not indexed by the University, but may be in the future. Students may submit their web sites to Google directly for indexing.

Webmasters for colleges, departments, and other official CSU Channel Islands units can request that their sites be indexed by visiting and specify the web address (URL) of the site they wish to be submitted for indexing.

2.11. Questions concerning Web page usage

Personal web space is provided to CSU Channel Islands students, faculty and staff for the purpose of supporting educational programs and enhancing the educational experience at 91ÊÓƵ. Appropriate use is governed by federal, state, and local laws, as well as CSU and University policies.

2.11a. Can I support a politician with my personal Web space?

Your web space should not contain the primary Web site for a politician and you must not solicit campaign funds. California Government Code section 8314 prohibits the use of state resources for any "campaign activity." However, you may include a links to an established political site, and you are welcome to express your opinions about political events and figures.

2.11b. I want to make some extra money creating Web pages and storing them on my web page. Is that OK?

No. Use of any CSU Channel Islands web or information technology resources for personal profit is strictly prohibited by California state law. If you are hired by an organization or individual to create Web pages, you must use your own resources or your client's resources to create and store the files. This includes using an CSU Channel Islands network access account and the CSU Channel Islands network; so even if you have your own computer in your dorm room, for example, you cannot use your Internet connection in the process of doing paid work. There are two instances where you are permitted to make money creating Web pages:

  • If you have been hired by a CSU Channel Islands department, college, program area or other official unit to create Web pages for CSU Channel Islands official use; or
  • If you use your own computer and software and a commercial Internet service.

2.11c. I have a part-time (or a full-time) business. Can I advertise my products on my personal web page?

No. You cannot use any CSU Channel Islands resources for personal profit, as defined by law.

2.11d. I have received an offer from a company to place an advertisement on our Web page. Is this allowed?

No. CSU and CI policy and terms of your CSU Channel Islands accounts do not allow use of your pages for this purpose. For more information, please read the .

2.11e. Can I create a home page on my personal Web space for an academic, non-profit organization unaffiliated with CSU Channel Islands?

Yes, this is allowed. If you have additional questions, please review the and contact the ITS Help Desk.

2.11f. I found some great images and sound files on the Web and some magazine pictures that I would like to scan. I want to add these materials to my Web page. Can I do this?

Copyrighted works may not appear on Web pages unless the owner of the work has given you written permission and you credit the source as requested by the owner. MP3s, for example, are copyrighted by the artist or the label under which the artist records; they decide how and at what cost a song will be distributed. If you download an MP3 without paying for it, then you are violating copyright law. The same copyright laws that apply to vinyl records, cassette tapes, and CDs also apply to MP3s.

Faculty members should consult the TEACH Act and compliance guidelines to help determine fair use of digital materials. Links to information about these federal regulations can be found on the Web Services page.

2.11g. Can an entity advertise on our site for a fee?

No. This would be commercialization of a state resource.

2.11h. Can we get something of value in exchange for a link on our site, such as if we got a discount on something for providing a link?

No. Again this would be commercialization of a state resource.

2.11i. Can a campus advertise an event that has a commercial sponsor, such as Ford, and link to their site?

You can advertise the sponsored event as such, because it is factual – e.g., Ford is sponsoring x event on the campus. Linking to the sponsor's website from the advertisement of the event is less clear. Depending on how it is done, and what website the link takes the user to, it is possible that this could be perceived as an endorsement of the sponsor's business. Careful consideration needs to be given to the appearance and placement of any corporate link --- e.g., size, any bells or whistles that particular draw attention to it, total number of links on the page, and so on.

2.11j. What if we have an event with underwriters/sponsors and we want to say 'Thanks to our sponsors.' Is it ok to use their logo and link to their site?

You can say thanks to a sponsor and use the corporate logo. You should not provide a link to the corporation's web site because this could be perceived as a commercial endorsement. The same careful considerations mentioned above apply.

2.11k. What is the difference between advertising in a campus magazine or campus billboard, and advertising on the web?

The web is a limited and confined space, the purpose of which is to communicate our information to the public. That purpose can be undone if this space is commercialized.

2.11l. Can we list our affinity partners?

Affinity partners may appear on the alumni association's web page, but not on the university's.

2.11m. What about links to auxiliary sites, such as our bookstore?

Information about our commercial operations are appropriate, because they are factual. We can say what we sell. If you have a Taco Bell franchise in your student center, for example, you can place the logo of Taco Bell on your list of food providers. Linking to the Taco Bell website is not appropriate.

2.12. Can I make my computer a server for my Web page?

You may not run any web or application server from your personal computer if you are connected to the CSU Channel Islands computer network. If you believe an exemption is required, please open a work order through the ITS Help Desk or call x8552. Users and/or computers that are allowed an exemption to this rule must still abide by the computer-related policies, guidelines, and rules of CSU Channel Islands.

2.12a. Can I assign my own fully-qualified domain name to my personal space on student.csuci.edu or another web server?

You cannot register a domain name to a CSU Channel Islands IP address. Specifically, system users must not provide Domain Name Service for any non-CSU Channel Islands computer or network resource. In addition, system administrators must ensure that CSU Channel Islands network addresses are assigned to those entities or organizations that are part of CSU Channel Islands only. System administrators must not assign network addresses to non-CSU Channel Islands entities or organizations. System administrators may in some cases provide Domain Name Service for non-CSU Channel Islands computer and network resources, but only with the approval of the Vice President for Information Technology Services.

2.12b. How do I get a .com, .net, or .org domain name?

The can answer your questions about registering a domain name. There are many domain registration services on the Web. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) provides a . Each registration service has its own regulations and pricing.

2.12c. Can I point my .com, .net, or .org domain name to my CSU Channel Islands web site?

No. CSU Channel Islands will not point any external .com, .net, or .org names to any official CSU Channel Islands web resources. This includes faculty and student web sites, as well as administrative pages.

2.13. What are Access Control Lists (ACLs)?

ACLs define who can access a directory and its files. By default, all folders created within a user's personal web account are readable by any user on the Web, i.e., by the "anonymous" user. This means that people can view your web page but they cannot write or add files to your web directory.

If you access your Web page via a Web browser and the browser returns a forbidden access message, then this means that the ACLs for your personal web directory are not set for read access. To change your ACLs, email the ITS Help Desk or call x8552 to open a work order. Be sure to specify which URL is generating the error.

2.13a I need to make a certain folder writable for my scripts to work properly. How can I do this?

By default, all folders created within a user's personal web account are readable by any user on the Web, i.e., by the "anonymous" user. Write access permission for any given file/folder must be set by the system administrator. Users who need write access should email the ITS Help Desk or call x8552 to open a work order. All requests for write access will be evaluated based upon the specific application as well as security risk.

2.15 Do the CSU Channel Islands web servers support Active Server Pages (ASP)?

No. We currently do not offer any ASP hosting services.

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