The Academic Planning department facilitates the development and approval of new degrees, programs, and credentials, and coordinates academic planning with those offices engaged in enrollment management, assessment, and physical space planning. We are responsible for publishing the University Catalog, and for updating the campus Academic Program Master Plan. We assist academic program areas with relations with California Community Colleges and other universities on issues of articulation, course transfer, and facilitating degree completion. We interact with several committees of the Academic Senate, including the four Local Curriculum Committees and the General Education Committee on the review of new and modified courses, and modifications of degree requirements.

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Contact Us

Articulation and CurriculumÌý

Blake Büller, M.S.
Interim Associate Director, Articulation and Curriculum office
Bell Tower West, Room 2225
kristendobsonKristen Dobson, M.S.
Assistant Articulation Officer and
Curriculum Analyst
Bell Tower West, Room 2215
Chiara Lamb, M.S.
Articulation and Curriculum Systems Analyst
Bell Tower West, Room 2235
Curriculum and Catalog Systems
Andrea Skinner, M.B.A., J.D.
Academic Programs and Planning Analyst and APDB Lead
Bell Tower West, Room 2245
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