With the Accordion snippet, editing accordion content has become very easy without the need or help from Web Services. Accordion snippet will appear in the form of a normal table. 

  1. To set up an Accordion on your page, please submit a request to the to help get you started.
  2. Navigate to the page where the snippet has been installed by Web Services.
  3. Click on "Edit" button to edit/update the content. You will notice that there will be a table where you can enter the content.
  4. Select the heading based on content structure outline. Please refer to our other video - Headings and Lists explained for information about proper use of headings.
  5. Enter enter your content in the corrent table cells. The heading of the accordion goes under Heading Column and the content under Content Column. 
  6. After you are done editing the page, click Save to preview the your changes. Make sure to proofread and check for any errors.
  7. Next, Publish the page. If there are errors that you are unable to fix or figure out, to the help desk and explain the issue so that Web Services can assist you.

*DO NOT remove or change the table content in the first two rows. These rows are used as a formatting guide in the template. All your updates will be performed in the Enter text or Enter Content rows.

Depending on the use of your accordion in the outline structure of your page, you may need to change the Heading type from the default h2 to a h3. This is needed if the accordion is a sub-heading directly under a h2 in the content of the page. There is no visual design change to the headings h2 and h3. The accordion will look the same in the preview and published page but will properly conform to accessibility requirements.

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