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History [top]
- Business Practice Number: BP-05-010
- Version: 1
- Drafted By: A.Michael Berman
- Approved By: A.Michael Berman
- Approval Date: 08/26/2015
- Latest Revision Date:
Purpose [top]
Responsibility for Information Technology (IT) Governance at CSU Channel Islands is delegated by the President to the Vice President for Information Technology Services (VP/ITS). The Information Technology Policy & Planning Committee (ITPPC) supports IT governance for CSU Channel Islands by serving as the formal campus-wide advisory committee to the VP/ITS.
Background [top]
The ITPPC was established in 2009 as a university-wide committee, with oversight from the President’s office. In 2014, the President authorized individual VP’s to organize and oversee committees in their area, and the authority for the ITPPC passed to the VP/ITS.Business Practice [top]
Accountability [top]
VP/ITSApplicability [top]
University-wideDefinition(s) [top]
N/AText [top]
Each year, the VP/ITS appoints members to the ITPPC. The ITPPC membership is designed to represent perspectives from a broad sector of campus stakeholders, and is constituted as follows:
Member | Recommended by |
VP/ITS (Chair) | N/A |
Faculty Representatives (2) | Academic Senate Exec Committee |
Student Representative | VP Student Affairs |
Director of Institutional Research | Ex officio |
Dean of Library | Ex officio |
Senior Academic Technology Officer | Ex officio |
AVP Student Enrollment | Ex officio |
Div. Business & Financial Affairs | VP Bus & Financial Affairs |
Div. Advancement | VP Advancement |
Div. Student Affairs | VP Student Affairs |
Div. Academic Affairs | Provost |
Information Security Officer | Ex officio |
Director of IT Strategy | Ex officio |
The ITPPC is convened by the VP/ITS and normally holds a one-hour meeting in October, November, January, February, March, and April. Additional meetings may be convened if needed.
The ITPPC has the following roles:
- Guide the VP/ITS in developing, updating, and reviewing the IT Strategic Plan, based on the University Strategic Plan.
- Help develop appropriate metrics and guidelines to assess the IT Strategic Plan.
- Assist in the development and review of university policies related to IT, for referral to the President’s Planning and Policy Council.
- Review major university IT projects and advise the VP/ITS on prioritization.
- Assist in developing annual IT resource requests for the University Budget Review Committee.
- Provide guidance and feedback to the VP/ITS and the rest of the IT leadership.
Minutes from each ITPPC meeting will be developed, shared with all ITPPC members, and published on the ITS web site.
Exhibit(s) [top]
Assessment History [top]
Description | Frequency | ¸é´Ç±ô±ðÌý´¡²õ²õ¾±²µ²Ô±ð»å |
Meetings held & documented as planned    | Annual | |
ITPPC member self-assessment | Annual |