Please see below for the current crosswalk. You can also download the crosswalk here:
Academic Affairs Department Crosswalk (, 145KB)
Campus Department Project Crosswalk (, 217KB)
Updated 5/24/21
Division of Academic Affairs
Current Department Code | Department Name | New 6-Digit Department Code |
714 | Economics | 301714 |
715 | Business | 301715 |
717 | AVP Business | 301717 |
724 | Collaborative Online Doctoral | 302724 |
725 | Liberal Studies | 302725 |
726 | ECS Santa Barbara | 302726 |
743 | Field Placement | 302743 |
744 | AVP Education | 302744 |
745 | Education | 302745 |
747 | Math Science Initiativ | 302747 |
748 | Graduate Studies Center | 302748 |
749 | Education OneTime | 302749 |
835 | Clinical Exp & Partnerships | 302835 |
720 | Biology/Natural Sciences | 303720 |
721 | Nursing | 303721 |
722 | Health Sciences | 303722 |
730 | English | 303730 |
731 | Performing Arts | 303731 |
732 | Communication | 303732 |
733 | Sociology | 303733 |
734 | Chicano Studies | 303734 |
735 | Psychology | 303735 |
740 | History | 303740 |
750 | Math | 303750 |
760 | Art | 303760 |
766 | Anthropology | 303766 |
767 | Environmental Sci&Resource Mgt | 303767 |
768 | Global Languages & Cultures | 303768 |
769 | Political Science | 303769 |
770 | Computer Science | 303770 |
771 | Global Studies | 303771 |
772 | Mechatronics Engineering | 303772 |
781 | Chemistry | 303781 |
785 | Physics | 303785 |
799 | AVP Arts and Sciences | 303799 |
820 | Arts & Sciences | 303820 |
829 | Learning Resource Center | 340829 |
855 | Arts & Sciences Support | 303855 |
540 | Admissions and Recruitment | 320540 |
545 | Records and Registration | 320545 |
546 | Student Systems | 320546 |
550 | Financial Aid | 320550 |
551 | Work Study Financial Aid | 320551 |
570 | AVP Enrollment Management | 320570 |
746 | EAP | 320746 |
851 | Office of the Dean | 330851 |
852 | EU Finance and Administration | 330852 |
853 | Enrollment and Student Affairs | 330853 |
854 | Digital Strategy and Marketing | 330854 |
856 | OLLI | 330856 |
857 | Intersession | 331857 |
858 | Goleta Campus | 330858 |
859 | Thousand Oaks Campus | 330859 |
860 | Extended University | 330860 |
861 | Open University | 331861 |
862 | Custom Programs | 331862 |
863 | Non Credit Cert | 331863 |
864 | Degree Credit Courses | 331864 |
865 | International Programs | 330865 |
866 | MBA | 331866 |
867 | EU Catch | 331867 |
868 | MS Biotech | 331868 |
869 | MS Computer Science | 331869 |
870 | MS Math | 331870 |
871 | Noncredit Course | 331871 |
872 | BS Business SB | 331872 |
873 | Non Degree for Credit | 331873 |
874 | 874Reg Nursing BSN | 331874 |
875 | ADN BSN | 331875 |
876 | Summer Session | 331876 |
877 | BSN Cottage | 331877 |
878 | Early Start Program | 331878 |
879 | SB BA PSY | 331879 |
880 | MBA Goleta | 331880 |
881 | BS Business to MBA | 331881 |
882 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 331882 |
883 | BA Liberal Studies Online | 331883 |
884 | BS Business Online | 331884 |
885 | MS Nursing | 331885 |
892 | Teaching & Learning Innovation | 330892 |
838 | Writing and Multiliteracy Cent | 340838 |
840 | Library | 340840 |
755 | IRA Funded | 310755 |
762 | University Experience | 310762 |
782 | Educational Partnerships | 310782 |
783 | ACCESO | 310783 |
784 | Project ASCENSION | 310784 |
810 | VP Academic Affairs | 310810 |
811 | Sponsored Programs | 310811 |
812 | Instnl Rsrch,Plng & EffcvnssIRPE | 310812 |
813 | Faculty Development | 310813 |
815 | Faculty Affairs | 310815 |
816 | Faculty Recruitment | 310816 |
817 | Faculty Mini Grants | 310817 |
818 | Academic Planning & Budgeting | 310818 |
819 | Sustainability | 310819 |
821 | Academic Space Planning | 310821 |
822 | Academic Senate | 310822 |
823 | Academic Planning | 310823 |
830 | Student Research | 310830 |
831 | Graduate Studies Office | 310831 |
832 | Mortar Board | 310832 |
836 | Academic Program Review | 310836 |
837 | Service Learn One time | 310837 |
839 | CI Cooperative Research Stn. | 310839 |
842 | Undergraduate Studies | 310842 |
843 | GI 2025 | 310843 |
886 | Project OLAS | 310886 |
887 | Institutional Programs | 310887 |
888 | Project iPath | 310888 |
889 | ALAS | 310889 |
890 | SASEI | 310890 |
893 | Institutional Research | 310893 |
894 | Faculty Relocation & Startup | 310894 |
895 | Faculty Research Start Up | 310895 |
896 | VPAA Computer Refresh | 310896 |
897 | VPAA Recurring Division | 310897 |
898 | VPAA Non Recurring Division | 310898 |
899 | Provost | 310899 |
814 | Continuous Improvement | 310814 |
891 | Accreditation | 310891 |
824 | Governor's Call to Service | 310824 |
826 | Center for Integrative Studies | 310826 |
827 | Ctr for International Affairs | 310827 |
828 | Ctr for Multicultural Learning | 310828 |
833 | Ctr for Community Engagement | 310833 |
834 | Mission Based Centers | 310834 |
Division of the President
Current Department Code | Department Name | New 6-Digit Department Code |
110 | Office of the President | 110101 |
812 | Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness | 120101 |
Current Department Code | Department Name | New 6-Digit Department Code |
710 | University Advancement | 210101 |
450 | Foundation | 2A0109 |
Student Affairs
Current Department Code | Department Name | New 6-Digit Department Code |
509 | Division of Student Affairs | 510101 |
510 | VP for Student Affairs Office | 510201 |
512 | Assessment | 510301 |
513 | DSA Comm. & Marketing | 570201 |
560 | HRE - Residential Education | 530101 |
561 | HRE - Housing Operations | 530201 |
562 | HRE - Housing Administration | 530301 |
563 | HRE - Conferencing | 530401 |
580 | Dean of Students | 570101 |
522 | WA-Disability Accommodations and Support Services | 550701 |
533 | New Student Orientation and Transition | 570302 |
528 | Veterans Affairs Program | 570306 |
529 | Student Organization and Involvement | 570304 |
521 | Career Development Services | 570402 |
582 | Student Conduct | 570102 |
532 | Student Leadership Programs | 570403 |
524 | Educational Opportunity Program | 580202 |
581 | PATH (Foster Youth) | 580203 |
525 | TRIO Programs | 580204 |
527 | University Outreach | 580205 |
517 | WA - Student Health Services | 550320 |
518 | WA - Wellness Promotion & Education | 550420 |
519 | WA - Health Administration | 550201 |
523 | WA - Counseling & Psychological | 550220 |
526 | WA - Wellness & Athletics | 550620 |
531 | CR - Campus Recreation | 550104 |
535 | CR - Waterfront & Outdoor Advent | 550107 |
536 | CR - Fitness | 550103 |
537 | CR - Recreation Administration | 550101 |
590 | Athletics Administration | 550501 |
592 | CR - Sports Clubs | 550102 |
593 | WA - CI Boating Center | 550110 |
155 | ASI - Student Union | 5A1001 |
156 | ASI Clubs and Organizations | 5A7001 |
150 | ASI - Newspaper | 5A6001 |
151 | ASI - Yearbook | 5A5001 |
152 | ASI - Programming Board | 5A4001 |
153 | ASI - Student Government | 5A3001 |
154 | ASI - Administration | 5A2001 |
160 | ASI Career Development Services | 5A8001 |
161 | ASI Intercultural Services | 5A8002 |
162 | ASI Student Leadership Programs | 5A8003 |
163 | ASI University Outreach | 5A8004 |
164 | ASI Transition Programs | 5A8005 |
Information Technology Services
Current Department Code | Department Name | New 6-Digit Department Code |
610 | Maintenance | 710001 |
620 | Academic Tech | 710002 |
630 | Infrastructure | 710003 |
640 | Info Tech | 710004 |
707 | Communication & Public Relations | 720001 |
Business & Financial Affairs
Current Department Code | Department Name | New 6-Digit Department Code |
210 | VPDBFA Office | 910101 |
111 | Title IX | 940201 |
211 | BFA Reimb Activity | 910201 |
220 | Fiscal Services | 920101 |
225 | Student Business Services | 920201 |
215 | Budget & Planning | 930101 |
240 | Human Resources | 940101 |
310 | AVP | 950101 |
320 | Capital Projects | 950201 |
330 | Operations | 950301 |
340 | Facility Services | 950401 |
345 | Grounds | 950402 |
350 | Planning Design & Construction | 950501 |
361 | Utility Support | 950601 |
410 | Police | 960101 |
415 | Environmental Health & Safety | 960201 |
420 | Transportation and Parking | 960301 |
430 | Parking Forfeitures and Fines | 960302 |
250 | Admin Services | 970101 |
230 | Procurement | 970201 |
260 | Conference & Events | 970301 |
010 | General Operations | 9CSA01 |
020 | Financing & Treasury | 9CSA02 |
030 | Leasing | 9CSA03 |
040 | Sales | 9CSA04 |
065 | CAMS | 9CSA11 |
070 | Site Authority Reserves | 9CSA07 |
080 | Plant Operations | 9CSA08 |
085 | CI Power | 9CSA09 |
090 | CI 2025 | 9CSA10 |
650 | UAS - CORP | 9UAS01 |
651 | UAS - Reimb Activities | 9UAS02 |
652 | Reserves | 9UAS03 |
672 | UAS - Sea Store SUB | 9UAS04 |
673 | UAS - Pizza 3.14 | 9UAS05 |
675 | UAS - Town Center Market | 9UAS06 |
676 | SUB Food | 9UAS07 |
680 | UAS - Freudian Sip JSB | 9UAS08 |
690 | UAS - Islands Cafe | 9UAS09 |
Central Departments
Current Department Code | Department Name | New 6-Digit Department Code |
360 | Utilities | X40101 |
380 | Deferred Maintenance | X40201 |
395 | Projects | X40301 |
906 | Commencement | X20101 |
910 | Copier Center | X20201 |
915 | Card Services | X20301 |
920 | Leases | X20401 |
925 | CI Park | X20501 |
930 | Student Fees | X10101 |
935 | Insurance/Legal | X20601 |
960 | GF Annual Appropriation | X10401 |
990 | Campus Wide Special Projects | X20801 |
995 | Benefits | X20701 |
996 | Compensation Pool | X30101 |
997 | Reserves | X30201 |
998 | Contingency | X30301 |
999 | Supplemental Allocations | X30401 |