BA: Political Science 2023-2024
Centered on the principles of constitutional democracy, inclusion, participation, and global citizenship, the Department of Political Science cultivates students and teacher-scholar faculty in integrative, research-based understandings of political systems and public sectors. We focus on long-term student success as demonstrated by life-long civic engagement and achievement in a broad spectrum of careers in express service of the mission pillars of 91ÊÓƵ.
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Review the
Two Year Academic Roadmap
Fall Junior
Subject Course Number Course Title Units Requirements Met GE/GRAD Area Notes POLS 300 Political Science Research Methods 3 Major Take POLS 300 before taking POLS 310 and POLS 499 POLS or GLST 320 or 300 POLS 320: Public Administration: Writing as Public Service, or
GLST 300: Writing in Global Studies: Communicating Global Challenges & Change3 Major & GWAR Major Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Major 15 units of Political Science Major Electives are required.
See catalog for course titles & descriptionsHIST Student's Choice US History 3 Graduation AIR: US History Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275. CHS350. If US HIST has been met change to Free Elective. Free Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Graduation Unit Requirement Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Total Units
Semester One Considerations:
- This two-year roadmap assumes that all GE's and Lower Division Major Requirements have been completed.
- Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center
- Attend Major Fair (First Week of October)
- Review faculty biographies and publications. Connect with at least one faculty member working in area of interest to the student.
- Attend at least one research presentation or panel on campus (or off).
- Make appointment to meet with chair or faculty advisor to discuss research interests
- Create or update LinkedIn Profile. Be certain to connect with faculty and other professionals working in areas of interest.
Spring Junior
Subject Course Number Course Title Units Requirements Met GE/GRAD Area Notes POLS 301 or 307 or 308 POLS 301: Political Theory, or
POLS 307: Contemporary Political Theory, or
POLS 308: Modern Political Theory3 Major POLS 310 Statistical Applications in Political Science 4 Major Prerequisite(s): MATH 200 or MATH 201 or MATH 202/PSY 202 or equivalent.
Take POLS 300 before POLS 310Major Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Major 15 units of Political Science Major Electives are required See catalog for course titles & descriptions UDGE Student's Choice UDGE C: Arts and Humanities 3 GE UDGE C See catalog for course titles & descriptions Free Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Graduation Unit Requirement Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Total Units
Semester Two Considerations:
- This two-year roadmap assumes that all GE's and Lower Division Major Requirements have been completed.
- Meet w/Graduate Studies Center
- Join a disciplinary association such as: the American Political Science Association; the Western Political Science Association; the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management; or other organization recommended by a faculty member working in an area of interest.
- Meet with the Career Development Services and the Graduate Studies personnel to discuss long term plans
- Register and create a profile with CalCareers ( and USAJOBS (
- Investigate and consider participating in campus undergraduate research programs such as Summer SURF.
- Consider enrolling in elective research credits (POLS 494) during senior year. Contact faculty about parameters for participation
- Explore possible graduate degrees and select target programs (MPA, law school, etc.)
Fall Senior
Subject Course Number Course Title Units Requirements Met GE/GRAD Area Notes POLS 306 The Politics of Race & Ethnicity 3 Major & Graduation Multicultural Perspectives Can fulfill UDGE-D, only if the lower division GE:D requirement is fulfilled by two different disciplines.
Cannot fulfill GE:D & UDGE-D with all POLS classes Meets Multicultural PerspectivesMajor Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Major 15 units of Political Science Major Electives are required See catalog for course titles & descriptions Major Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Major 15 units of Political Science Major Electives are required See catalog for course titles & descriptions UDGE Student's Choice UDGE B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3 GE UDGE B See catalog for course titles & descriptions UDGE Student's Choice UDGE D - Social Sciences 3 GE UDGE D Take a UDGE-D course if POLS 306 does not qualify for UDGE-D.
This will depend on whether your GE:D was met via two different disciplinesUNIT TOTAL:
Semester Three Considerations:
- Attend grad fest
- Meet with Academic Advisor for Grad Check
- Meet with Graduate Studies Center or Career Development Services
- Update CV and resume. Meet with Career Counselor for feedback.
- Make preparations for and complete any standardized examinations relevant to long term plans (e.g. GRE or LSAT)
- Meet with faculty mentor to discuss plans and letters of recommendations
- Apply for graduate school (if applicable)
- Update LinkedIn Profile. Be certain to connect with faculty and other professionals working in areas of interest.
Spring Senior
Subject Course Number Course Title Units Requirements Met GE/GRAD Area Notes POLS 499 Capstone 3 Major Take POLS 300 and 310 before POLS 499 Major Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Major 15 units of Political Science Major Electives are required See catalog for course titles & descriptions Language Student's Choice Will vary 3 Graduation Language Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen. Also, double-counts with GE:C2. Free Elective Student's Choice Will vary 3 Graduation Unit Requirement Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Free Elective Student's Choice Will vary 2 Graduation Unit Requirement Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. UNIT TOTAL:
Semester Four Considerations:
- Attend Grad Fest (if completing in the fall)
- Complete graduation check with Advising and Faculty advisor
- Complete Capstone
- Complete an Internship
- Finalize graduate school applications or begin applying for positions
- Apply to present at SAGE or other student research conference
- Update information on CalCareers ( and USAJOBS (