Internships 101

Our new Employer & Community Partner’s Internship Guidebook is a comprehensive internship resource guide aimed to outline the differences between academic credit and paid internships including the role of career development services, interns (students), and you - the employer.

Please note: For-Profit organizations are highly discouraged from offering unpaid internships. For-Profit organizations seeking unpaid interns run the risk of non-compliance with

This toolkit is provided to give an overview of the academic credit internship partnership process, and tips for establishing and running a great internship program. Questions? Please contact our team at internships@csuci.edu or 805-437-3270

Academic Credit Internships

  • Please review the Academic Credit Internship Checklist to determine if your organization is eligible to offer an academic credit internship to CI students.
  • If you meet all of the criteria, please submit evidence of the requested insurance coverage (e.g., Certificate of Liability, Additional Insured Endorsement, and Workers Compensation Subrogation Waiver), as well as the completed Academic Credit Internship Checklist. Submit all documents via the . Please allow 14 business days for your application to be reviewed.
  • Once your documents have been reviewed and approved by the Procurement ∓ Contract Services department, your academic credit internship posting can be approved on Dolphin CareerLink (see Step-By-Step Instructions). Completion of this process does not guarantee placement of an intern. If a CI student applies to the position and is selected by your organization, the student will need to initiate a Self-Selected Internship for Academic Credit Agreement.

Questions regarding the required insurance coverage may be directed to our Procurement & Contract Services department, at purchasing@csuci.edu or 805-437-8592.

Questions regarding the Academic Credit Internship Checklist can be directed to our team at internships@csuci.edu or 805-437-3270.

Internship Resources

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