All programs, as well as General Education, are subject to program review within the guidelines of campus policy.  Non-degree granting programs in the Division of Academic Affairs may be subject to periodic program review at the request of the Provost. Accredited programs will satisfy the requirement for program review via the accreditation or re-accreditation process. 

The academic program review cycle provides a mechanism for faculty and administration to evaluate the effectiveness of their academic programs on a continuous basis. The intent is for the University to evaluate a program’s strengths and weaknesses within the contexts of emerging directions in the discipline and the mission of CSU Channel Islands. This process is guided by campus policy and CSU requirements, and is supervised by the Associate Vice President for Academic Programs and Continuous Improvement (AVP APCI).

Summary of 2-year timeline

A program review may take as long as two years, but never longer. Per Chancellor's Office instructions, the campus Academic Master Plan (AMP)(, 232KB) informs the next date for each program review, showing the year of the final report, which takes place every 6 years. The process and timeline for program review follows campus policy and CSU requirements. CI's general process and timeline is as follows:

CI Program Review Process, Year 1

  • The AVP APCI and the Program Review Coordinator review procedures with programs slated to begin the review process;
  • Program forms a self-study committee and collects and assembles data for self-study;
  • Program faculty draft and finalize self-study report;
  • Program submits self-study to the Dean, the AVP APCI and the Provost; and
  • Program submits names of potential external reviewers the Dean and the AVP APCI, per policy.

CI Program Review Process, Year 2

  • External reviewer(s) visit campus and submit written report shortly after visit;
  • The Provost, the Dean and the AVP APCI review the program’s self-study and external review report to provide input and recommendations;
  • Program faculty, Provost, Dean and the AVP APCI meet to identify priorities for the action plan (MOU) and action items with time milestones for program improvement; and
  • Program submits their final action plan (MOU) for program improvement to the Provost and the Dean.
  • The Academic Programs Office keeps a record of all self-studies and MOUs at the end of program review.
Contact Academic Program Review staff

For general information regarding program review,  email Elizabeth Showers (Academic Programs Coordinator) or  email Kristen Linton (Faculty Director of Assessment).

Contacts for all Academic Programs staff  are accessible through the side banner specific link.

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