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PERFORMANCE FACTORS54321PERFORMANCE GOALS: Consider results achieved against each performance objective.MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES:Consider ability to effectively plan, delegate, and utilize assigned resources.PROFESSIONAL EFFECTIVENESS:Consider knowledge of assigned work including thoroughness, attention to detail, and accuracy. Also consider any improvements made in outcomes, programs or processes.TIME MANAGEMENT:Consider productivity, efficiency, and timeliness in completing projects and meeting deadlines.COMMUNICATION:Consider interaction with all levels of staff and management, collegiality, ability to develop collaborative relationships, and commitment to service. Where applicable, consider writing or presentation skills.PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT:Consider commitment to personal and professional development.JOB KNOWLEDGE AND INITIATIVE:Consider knowledge and skills required to achieve performance objectives; understanding of applicable policies and legislation; willingness to learn new skills, expand knowledge, and take on additional responsibility.PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION:Consider ability to anticipate needs and plan, prioritize, organize, and monitor work. Also consider attention to detail and follow-through.FOR MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY POSITIONS ONLYLEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT:Consider ability to guide, motivate, develop, evaluate and train subordinates.STAFF DEVELOPMENTConsider ability to hire and retain competent staff and the commitment to staffs professional growth and development.  Employee Name: OVERALL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Using the following standards, please select the summary description that most closely describes the employees overall performance for this entire review period: { } Outstanding (5): Performance and results far exceed the positions requirements and expectations. Incumbent consistently integrates a wide variety of skills to outstandingly and effectively solve problems and carry out duties, responsibilities and objectives well beyond the expectations of the position. Outcomes and solutions are routinely excellent and seldom matched by others. Incumbent demonstrates the highest level of performance standards in handling all assignments. Incumbents performance is consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Overall, performance demonstrates a very high degree of expertise and serves as a model of excellence for others. Incumbent adds value to the organization well beyond what was expected. Incumbents high level of sustained performance merits special recognition and compares with the best the CSU has seen. Very few employees achieve this level of competency, particularly in an overall evaluation. { } Exceeds Expectations (4): Accomplishes considerably more than required or expected. Incumbent frequently demonstrates the ability to integrate a variety of skills to effectively solve problems and carry out duties, responsibilities and objectives beyond the expectations of the position. Incumbents performance is consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Incumbent adds value to the organization beyond what is expected and is one of the key contributors within the organization. { } Meets Expectations (3): Performance is solid and consistently meets the positions requirements and expectations necessary to further the University mission. Critical goals, tasks, and projects are achieved within acceptable standards. During the review period, there may have been some accomplishments that exceeded expectations, some that may have met expectations and, possibly, some areas where results may not have fully met expectations. Overall, the incumbent demonstrates the ability to handle projects or assignments within the scope of the position and demonstrates the ability to integrate a variety of skills to solve problems and carry out duties, responsibilities and objectives. Incumbents performance is generally consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Incumbent adds value to the organization and is a fully competent performer. { } Needs Improvement (2): Performance and results meet some, but not all of the positions requirements and expectations; however, overall performance needs improvement. The need for further development and/or improvement in one or more of the critical performance factors is recognizable. Incumbent requires more than normal amount of guidance and follow-up to assure that assignments were progressing adequately. Performance is occasionally consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Sustained progress and improvement are required in one or more of the critical performance factors. { } Failed to Meet Expectations (1): Performance and results are consistently below expectations and are not acceptable. Performance is below the minimum needed to fulfill principal duties, responsibilities, objectives and expectations of the position. Incumbent requires an unreasonable amount of direction and guidance. Performance must improve to an acceptable level or corrective action will be taken, up to and including notice of termination. Employee Name: MANAGERS COMMENTS: (Comment on the Performance Factors, cite examples where appropriate, and include future performance and professional development objectives). [Insert Narrative Here] EMPLOYEES COMMENTS: (May also attach a separate sheet). [Insert Narrative Here] I certify that this evaluation has been discussed with me. My signature does not necessarily indicate that I agree with the evaluation. Employees Signature Date Evaluators Signature Date Reviewers Signature (Appropriate Administrator) Date      PAGE 2 California State University Option 1 Channel Islands MPP Performance Evaluation  PAGE 1 BTcds ! 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