

Self-paced, video-based  training in the latest versions of popular software (including Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, and SPSS) and hundreds of other topics is available free-of-charge to students and employees through LinkedIn Learning.

Information Technology Services also offers free technology training workshops for CI employees, as part of an ongoing Technology Workshop series. These workshops help enhance knowledge and skills of University employees and organizations in the use of academic and web-related technology.

Available ToStudents, Faculty, Staff
BenefitsBoth instructor-led and self-paced training options are available
Key FeaturesSelf-paced training through LinkedIn Learning
RequirementsA Dolphin Name and Dolphin Password are required for both self-paced training and instructor-led workshops.

Some instructor-led workshops have pre-requisites; consult ITS technology workshop schedule for pre-requisite details.
Getting Started

 to begin free self-paced technology learning

View the employee technology workshop schedule

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